Live Life Unapologetically

105 Two Major Money Limiting Beliefs that Stop You From Manifesting Fully

Shannon Kline Episode 105

In this week’s episode, Shannon exposes two of the biggest money limiting beliefs keeping women stuck. If you’ve ever felt like the universe is testing you or that you have to prove yourself worthy before leveling up, this episode is here to shift your mindset.

Inside this episode, we’re unpacking:

  • How money limiting beliefs keep you stuck in financial struggle
  • The truth about how wealth is manifested—without suffering
  • Why the idea that “the universe is testing you” is toxic nonsense
  • How society programs women to believe they must earn wealth through hardship
  • The difference between growth discomfort vs. stagnation disguised as suffering
  • How to reprogram your subconscious for financial abundance

Be Empowered:

  • Money limiting beliefs are not truth—they are conditioning.
  • Struggle is not a manifestation strategy—alignment is.
  • The universe is not outside of you, holding wealth hostage—it’s within you.
  • You don’t have to prove yourself to receive financial abundance.
  • You can manifest money, success, and freedom simply because you desire it—no suffering required.

✨ Ready to shift into effortless manifesting?
It’s time to break free from money blocks and align with abundance! Subscribe to the Manifest SHE magazine, it’s your personal trainer for manifestation, packed with money mindset shifts, wealth-building strategies, and manifestation exercises to keep you aligned with financial success. Best part? It’s completely free. Grab your copy now.

✨ Mentioned in This Episode

28 Courage Over Fear

100 Why Trying to Manifest a Miracle Limits Mind-Blowing Abundance

It’s time to let go of financial struggle and align with wealth. Tune in now!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I'm Shannon Kaye, and today we're getting into something that many of us have been conditioned to believe, and that's the idea that suffering is a prerequisite to leveling up. That hardship must come first, that the universe is testing you, throwing obstacles your way to see if you can handle more before it hands you what you want. Now let's call it what it is and we're going to go into it Toxic nonsense, that's right. This is toxic nonsense that we see everywhere, even in the manifestation universe. So I want you to grab your favorite drink, cozy up and we're going to go into why you don't have to suffer before you manifest what you want. We hear it all the time you have to go through the fire before you can get the gold. The universe is testing you to see if you're ready. You have to prove you can handle more before you can receive more.

Speaker 1:

This mindset is keeping so many women stuck. This mindset is keeping so many women stuck. It takes us out of our power and makes it seem like the universe is some gatekeeper holding abundance hostage until we've struggled enough to earn it. But the universe is not outside of you. You are it and it is you. There is no grand exam you have to pass before you're allowed to have the wealth, the love, the success or the joy. That whole idea is man-made. It is a societal construct that we have been spoon-fed in multiple areas of our life since childhood. So where did it come from? How have we been trained to think that we have to prove our worthiness before we can receive the more? Look at how this shows up in everyday life. In work, you're told show us you can do the manager's job before we actually give you the title and the paycheck. We need you to show that you can actually do the function before we let you step into the function In relationships. You to show that you can actually do the function before we let you step into the function In relationships. You may have been told that you have to go through a bunch of toxic exes and heartbreaks before you're going to find the one so that you can learn In education. You suffer through the system, you go into debt and then maybe you get a job that pays enough to survive.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about religion and culture. God, or the universe, is testing you to make sure you're worthy before blessing you, because this belief is so deeply ingrained in almost every area of our life, we apply it to manifesting too. We think I have to prove I can manage what I have before I can receive more wealth. I must struggle first and then my breakthrough will come. As a matter of fact, some people glorify the struggle and the breakthrough. Do you see what I went through? And now look what I have? It's become glorified.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you feel like your hardships are the universe's way of preparing you for abundance, because, oh my gosh, to have that abundance you need to know that you got to suffer. Like make that make sense. My hardships are preparing me. So suffrage prepares you for good. Suffrage prepares you for peace, the joy, the happiness that you want in your life. It's this idea that I must always hurt first for it to be true. Abundance, sustainable abundance, like the good abundance only stays. It's not a fluke, because I suffered through and I made it through. But this is not how it works. That is not how any of it works. Struggle is not a manifestation strategy. If you believe suffering is a necessary step to get what you want, guess what? You will keep manifesting struggle. The universe isn't throwing obstacles at you to see if you can handle it, but your subconscious is creating a reality that aligns with your beliefs. So if you believe hardship must come first, your mind and energy will literally seek out and create situations that reinforce that belief.

