Live Life Unapologetically

106 How To Use Creative Manifestation Energy to Explode Your Business

Shannon Kline Episode 106

It's time to tap into the power of creative manifestation energy and how it can transform your business. If you’ve been stuck in hustle mode, feeling like success requires grinding, overworking, and chasing opportunities, this episode is here to flip that script.

Inside this episode, we’re exploring:

  • What manifestation energy actually is and how to use it for business success
  • Why overworking blocks abundance (and what to do instead)
  • How creativity is the most underrated tool for scaling your business
  • The difference between creating from flow vs. forcing success through effort
  • How to shift from chasing clients to attracting them effortlessly
  • Simple ways to activate creative manifestation energy in your daily routine

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Magic Marketing Machine* - Social Media Marketing Program

Learn More About MMM HERE or Join the program HERE

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The Manifest SHE magazine is your monthly guide to mastering manifestation energy, with challenges, exercises, and insights to help you stay aligned with abundance. Grab your FREE copy now—link in the show notes!

*Affiliate Disclaimer: This episode contains an affiliate link to Magic Marketing Machine. If you choose to purchase through this link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend resources that I trust and believe will help you grow your business with ease!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I am Shannon Kay and today I want to speak directly to women business owners. But, as always, you can take this and apply it to your life even if you don't own a business, because most of us, I know, are working right. So you can apply this to career and money in any way, and it's really important that you hear this. But this is especially important for those who have started a business to create freedom in their life but somehow still feel trapped in a never ending to-do list. If you're treating manifesting money like just another task on your list, like something you have to grind through and work really hard to get before you can receive it, I want you to hear me loud and clear Manifesting is not a hustle. Manifesting is not work. And yet so many of us bring this hustle energy into manifestation without realizing it. We try to force it, we turn manifesting into some sort of checklist. We approach money like it's something we have to earn through constant effort instead of something that flows naturally when we align to it. That money and the main source of money in our life comes from our hard work. So today we're breaking down this toxic mindset and we're bringing creativity back into money manifestation sick mindset. And we're bringing creativity back into money manifestation because manifesting money should feel like creation, not obligation.

Speaker 1:

You see, the hustle mindset sneaks into manifesting because most of us have been conditioned to believe that money only comes from hard work. Society teaches us that success equals grinding, having two, three, four side hustles to make it work. Business culture glorifies being booked and busy. We celebrate overworking like it's some kind of badge of honor. And then what happens? We start our businesses to escape this cycle. Right, we're like I don't want to always be grinding, I don't want to always be booked, I want to enjoy life, I don't want to overwork, I just want to have, you know, a very leisurely life. But we bring this energy of grind and busy and overwork into the businesses we create to escape those same things.

Speaker 1:

And it's because we've been programmed that way From the time we were very little. We've been programmed that way, especially women like me who are like 40 and above, like we were really in that growing up, that you have to work harder, you have to work all the time, you have to go above and beyond. Like we grew up in the above and beyond programming. Now I know a lot of younger people are kind of coming out of that and I love to see the shift. But for many of us we're stuck in that programming because, remember, we manifest from our mind and our mind just holds on to beliefs that have been taught to us a lot of times since childhood.

Speaker 1:

So for my maybe mid-30s and up women, especially, like I said, 40s and up, we were in that mindset of working really hard and going above and beyond. What we've learned with going above and beyond is going above and beyond doesn't pay off. There's no reward. The only quote-unquote reward you get is more work for the same pay, right. So we've learned that. But we still bring that in, we still bring that energy. Why? Because that's just a program in our mind. So even when we go, start our own businesses to forge our own way to create new systems that work for women and the lives that we want, we bring this mentality in with us.

