Live Life Unapologetically

103 Manifesting a Successful Business Isn't Based on Exhausted Efforts

Shannon Kline Episode 103

Dive deep into the world of women manifesting a successful business and the myths surrounding success. Whether you’re running your own business, contemplating a career pivot, or thinking about pursuing a passion project, this episode is for you.

We’ll explore:

  • Why manifesting a successful business isn’t about overworking or hustling harder
  • The hidden ways burnout and resentment block abundance
  • How societal programming impacts women entrepreneurs and what to do about it

You’ll learn:

  • How to align your business (or career) with your desires and values
  • Strategies to break free from hustle culture and embrace inspired action
  • A powerful visualization exercise to attract abundance and joy in your business

Quick Takeaways:

  • Productivity isn’t about doing more; it’s about doing what feels aligned.
  • Success comes from clarity, trust, and taking inspired action—not from burning yourself out.
  • Redefine what a thriving business looks like for you and create it on your terms.

If you’re ready to create a business (or career) that supports your life, not drains it, this episode will give you the tools and inspiration to shift into alignment.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Manifest SHE Magazine! Packed with exercises, articles, and strategies, it’s your go-to resource for manifesting abundance and success. The link is in the show notes.

Tune in to reframe your approach to success and start building a business that thrives without exhaustion!

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Speaker 1:

Hey there and welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I am Shannon and I'm so excited for today's episode because we're going to hyper-focus into business ownership for women and, honestly, every manifester needs to hear that manifesting a successful business isn't based on exhausted efforts. Now, if you're not in a business or starting a business, you may wonder if this episode is for you. Stick around, because you can use this in your career Also. Stick around if you've been thinking about starting a business, maybe getting out of the nine to five, just creating a life that feels better to you, where you can put your passions to better work and better efforts. Maybe this will ignite something in you. Maybe you've held back on going all in on a passion project, which I say business, but passion project, our businesses should come from our passion, from our hearts. But stick around. Maybe this will give you that push that you need to start the business in your heart, to move differently within the financial system, because maybe it just seemed overwhelming, but that's why we're going to talk about how manifesting the successful business isn't based on the exhausted efforts, because I think that is very much out there in the world, in society, really how hard it is to be successful on your own, without being dependent on a big corporation. I think, now more than ever, women should be generating income in a way that feels good to them, outside of systems that really weren't built for them. So let me ask you this Are you constantly feeling like you need to do more to earn more in your business? Do you catch yourself chasing customers, chasing sales, or chasing success instead of allowing it to come to you? If you're nodding along, you're not alone, and that's because society has taught us that hustle is the only way to success. The truth is, though, that manifesting a successful business is not about working harder. As with anything in manifesting, it's about aligning with abundance in a way that feels good to you. So today, we're going to debunk the myth that you have to exhaust yourself to be successful. We're going to explore how resentment and burnout actually block the flow of money, and we're going to dive into how we can use manifestation to build a business that supports you, not drains you.

Speaker 1:

So a really big misconception when you're going to start a business, when you have a business, when you've gone on an entrepreneurship journey, is that you have to do more to earn more. Now this belief has been drilled into us for as long as we can remember, and it's especially harmful to women business owners, because many of us are already doing so much for our families, our communities and everyone around us. So this idea that you have to hustle even harder to see success just the thought alone is exhausting and it's an unsustainable model of how to approach your business. The reality is, success isn't about how much you do. It's about the energy you're putting behind what you do. If you're constantly in a state of stress, overwhelm and exhaustion, that energy is going to reflect in your business and that energy does not attract abundance.