Speaker 1:

I see so many people who say I know I went through all this horrible things so that I could come out and help other people. It's my breakthrough and my breakthrough is going to help others. As if the only way, or the most impactful way, that you can help others is to go through horrible struggles, come out on the other side and then you're going to make this big impact in the world, the greatest impact. The most important people, the most inspiring people had to go through hell to get where they are so that they could show you that it's possible. But this leads to another belief that I have to go through the worst to get the most, and that's simply not true. I've done this myself.

Speaker 1:

I used to tell myself that my big wins had to come after a breakdown, that I had to struggle through the trenches first to make me deserving of it. To struggle through the trenches first to make me deserving of it. That because I went through such horrible things, that's why I was blessed on the other side and, sure enough, I kept manifesting breakdowns. I kept repeating the cycle because I thought that's how it had to be. Then I decided, probably about a year ago, that I was sick of that crap. Why do I have to suffer for the more? And I started to dig into that and I started to realize what I'm sharing with you today that it is a trap. The whole best things come from suffering mindset is a trap. It keeps you stuck in a loop where you think you have to earn abundance through struggle instead of simply aligning with it. So many coaches have told me share your story, all the things that you've been through. You need to tell people your suffrage from where you were to where you are now and I've played with the idea of it because I want people to know that you don't have to stay stuck. But this idea of sharing all the horrible shit that happened in my life and now, because I suffered that good things came from that. But the truth is good things didn't come from the suffering. Good things came from me changing my mindset and how I moved through the world.

Speaker 1:

When people ask me to share my story and I think that is so toxic of this. Oh, I've been through so much shit. It's really, to me, toxic because it identifies that the horrible things that other people did to me is the only reason I have what I have, and I refuse to believe that their hurt to me is the reason I have more, that without them doing bad things I wouldn't be where I am today. I just don't believe that. I am who I am. Whatever they did to me is their problem. It was never my problem. So why go into the details and the nitty gritty? Because the hurt they put on me is not my story. I am my story. My life today is my story. I am my story. My life today is my story. Now I've made choices that I had to go through and decide. Is that a choice I want to make again? And there's consequences to my choices? That is my story, because that's my story. I wrote those things, not what somebody else wrote for me.

Speaker 1:

It is a trap to think that you must suffer or go through it to earn some kind of magical abundance at the end. This also takes me into another idea that spurs from this, and it's lessons versus limitations, because this really sneaks in also as an idea that everything in life is a lesson and you have to learn before you can receive what you desire, that the universe is trying to teach you something I just said. I made choices in my life. You've made choices in your life. Our choices aren't lessons. They just have different consequences. You might make a different choice later because you don't like the consequence of the first choice, but it's not because an outside force came in, put an obstacle in your way and said, huh, can you overcome this? It's not, it's just okay, this was a result. Next time I'll do it different. Or next time I'll actually do it the same way.

Speaker 1:

And some people might say, well, shannon, isn't that a lesson? It's just choices, like I'm talking lesson and the fact that, okay, let me give you some examples of what I really mean here. I have to learn to manage my pennies before I can build trust with millions. I have to be super responsible with money before I can have more. I have to learn every single lesson before I can level up. That's what I mean by lesson that you actually have to be perfect wherever you are.

Speaker 1:

And this really goes into where does perfectionism come from? Why do we have a perfectionism issue, especially for women, because it's been ingrained into you that you must be perfect at some point before you can go to the next point. But I really want to flip that for a second, because we don't apply this thinking anywhere else. No one says you have to prove how to properly squeeze the toothpaste tube before you can be trusted with brushing your teeth. You know you can't squeeze it from the top, you have to squeeze it from the bottom. And well, if you can't squeeze from the bottom and roll it a certain way, you're just not ready to brush your teeth. Nobody else should be perfect anywhere else.

Speaker 1:

But I'm going to tell you, when it comes to money and abundance and happiness and joy, people think oh well, I have to be perfect where I am. I have to be perfect in my misery. I have to be perfect where I am. I have to be perfect in my misery. I have to be perfect in my struggle. I have to be perfect in just surviving to get by, to show that I'm trustworthy enough to have more. But we don't do that with anything else. No one says you have to demonstrate good stewardship of your dishes before you're allowed to have a kitchen. This doesn't happen that way. So why do we do this with abundance, with money, with our businesses? Because it's a belief that was designed to keep people broke while allowing those who misuse wealth to keep getting richer. I'm going to say that again it is a belief that was designed to keep people broke while allowing those who misuse wealth to keep getting richer.