Speaker 1:

We tell ourselves I just need to push a little bit harder and then money will flow. I see this all the time when I'm working with my clients. Many I would say the majority of my clients are business owners or women who are trying to start a business and step out and flow in something that they love. And I hear you know, once I do X, y and Z, then I can receive abundance and then I'll have more time and then I'll finally have that life of leisure. But first I just have to push hard. You know, if I just sacrifice and I push really hard in the beginning, it's going to pay off in the end. If I'm not constantly busy, you know I must not be doing enough to manifest my business. I must not care enough. I'm leaving stuff on the table. Does any of this sound familiar to you? I know a lot of women who go in and they go in with this energy and then they're so burnt out that they're just like this isn't worth it. The money's not coming, it's not flowing. I'm working myself to the bone, I give up and I'm just going to go back. I'm just going to go back to the safety of a paycheck, even though it doesn't serve me, or the life that I want.

Speaker 1:

That's not manifestation. That's hustle disguised as manifestation, and all it really does is reinforce a limiting belief that the only way to receive money is through exhaustive effort. Manifesting money should feel like creation, not tasks. See, we haven't been taught that we are creating and then money comes. We're taught we are working, you have to work hard, and it comes with this connotation of not do what you love. Because how many of us grew up being told do something that's guaranteed to make money, like I know? You really like the arts, but the arts don't pay. You can't have a life in the arts. Go to another job, an office job, where you're going to have a retirement and maybe you'll get promoted, you'll have a salary, and so we equate work with jobs that we don't really want to do. That don't bring us joy because we've been told the things that we love, oh, those things don't pay. That just goes right back into another program, to where now we feel like working is about task lists. It's not about creation.

Speaker 1:

But I want to ask you have you ever been so lost in creating something that time just disappeared? Maybe you were painting or drawing, writing something you were passionate about, playing an instrument, brainstorming a new idea that really lit you up? That feeling, that's creation, energy, it's flow, it's alignment. Now think about doing your laundry or filing your taxes. That feels different, right? Maybe doing the dishes or having to think of what to make for dinner, unless you love to cook, because some people get lost in the creation of cooking. That's not me, I don't like to cook. I get lost in the creation of baking, but not cooking. But one feels like play and the other feels like an obligation. Do you see the difference between creative energy and to-do list energy? One feels like play, the other feels like obligation. Manifesting money should feel like creativity, not like laundry. When you're in creation energy, you're expanding, you're open, you flow with the universe, and that's when money moves effortlessly. When you're in obligation mode, you're trying to control, to force, to earn your abundance through sheer effort, which only creates resistance. You have to let it flow. Now I know you're like Shannon.

Speaker 1:

There are things that are on a to-do list that go with business. Like we can't just sit here and be creative all day. Like don't we have to do actual business tasks? Now, before you think I'm saying that you never have to work again, I really want to be clear. Yeah, there are tasks that need to be done in your business, but the key is not making those tasks the majority of your energy. Like I do have to do my laundry so I have clothes to wear. Right, I have to wash my dishes so stuff doesn't get moldy and nasty, but that shouldn't consume my energy. It's the same thing in business. Don't let things consume your energy Things like posting on social media, maybe responding to emails.

Speaker 1:

You know, setting up background systems. There's background systems in business, depending on the type of business you have. There's background things Like I'm working with a client right now who creates baked goods, like sweet treats, and that's the creative flow, and there are some background tasks that need to be done for her to start, like, really start her business. When I say she's literally within week two of starting her business, so I'm working with her on, okay, what needs to happen in the background? We're setting up systems. If you don't know this about me, I am an extraordinaire when it comes to organization and systems and that allows me to stay in my creativity. It's just a gift of mine. So I'm helping her to set up those systems and that's what I help a lot of my clients do.

Speaker 1:

Okay, how do we set up systems for tasks so it doesn't take so much time that you're pulled out of your creativity, because we do have to do those tasks, but we have to make sure they're number one aligned actions, and number two that they're not where our power lies, and so we can use things like organization, like part of my creativity is organization, like I get lost in organization, and so that's one thing I help my clients with is organizing so they can get lost in their creativity, where that lies for them. Your power and your energy and your creativeness is your alignment. That's where we put our power. We put it in our creativeness to be in alignment, in the flow of not only feeling good about the things that we're doing, but also to let that money flow to us so we're not bogged down in a resistant state of doing things that make it feel like an obligation.