Speaker 1:

There's also a big trap that I see with business owners and that's the fear of missing out, and this kind of really goes into hustle culture that if I don't post every day, I'm going to lose customers. If I'm not available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, I'll miss a sale. If I don't try every new strategy, my business won't grow. This fear also leads to chasing chasing customers, chasing opportunities, chasing money In manifestation. We do not chase, we attract. What is the point of starting a business if you're going to work even more and lose out on so much more life than if you had just stayed at your nine-to-five job. What's the point? Facing creates like a desperate energy and that pushes you further away from what you're trying to have. Manifestation is about alignment. I can't say that enough. You have to trust that the universe is working with you to bring the right opportunities, clients and sales for your business. Part strategy, but it's more mindset. We have these fears that you have to continue to do more and more and work constantly. You also see the pop-up of passive income, quick money. These things feed on what we really want, and we'll talk about our why here in a second. But these things feed on what we really want, right? We really do want money that comes with ease. We want money that doesn't burn us the fuck out.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment to really go back to the beginning. Why did you start your business in the first place? And if you haven't started a business, why have you pondered starting a business or working for yourself? For most women, it's not just about making money. It's about creating freedom the freedom to live on your terms, to spend time with your family, to pursue your passions or to simply enjoy the fruits of your labor. I can't tell you how many women that I work with who say I don't even want more. I just don't like the grind, the burnout of the current job I have in the field that I have. If I could take that money and make the same amount of money but work from home or work hybrid or have the say-so over my time, that I can choose what to do with my time and still make that money, I am so with that. The irony is, though, that if you start a business, or you're contemplating about it and thinking everything that's going to have to go into it, then you hustle so hard that you're too exhausted to enjoy life. Anyway, you create a business that's just another version of the nine to five grind, or worse, because maybe you're working from the time you get up to the time you go to bed.

Speaker 1:

I was working with a client over the past couple weeks. She did the intensive manifest, she coaching, and we were going into this and we go through all different things, and we settled on her business, and she really wanted to work in a way that felt good to her, where she could do things with her children, to do the things that she enjoyed, and she was in a space where she thought oh, if I get to a certain point, then I can have time for all that and I think that's a big thing going into business, making a step back, and I will be able to then enjoy the fruits of my labor. But I have to suffer through in the beginning to make it work. I always say how you build your business is how your business will continue to be. You have to build it how you want it. From jump street Now you'll find more clarity along the way and things you like to do, things you wanna add, you're gonna have more creative ideas. But what I'm saying is, if you build your business with this going 24 seven, that from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, that really doesn't feel good, thinking there's some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and if you just exhaust yourself for a year or a few years, well, it's going to pay off in the end.

Speaker 1:

No-transcript. Hard work does not pay off. We see glaring examples of this in our society today. We see people working hard at two or three jobs and they're not getting ahead, but they're working hard. So why isn't it paying off? We see other people who get inheritances, generational wealth and they don't really work hard. They pretend they're important, they pretend they do great things, but they don't work hard. They do what the heck they want to do with their time. They're not grinding from that time they wake up to the time they go to bed.

Speaker 1:

And that kind of brings me to another point, which is many times it's like if you want to be a successful millionaire, you have to have the habits that successful millionaires have, and these successful millionaires do this five-step process in the morning and they go through this and do this in their day. Maybe that works for men, but of all the things I've seen, it really doesn't work for women. And if you're going to make it work for women, it better work after the kids are grown up and you have more free time on your hands, because most of these, you know, millionaire habits are created by men, for men, in a patriarchal system that benefits men. That goes to habits that fit their life and how they function in society. Their life and how they function in society. You tell me a mom with little kids is going to be able to get up and meditate and read an inspirational book and work out for an hour and make a really great breakfast for herself. Before she looks at her little to-do list and does her whatever's for the day Not happening, she's going to get up and feed kids and hopefully get herself together. I remember those mornings where there's just not enough time in the morning.

Speaker 1:

I want us to really reframe this conversation because once again, women, we go through life differently and these systems really weren't created to support our desires, our passions, our businesses. We need to move out of that and change the narrative. You know, I had this revelation this week, last week, about the fact that we need to stop trying to change systems and start creating our own systems. Why are we pushing against brick walls and beating on them, trying to get in, to change things? Why don't we just step away and create systems that work for us? And if you use manifestation in your business, for your business, as a driving force to your business, you can create a system where you can do what you love and enjoy it, become wealthy, make money at it, without having to exhaust yourself. We insert ourselves into systems we don't even like that, we don't even want to be a part of. We start businesses so we don't have to be in the nine to five, so that we don't have to be at the whims of other people. So we have to create something new, and manifestation is about creation. It is about creating not creating within something that boxes you in, but actually just creating with no limit.

