Live Life Unapologetically

100 Why Trying to Manifest a Miracle Limits Mind-Blowing Abundance

Shannon Kline Episode 100

In this episode of Live Life Unapologetically, we’re exploring the common trap of manifesting one-time miracles and how it keeps you stuck in a feast-and-famine mindset. If you’ve ever thought, “If I could just get this big break, I’d be set,” this episode is a must-listen for you.

I’ll dive into:

  • Why focusing on miracles creates temporary relief instead of lasting abundance
  • How to detach from the belief that money equals hard work
  • Shifting your mindset from scarcity to continuous financial overflow

You’ll learn:

  • The key mindset shift to align with continual abundance
  • How to stop tying money to effort and embrace the limitless ways it can flow
  • A practical exercise to expand your desires and embody the energy of overflow

If you’re ready to stop chasing miracles and start living in a state of continual abundance, tune in now and discover how to unlock wealth that flows effortlessly and continuously!

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Speaker 1:

Hey there and welcome back to another episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I am Shannon and today we are diving into a mindset shift that could completely transform the way you manifest wealth and abundance. Let me ask you have you ever tried to manifest a one-time miracle, like a big sum of money or a surprise opportunity, thinking if I could just get this, I'd be set? Or maybe the idea of continuous financial overflow feels daunting because in your mind, more money means more work, more hustle or maybe even more exhaustion. If this resonates with you, you're not alone. Many of us dream of miracles because they feel like an escape, a way to get what we want without having to push harder. But to be real, if you're already working hard and barely getting by the idea of working more for more money, that's when it starts to sound exhausting. The thing is, when you're focusing on miracles, you're limiting your abundance because it keeps you stuck in a feast and famine mindset. Miracles are temporary by nature and they may feel good in the moment, but they don't create the lasting abundance you deserve. So today we're going to talk about why trying to manifest miracles is holding you back, how to shift your focus to continuous overflow and why detaching from the belief that money equals hard work is key to unlocking your full wealth. I want you to grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's talk about how you can manifest overflow instead of miracles.

Speaker 1:

We need to start by unpacking why we tend to gravitate towards manifesting miracles in the first place. The idea of a big one-time miracle like manifesting $10,000, $15,000, or even $50,000 feels appealing because it seems easy you get the money, you solve the problem and you move on. This is a common desire because we've been conditioned to believe that money equals work. Society has taught us that continuous financial overflow means working harder, getting another degree, picking up a side hustle or climbing the career ladder. If you're already tired, the thought of having more money may feel exhausting because your mind immediately equates more money with more effort. At the same time, we're overwhelmed by the hustle mentality. The hustle culture has made us believe that wealth requires endless grinding. For many of us, that feels unsustainable, so we fantasize about a miracle that doesn't require any extra effort. Once again, going back to more money means more effort that if I stop to binge watch a few TV shows, I'm not being productive and I'm missing out on money. I could have earned this over productivity mentality. And finally, we operate from a place of lack, because when we're in survival mode, a miracle feels like the quickest way to get out.

Speaker 1:

But this thinking keeps you stuck in a cycle of chasing temporary relief instead of creating lasting abundance. Here's the problem with focusing on manifesting miracles, and that's that you're not setting the intention for abundance to stay. Instead, you're asking for a one-off event, a single moment of relief, since that's the energy you're putting out. That's exactly what you attract a one-time manifestation that comes and goes. I want you to really think about that when you view money as a miracle. You to really think about that.

Speaker 1:

When you view money as a miracle, you're treating it as rare, some extraordinary occurrence, not as a natural and continual flow. The miracle shows up, it provides temporary relief where you were seeking it, and then it disappears. You're right back where you started Feast, then famine. Why? Because your intention was never for it to be a continual flow. It was to meet a specific need.

Speaker 1:

Once this feast and famine cycle is rooted in the belief that abundance isn't sustainable, that it's only available in short bursts. Money isn't a miracle. It is energy. It flows in and out, just like any other form of energy. When you attach the belief that money is scarce or only available through one-off manifestations, you block its ability to flow consistently into your life. Imagine you're thirsty and instead of tapping into an endless stream of water, you ask for one glass to quench your thirst. That's what manifesting miracles is like it's focusing on a single solution when there's an entire river available to you To break the cycle. You have to change the way you view abundance. You have to stop seeing it as a miracle and start seeing it as an ongoing exchange of energy. When you align with the belief that money is always flowing to you, you open yourself up to receiving continuously, not just in moments of need. So let's talk about how we shift from miracles to overflow.

Speaker 1:

When I was working with one of my manifestation coaches, I told her I wanted to make $15,000. And she asked me a question that changed everything why just $15,000 once? Why not $15,000 every month? That question hit me hard because I realized I had been limiting myself. I had been thinking of $15,000 as a one-time miracle instead of something I could consistently receive. Like so many others, like so many others, I had tied the idea of more money to more work. But manifestation isn't about working harder, it's about alignment. I adjusted my desire to $15,000 every single month, consistently and effortlessly, and guess what? That's exactly what I got. I didn't add a side hustle, I didn't go back to school and I didn't grind harder. In fact, I started working less. Once I detached from the belief that money equals hard work, I opened myself up to the limitless ways that the universe could bring abundance into my life.