Speaker 1:

I teach my clients to focus on mindset first above all things. Like this client that I'm working with. She'll call me with a win, but then I'll catch her saying a limiting belief and we correct it on the spot. Like that's how we roll, because mindset first. This doesn't work without the correct mindset of alignment and we work on limiting beliefs. We do the manifestation work. That's first and foremost. Then there's creativity staying in that flow of creativity, and it's easier to do that when you're in alignment and when we work on that mindset, it's easy to make sure that creativity is what's driving the business, and then we have superior organization.

Speaker 1:

I help to set up that superior organization based on what makes sense for my client, because when you have a systematic approach to handling business tasks, you free up the time to do what truly matters, which is being in the flow of creation. So, if you think about it, if you're spending 80% of your time stressing out about algorithms on social media, trying to perfect your content and overthinking every post, then you're not in a creative state, you're not open to receiving, you're literally blocking the flow of abundance because you're stuck micromanaging every detail of Instagram and TikTok and YouTube and all of them because there's so many that you're stuck there, and that's why I think systems are important. I also think you go to the expert of systems for different things. So for me, I work with Jenna in Magic Marketing Machine so that I don't have to stress out about algorithms. I use her program and I use her organization, but I not only used her system for Instagram, but I used her system for TikTok. So I use it in multiple ways because you can take one organizational system and apply it to different parts. But now I don't have to think about that stuff Like now that's not where I'm spending all my time.

Speaker 1:

I'll put a link down in the show description for Magic Marketing Machine if you're interested in checking that out, because if social media, which is a big part of running businesses these days, like we're not going to say it's not because it is, but if you're spending 80% of your time stressing out about the algorithm, you're not creating. So I'm going to put that down in the show description so you can check it out, because superior systems will keep you in creation instead of obligation. The key to doing this is action and then releasing the need for outcome. So when you have your mindset in alignment, when you're flowing in creativity, you can do the obligation action and then you can release the need to control the outcome. And this is where the co-creation with the universe comes into play.

Speaker 1:

Like, your post doesn't have to be perfect and you know you don't have to obsess over the reach of it. That's why I love Magic Marketing Machine, because I don't have to obsess. Like I know I have a good plan, I have good strategy and I have good organization. If you are writing a blog post now. For me, writing blog posts are part of my creative nature, but for some people, that's not it for them. Well, don't stress out if it's perfect. I actually have a superior system for blogging. I have a superior system for podcasting. Like these are the things that I help my clients with, like what do you need, what specifically goes for your business? And we create superior systems because, for me, the writing part of the blog is the creativity, the getting it ready and SEO optimizing it and making sure it's posted properly for Yoast SEO and using the different tools. That is the superior system of organization that I use so that I can spend more time on the creation part and I can get through very quickly the back-end part.

Speaker 1:

To rank on Google. Even when we're creating things can still have obligation to them, like my blog, I can't just write how I want to write it and put it like I do. Write how I want to write it and put things in it. To write it and put it like I do, write how I want to write it and put things in it. But the obligation part, the aligned action, is how can Google register this blog? And showing up in your business is important but you have to let the universe handle how the money flows to you. You do the work, you do the aligned action, you're creative and then let the universe handle it for you. It just takes one random person who has a big reach to pick up the social media post and that's it. But you don't know. I mean don't bank on it. What I'm saying is don't bank on any one thing Like the universe can show up in multiple ways. There's so many ways like we can't even fathom all the ways the universe can show up in our businesses. We need to be very mindful to show up in our business, flow in creativity, take care of the obligation things through a superior system of organization so they don't pull all our energy and then let the universe handle how the money flows and comes to us and trust that we are in alignment with our desires.