Speaker 1:

Ask yourself if you're building a business that supports the life you want, or are you building a business that's draining the joy out of your life? If you're burning yourself out, you're not just risking your health or happiness, but you're blocking the flow of abundance, Because resentment and exhaustion create resistance, and resistance blocks manifestation. Burnout and stress halt creativity in its path. When you're so worn down, you're not creative. When you're exhausted, you're not creative. I just want you to think about your day-to-day life as it is now. When are you feeling the most inspired and the most creative? Is it when you're exhausted or when you're refreshed, when you're relaxed? How many times do we say, oh my gosh, I was just, you know, sitting outside, enjoying a nice iced tea or wine whatever works for you sitting on the porch, just relaxing, enjoying nature, and this brilliant idea came to me your most brilliant ideas for your creation come when you're relaxed, and to have a thriving business, you need a creative business, something that you're creating, and you're creating it on your terms.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about how do we flip this script, because we really are stuck in this box. How do we manifest success without overworking? The first thing you have to do is align with your desire. Manifestation starts with clarity. What does a successful business look like for you? Is it hitting a specific revenue goal? Is it only working 20 hours a week? Is it having the freedom to travel and go when you want?

Speaker 1:

You have to get very clear on what you want and why you want it, and when I was working with my client doing the intensive, she was focused on her business. I asked her, you know, towards the end, like what has really resonated with you so far during this process that we're working through, and she said it was the clarity. She got so clear on what it was she wanted from her business, not only with revenue, but how it fit into her life and what that meant to her. So you have to get really clear on what you want and why you want it. Then you have to set boundaries that feel good. You do not have to do everything and you don't have to be everywhere.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to say it, because obviously, with the TikTok ban and everything happening with social media, I had this revelation like I want to be where I feel good on Instagram, but not really. Instagram doesn't feel like the best place and it never really has to me. If I'm going to be honest, I've always loved TikTok. I'm getting into YouTube now. I'm on Blue Sky now because I never did the Twitter thing, but I'm on Blue Sky Pinterest. Those are really where I'm focusing my efforts. I focus so much effort on Instagram for so long for what I don't know. It just never felt aligned to me. I don't know. I'm still like am I going to go back and do it, am I not? I don't know, but right now I'm not there. I haven't been because I'm just not participating in meta right now.

Speaker 1:

But that aligns to my values. And that's another thing. Like going through the process and the coaching with my clients, like we look at values. That doesn't align with my value. But everybody will say you have to be on Instagram and Facebook and TikTok and YouTube and this and that and the other thing to have a successful business, but you don't have to do everything and you don't have to be everywhere. It needs to align to what you value, and right now, using Metaproducts does not align to what I value, so I have not been using them.

Speaker 1:

Boundaries around your time and energy and trust that the universe is going to bring the right clients and opportunities to you, even if you're not on 24-7, including social media, then you need to trust the universe to partner with you. And let me go back real quick when I'm talking about setting boundaries that feel good Because, like I said, business is strategy, but it's more mindset. I am places. I don't feel like I have to be everywhere. I'm not going to just be one place. Right, I've never just been one place. We saw that with TikTok creators, who that's all that they had, so it was even more devastating for them. So strategy says don't just be one place, especially when you don't own that place. But I go through owning your own digital landscape with the people that I coach. Don't just be one place, but you don't have to be every place and you don't have to be on 24 seven.

Speaker 1:

If you miss a day of posting. It's not the end of the freaking world Now some people make you think it is, but it's not. Trust the universe to partner with you. That's number three is to really just trust that the universe is going to partner with you for business success, that you are really not doing it all by yourself. You're co-creating with the universe. That means taking inspired action but then releasing control and letting the universe do its part. Like I just found something in my business that really allows for me to be creative. It feels so freaking good to me and there is some strategy behind it and I'm working on that. It's something new I learned, but it's so creative. But I know that the universe is gonna do its part on its end. Focus on the energy that you're putting out. So that's the next thing I want you to do is focus on the energy you're putting out Instead of asking yourself what more can I do?