Speaker 1:

I want you to really think about some examples in the world of people who did not have to manage pennies before they were given millions. Think about people who never had to be responsible with money, but they were still allowed to have money. Most successful entrepreneurs made serious mistakes along the way, but they still leveled up. I hear so many stories from women about their businesses exploding so fast that they could not keep up and they were drowning because it was just so much more than they anticipated. Does that mean that they didn't learn the lesson of how to manage their business before leveling up? There wasn't one. There didn't have to be one. It just leveled up because they just believed oh well, I'm leveling up in my imperfect brand new business. Whatever happens happens. Those are the ones who are most successful because they're not stuck in this trap, because who decides anyway? Who decides when you've managed your pennies to be trustworthy. Who decides when you're responsible enough before having more? Who decides that you've learned every single lesson and you're perfect now so you can have the more?

Speaker 1:

It's a construct in your mind and this belief that was designed to keep people broke. Let me tell you why it was designed to keep people broke, because nobody is perfect. If you've managed your pennies really well for six months, but you had an off day and you went and spent a whole bunch of money because you saw everything you wanted on sale, then you're going to say, oh my gosh, I suck at money management. I have to start all over. I still haven't learned how to manage my money. You never give yourself credit for the six months of great you did. You look at that one moment and say I suck at managing money. I really need to work on this better.

Speaker 1:

And this belief comes from, once again, people who were in power, and people who were in power who had wealth and they wanted to keep getting richer, and so they made this up. They made it up to make them look like they were the trusted ones. They were the chosen ones because they were so wonderful. They got to have this abundance because they were such good stewards of the money and they knew all the things and you know nothing. But once you figure it out, you could be like me it's not how manifesting works. Well, it is, but it's not because they put this belief into you of suffrage and learning lessons before you can level up and manifest. And so now you're stuck in a cycle of never feeling like you're good enough to go to the next level. What actually allows you to manifest isn't suffering and it isn't proving yourself, because neither of those things is a requirement for abundance. So what is a requirement for abundance? Just removing the blocks that are keeping you from it. That's it. You don't have to pass a test, you don't have to prove anything. You don't need to suffer.

Speaker 1:

First, you need to clear the subconscious beliefs that are telling you otherwise. That's what I help women do in my Manifest Sheet coaching program, because we all have different limiting beliefs around money. This is a big common limiting belief. The ones we're talking about today that many people buy into. As a matter of fact, many people don't think this is a limiting belief. The ones we're talking about today that many people buy into. As a matter of fact, many people don't think this is a limiting belief because they think this is just how it's supposed to be. But it is limiting because you co-create with the universe. The universe is not outside of you saying prove yourself, prove yourself. You are the universe and the universe is you. We go into belief systems that are deeply ingrained in women and society and religion and culture in my program to clear out any limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs can be easy to overcome. They can take some time to overcome. I've shared a lot of limiting beliefs that I've had based on my upbringing.

Speaker 1:

It's just your programming. It's saying I'm going to align my program in my mind to what I want to manifest. That's all that's required. It's just getting on the frequency of what you want. So if you believe that suffering is indeed needed before you can move forward, if you believe you have to pass lessons before you can go forward, well, that is the frequency that you're on. That is the belief that you have decided you want. That is the frequency you're on and that is what will happen. Or you can decide to maybe get on a different frequency. You get to choose. See in manifestation. You get to choose. You see it. You say is that what I want, and is that what I want to choose? No, that's limiting me, that doesn't feel good to me, that doesn't align with how I want things. I'm going to choose something different.

Speaker 1:

I did this, like I said, I really dove into this about a year ago, and the more women I speak with and work with, the more this comes up. Well, shannon, I know I'm almost there because life is falling apart right now, and you know, when life falls apart, that means you're going into the new Suffrage, and it doesn't have to be, and that's why I really wanted to talk about that today. Well, shannon, so many manifesting coaches say, when your life is falling apart, that's a good thing because you're moving into your new timeline and you're leaving the old one behind. But let's really talk about that, because that's still suffrage and that's still toxic. That you have to lose everything to gain something that goes into the same belief system that we were taught by society that we're trying to get out of by tapping into manifesting on purpose.