Speaker 1:

Business you build to free you, because you didn't start a business to just make money. That's a part of it. But if you really think about it, like I know for me, I was making, my money was fine before I left my 9 to 5. And it wasn't a 9 to 5. It was a 70-hour-a-week job. Let's just be clear on that. It was supposed to be 9 to 5. I mean, I got paid like 9 to 5, but I worked way more than nine to five Like I didn't need to leave. It wasn't like I was desperate for money at that point and I needed to leave. As a matter of fact, that job took me out of poverty. So that's not the only reason we start businesses. Obviously, I was capped at that job and I wanted to make more, but that wasn't the only reason. I want you to think about what are the other reasons outside of money? Okay, you didn't want to be capped on how much money you can make. That's a reason, but it's not the only reason.

Speaker 1:

You probably also started your business because you wanted freedom to work when and how you wanted to work. Maybe you only wanted to work in the evening because that's when you're most creative, like for me and people think it's crazy I'm more creative at 6 am. I wake up early and I do all of my before I do anything else with my day. I'm in creation mode at like 6 am in the morning. By noon that wanes and I'm like eh, whatever, I work till noon every day, not every day, like Monday through Thursday, because I don't want to work on Friday, saturday or Sunday. That's how I built it, because I understand that was what I wanted to build. That was my desire, and so I got into that energy and that flow.

Speaker 1:

So we leave because we want to work when and how we want to work. We start our own businesses because we want to create an impact, something meaningful. So maybe you're stuck in a system of the corporate culture and you're like this isn't it? And I'm going to start a badass business that hires a whole bunch of women and we're going to have work-life balance and get paid our worth, because you shouldn't have to take the most and pay the least for workers. I'm going to have such a successful business. That's not going to be my business model Impact. I'm working with somebody else on that right now, on that model right now.

Speaker 1:

I mean, how beautiful is that? Like? That's the reason. The reason is to build what work should be, how it should feel that you can make a living wage without sacrificing your entire life to a job. That's the driving force. Money, that's great and it's a part of it, but the driving force has some sort of meaning and maybe you just really started a business to escape that nine to five, paycheck to paycheck struggle. But there's all of these reasons why we start our own businesses. There's so many reasons. So we can make money, but also so we can work when we want create something meaningful. Escape this nine to five. But somehow we bring the nine to five survival mode into entrepreneurship. We tell ourselves that the only way to grow our business is to work harder, that if we're not constantly productive, you're falling behind, that money is only going to come when you check off every single box and that's a limitation. That is a belief that's going to keep you stuck in struggle mode. Those are the beliefs you're bringing with you from where you've come from, even when you're technically your own boss, even when you're like that's not what I want. We bring it with us because that's just how we've been programmed. So we have to shift out of hustle and into manifestation if we truly want to have the business we want, the life we want and the impact we want. How do we shift out of this hustle-based manifesting and into more creativity?

Speaker 1:

Like yesterday, I went with my daughter. We went to the design center for the place where. How do I describe this Because this is like the newest thing I've ever seen and, honestly, guys, business genius Like I saw this and I thought this is the greatest business idea. So my daughter after many, many trips to many, many places, we found her perfect venue. This venue is part of a big wedding business in our local area. They have multiple venues because I live in the DFW Metroplex so they have multiple venues throughout. We looked at two that were literally 10 minutes down the street from each other, but they're all over the Metroplex. So we picked her venue and then they have wedding packages, obviously with their preferred vendors. But their preferred vendors literally have packages specifically for this company and we went to their design center yesterday to finish up her vendor packages.

Speaker 1:

The design center is a little mini town that looks like it's straight out of a Hallmark movie. They call it the design center. I called it the wedding village because that's what it looked like to me, but it has the bridal shop, the tux shop, the jewelry shop, the stationery shop like the paper shop, the bakery where you can taste like all the goodies that you can have at your wedding. All the vendors literally have shops in this little village or design center. And we got to do a sneak peek yesterday because it's not officially open until March and pick out all the things. It was really cool. I shared it on my stories on Instagram, like it's so freaking cute.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing, shannon. Why the hell are you talking about this? Yes, it's a genius business idea because they're leasing their village to actual shops, like the bridal shop. People are paying to lease this from them. It's cute. Plus, all their brides go there. It makes it easy. Who wouldn't want to be a bride with this company? It's like the easiest thing ever and it's not super expensive. Like it's not cheap but it's not expensive. So that's just icing on the cake.