Speaker 1:

Ask how can I align with abundance today. Instead of saying, well, what more do I need to do, what do I need to add, ask yourself, how can you align with abundance? When I first started this, I just wanted to podcast, encourage people, and I have other things going on, but I was like I just want to consistently drop a podcast episode every single Wednesday and it aligned me to abundance. That's it. But I didn't drop a podcast and blog and upload long form to YouTube, like, once again, not being everywhere. That's how much more can I do. I just did my podcast to start with. Now I've added other things because it feels good and I have more time, and that's fine, but it's not because I felt like I had to. I do things because I want to Like. I do blog because, if anybody knows me, I love to write. So I do blog. But I just podcast at first because I liked that the best Do what aligns not only with abundance but with your happiness, because when you're doing something that makes you happy, you're aligning with abundance.

Speaker 1:

Remember practicing gratitude, doing some visualization, taking a simple break and focus on maintaining that high vibe. And when I say maintaining the high vibe, that means doing and giving your energy to things that make you feel good and also grow your business. So for me it was podcasting. Now it is blogging and podcasting. I write books, I do things, but they feel good to me and because they feel good to me, I have the high vibrational energy when I'm in those creative tasks. Lastly, redefine productivity, because productivity is not about how much you do. It's about how aligned you are to your actions. So one aligned action can do more for your business in one week than hustling in the wrong direction.

Speaker 1:

Once again, going back to, I started with my podcast, then I got back into blogging, now I'm doing the Manifest she magazine, which is a free magazine that comes out every single month. You can get it in the show description. That comes out every single month. You can get it in the show description. But it's completely free and it's a full on Ask Magazine. But that is aligned to what I wanna do, because I really truly have a goal this year of inspiring as many women as possible to manifest as much as possible. So there's no gatekeeping. I was never a gatekeeper anyway, but there's no gatekeeping. I was never a gatekeeper anyway, but there's no gatekeeping. You get articles, exercises, challenges. There's an ask she section where you can submit your question, kind of like a you know dear Abby, but for manifestation. But that's an aligned action. But I didn't do it because I felt like I had to. I did it because it was aligned, I did it because it was inspired. So don't do things just to do things, do things for alignment.

Speaker 1:

So here's just a quick exercise that we're going to go into for you this week so that you can align with abundance in your business. I want you to close your eyes and visualize. Are you ready? Like we're going to do this here and now? If you're listening to the podcast in your car, then you're going to have to come back and do this when you're in a place that's safe to do this.

Speaker 1:

But I want you to close your eyes and visualize. I want you to imagine your business as the successful, thriving entity you want it to be. See the clients, see the sales, see the freedom to live your life in a way that feels good to you, see the joy. As you're seeing this, keeping your eyes closed, imagining and visualizing this, I want you to feel the energy of success. How are you feeling? Having a business that supports you? Let that feeling expand in your heart. You are seeing your business and now you are feeling into it. Keep going, keep that visualization, keep that feeling. See it. Feel it as many times as you need during the day.

Speaker 1:

I want you to do that visualization feeling exercise Beyond just seeing it. Feel yourself in that moment. As you go, I want you to affirm desires, create affirmations that are specific to you, or you can use affirmations like my business attracts abundance effortlessly. I align with clients who value my energy and work. Success flows to me in ways that feel good, and I want you to take one inspired action.

Speaker 1:

You to take one inspired action. What's one thing you can do today that feels aligned with that vision and that feeling? And then do it. Don't forget to subscribe to the Manifest she magazine, because it is packed with tips, strategies, inspiration to align you on your journey, not just your business journey, but your manifestation journey as a whole. When you subscribe, you're joining a community of like-minded women who are building success on their terms. I'm going to link that in the show notes. Remember that manifesting a successful business is not about working harder. It is about aligning with abundance, trusting the universe and creating a business that supports you, not drains you. You've got this and I will chat with you next week.