Speaker 1:

Let's really talk about what does it mean, or what are signs to know, because a lot of times we equate discomfort with this socially conditioned struggle or this socially conditioned everything has to fall apart so that I can walk into my new. First of all, there are things in my life that I don't want to fall apart because I like how they are. So why does my whole life have to fall apart for me to step into my desires, when I'm already living in most of my desires A societal conditioned struggle? You might be thinking that, hey, shannon, I am moving toward my desire and it feels uncomfortable, it feels like suffering, it doesn't feel good. But there's a difference between discomfort and suffering. Now I go into this in great detail on the episode Courage Over Fear. So you can check that one out. It is way down on the playlist. I'm going to tell you I don't even know what number episode it is, but Courage Over Fear talks a lot about this.

Speaker 1:

Because you're stepping into the unknown, see, you're stepping into the unknown. See, when you step into the unknown, that is discomfort, that is growth. But staying in a cycle of suffering, waiting to be ready, that's conditioning. Your brain loves the known, it craves predictability because it wants to keep you safe. So when you move into something new, when you expand, it will feel uncertain and maybe even scary. But that is not suffering, that is newness being stuck in a lesson or proving yourself. That is stagnation that keeps you in the same place, waiting for an imaginary permission slip to move forward. So when we say, oh, you know your manifestations are about to come, instead of us saying, when everything's going to shit, that's how you know your manifestations are coming. No, that is rooted in this toxic, societal, conditioned struggle. You know that you are stepping into a new frequency. You know you are aligning with new desires.

Speaker 1:

When you may feel uncertain and you may feel scary, you're not suffering. Things aren't happening to you. It just it feels uneasy, it feels weird because it's new, not in some perpetual cycle in the same place, just suffering. So the feeling of newness might be oh my gosh, I'm really excited to go on a vacation to this new place that I've been wanting to go to. But I'm a little nervous too, because I've never been here before. I don't know what to expect. So I'm excited and I'm nervous all at the same time. That is you aligning to your new desire. It comes with excitement. It feels like a good feeling, but also a scary feeling and you may say, oh my gosh, did I make a mistake on going on a trip? Oh, I've always wanted to travel by myself and take a solo trip. Oh but that's scary. I don't have anybody with me, I don't know what if I get lost.

Speaker 1:

And you may have all these thoughts, but at the same time you're like, oh my gosh, this is going to be so empowering. That is stepping into the new frequency of doing something new outside of your comfort zone. Struggling, suffering, stagnation is staying in the same place, not moving at all, not changing your frequency at all, and hoping for some miracle to make you feel better at the end. There's also another episode. You can check out why manifesting miracles is probably not the way to go. I don't know the exact title of that one, but I want you to check out courage over fear and the manifesting miracle thing, because a lot of times when we're stuck in this stagnation and stuck in this suffering, we have a miracle mindset I'm gonna suffer, but it's okay because I'm gonna get a miracle. And then it just repeats. So how do you get out of? I have to suffer first.

Speaker 1:

Start questioning where the belief is showing up in your life. Are you telling yourself that you have to struggle first, that you need to earn your abundance? Pay attention to those thoughts. Then, as always, you're going to reframe that belief. Instead of saying I have to prove myself first, start by saying I'm already worthy of more. Y'all know my favorite affirmation is I am worthy simply because I exist. Give yourself permission to receive no test, no suffering, just because you desire it. Not because you deserve it, not because you did something for it. You just desire it, you want it, so it's yours.

Speaker 1:

And then get support. If you need support, because manifesting is a learned process, manifesting on purpose, let me say that we're always manifesting all the time, whether we believe in it or not. It's just how it is. But if you want to manifest on purpose and you want to learn and you want somebody to help through this process, then just get the free subscription to the Manifest she magazine. You get a welcome issue and you get a new issue every month.

Speaker 1:

I like to call it your personal trainer for manifestation, because it has everything that you need in there. It has challenges to keep you moving and going. It has inspiration in there. It has challenges to keep you moving and going. It has inspiration. It takes the toxicness out of having the life you want. You can ask questions directly and have them answered so that you do have that support and it is free, always free. That's going to be linked in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Before I let you go, I want you to leave here remembering that you're not here to prove yourself worthy of your desires to anyone or anything. The universe is not outside of you, it is within you. You co create, you are partners. You are here to align with your desires, not to struggle for them. So let go of the lie that struggle is the price of admission to your dream life, because that price was made up and you don't have to pay it Until next time. Go manifest something amazing in the sloppiest way, without perfection, just because you want it, because you are here to create the life that you desire, without limitations, without restriction, without suffering. I'll chat with you next week.