Speaker 1:

But I'm telling you this because it was Monday morning and I could just randomly do it because I had that time freedom. I plan my day and so when I start to feel like, oh no, should I just be working? I could have said no, I really need to work in my business, I really need to hunker down, but I didn't. Because that's you do this. I need you to notice where hustle energy is creeping in. So be very aware. Self-awareness is key in manifestation. Are you treating manifestation like a checklist? Do you feel like you have to exhaust yourself to make it happen. Do you believe that money only comes when you do enough, like, oh, maybe it hasn't blowed yet because I'm not doing enough, let me add more tasks? Those kinds of thoughts, what kind of thoughts, come in that are cluing you in to the fact that you're falling into hustle energy instead of creative energy, that you're going more towards obligation rather than creation.

Speaker 1:

And then you're going to reframe your relationship with work, how we were taught to work, ain't it okay? How we were taught to work. Once again, you get capped right Once you get to a certain point, no matter how much work you do, you're capped. Well, we don't want that kind of work. We have to shift from I have to do all this to get money to I get to create and money flows to me naturally through my joy.

Speaker 1:

We talk about vibration and vibes and manifestation. Really, that's joy, it's feeling good, it's feeling at peace, it is feeling creative wherever that lands for you. Now, okay, I'm going to put my little disclaimer you don't have to be happy, go lucky all the time to manifest. That's a whole other podcast and we've talked about it before. But that joy, we feel good when we're creating, we feel at ease. There isn't resistance. Creation releases resistance. Then you structure your business so that you can prioritize creativity, so you use systems that can handle the necessary tasks efficiently. You automate, you simplify where you can. Yeah, you work smarter, not harder, on the obligation things, and then you're open to receiving from all directions. So stop limiting where money can come from. You have to allow the unexpected. You have to say yes to opportunities that feel aligned, because money doesn't have to come from constant effort.

Speaker 1:

I just finished up an intensive with a client and we went through and she was getting clarity and clarity and she wanted 10K months. She was talking about clients and I'm like but can it only come from clients? Does the 10K only come from clients or do you want other opportunities on top of the 10K? Like you want the 10K from clients plus more or 10K, and you don't care where it comes from. And she was like well, I really don't care where it comes from. Now that I think about it, just 10K, 10k months I'm like okay, and so we worked in that. What does that mean? And that means being open to all possibilities, not just oh, I can only get 10K from clients, but I'm gonna have 10K a month and I love my client work, but I'm open to many opportunities having that openness for it to flow because we get so stuck on one way. The 10K from clients is really equal to I go to work and get this one paycheck. You see how we bring in these ideas and these limitations Today. We're gonna let that go.

Speaker 1:

So if you take one thing from this episode, I want it to be this you don't have to work yourself to the bone to manifest money. Manifestation isn't another to-do list of earning things. Let me check all this stuff off. It's not something you get right before you're allowed to receive. When you shift into creation energy, you let the joy, the flow and the alignment lead you. You stop chasing money. Money starts chasing you. You leave yourself open to endless possibilities that it can come from anywhere and you get to allow yourself to create instead of work.

Speaker 1:

If you're ready to shift out of survival mode, hustle mode, and into true abundance in your business, I want you to join me in the Manifest she universe, because we clear up limiting beliefs and we open ourselves up to wealth. The best way you can do that today is to get the free Manifest she magazine. You get a new issue every single month. There's manifestation articles, there's business articles, there's monthly challenges, journal props, all the things to really work your manifestation. I like to call it your personal trainer for manifestation. Really it's like having a personal trainer at the gym that just keeps you going and you keep getting results. That's the Manifest she magazine. It's completely free and that's a great place to start. So until next time, go manifest something creatively and I will chat with you next week.