Speaker 1:

Many times when I tell this story, people want to know well, where did the money come from? I typically don't like to talk about it because I don't want to then impart another limited way on which money could come to you. I will say this that checks came from unexpected places, and I'll give you one example. Like I said, I don't want you to attach yourself to. Money can only come from work. Money can only come from the lottery. Money can only come from an inheritance. Money can only come from investments. I opened up a check in the mail one day and it was for $662 from a company that I had done business with some years ago. I don't even remember when I did business with them. Apparently, they had something in their terms and conditions that was illegal. There was a lawsuit and they owed people money and I got that money, so it can come from anywhere. Never would I have guessed that something like that would have happened.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm telling you is just be open to all possibilities of how money can come. I'm not going to tell you all of the ways they come because, once again, I don't want you to attach yourself that's a problem we attach ourselves to. Well, how is the money going to come to me, instead of just saying it comes to me? And I have gotten multiple checks from all kinds of things in the mail. So don't attach yourself to how it has to come, the outcome of how you receive it. You have to let that go. I think that's one of the hardest things to let go. So when it comes to you in unexpected ways, you really need to appreciate and say oh wow, I wonder how else it can come to me, and open yourself up to the limitless possibilities of how abundance can come into your life.

Speaker 1:

The biggest thing I feel like we need to release if we want to have continual overflow when we're manifesting is the belief that money only comes through effort. Here's how we do that. The first thing is to acknowledge the belief. Ask yourself do I believe I have to work harder or do something to have more money? Write down all the ways this belief shows up in your life. Then we're going to replace it with an empowering belief. Create affirmations like money flows to me effortlessly and continuously. The universe is my source of abundance, not my job. Focus on alignment and not effort. Instead of thinking about how you'll earn more money, focus on how you can align with the energy of wealth. What would it feel like to have continuous overflow and tap into that feeling daily and be open to unexpected sources. When you stop tying money to work or any other known means, you allow the universe to surprise you. Abundance can come from unexpected places that you don't even know are coming, like the one example I gave you, and there are more than that, but once again, I don't want to put ideas or plant seeds in your head that, oh, this is the unexpected source, because it needs to be unexpected to you. However, the universe wants to work that out for you Now.

Speaker 1:

This shift does not always happen on its own, and that's why I think having a coach matters, because I feel like this is a really big shift that we have to make, moving towards wealth. You see, when I was stuck in the miracle mindset, my coach saw what I couldn't see. She challenged me to expand my desire and to align with continual abundance instead of settling for temporary wins. And in the Manifest she coaching. That's exactly what we work on we uncover your personal limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and expand your desire to their fullest potential and create a manifesting practice that's aligned and sustainable for you. You really don't have to figure this out on your own. I'm here to guide you, just like my coach guided me. I'm a master manifester. I get what I want, but I still have people in my life to pull me up and right. That's what this year is about is women pulling up women so that we can all get to a place of abundance and empowerment and use our wealth to impact this world.

Speaker 1:

So here's an exercise to help you shift into the mindset of overflow. Write down a current desire. So, for example, if you want to manifest $10,000, ask yourself what would it look like to have that amount consistently? Write it down, then expand the version. I manifest $10,000 every single month, effortlessly. Close your eyes and imagine the continuous flow of money, feel the ease, the freedom and the joy it brings, and then affirm I am aligned with continual abundance. Overflow is my natural state.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to be honest with you. For some people, $10,000 is going to seem way too large of an amount. It sounds good, but maybe it's just too much for you to actually believe. Because you have to believe it. What if you could believe for $100 or $1,000? Something to stretch you beyond your current condition, but that you can make believable to you? I remember a time when I thought an extra $50 a month was absolutely, insanely amazing, and it was at the time I stretched my belief.

Speaker 1:

I really did not start going into manifesting $15,000 a month that I don't have to work for in the very beginning. I want to tell you that too, because a lot of coaches, a lot of gurus will tell you like, why can't you manifest six or seven figures a month? It's so easy. Just have faith, believe. That's not how beliefs are built. Let's build our beliefs so they actually work for us, because if you're going to believe for 10k or 15k or 50k, you have to stretch just beyond so you can embody that belief that it's possible If you're living paycheck to paycheck and you are really stuck in the I have to work hard to make more mindset. You just need to stretch yourself a little bit to make it believable, because if it is so beyond your comprehension of belief that it sounds so good, that really it. When you're trying to change your mindset, you're more focused on the lack than you are the abundance. It's not going to work. So we really have to get to a place where it stretches beyond this current version of my thinking to form a new belief and then build on it.

Speaker 1:

Do you think I'm going to sit here and be with this $15,000 a month mindset? I'm not. I'm actually ready to expand beyond it. But I had this and I worked on this mindset for a whole year. It happened every single month, but I was still empowering myself and changing it to where? Now I know that it just happens. This is my life. The first time it happened I wondered if it was going to happen again and it did. But it took time for me to really reinforce the belief. So find something that you can use to reinforce your belief. Once you feel it, know it. It just is how life is. Then expand to the next level If you're ready to reinforce your belief. Once you feel it, know it. It just is how life is then expand to the next level.

Speaker 1:

If you're ready to stop chasing miracles and you're ready to start living in continual overflow, I want you to join the Manifest she universe. Yes, you are here on this podcast. It is part of it, but last week I told you of all the things that I have planned for 2025 so that women just like you can manifest the most well and once again have the greatest impact that you have ever had and ever dreamed of. So step one on this journey is to get the Manifest she monthly magazine. Y'all this is free. You get a welcome issue and you will get a new issue straight to your inbox monthly, filled with articles about manifesting monthly challenges, resources for manifesting. There's a section where you can submit your questions and have them answered. You can grab that today by going to livelifeunapologeticallycom forward slash magazine. I'm also going to put the link in the show description. Before we part today, I want you to remember that the universe isn't limited, and neither are you. Stop settling for miracles and start aligning with continual overflow. You've got this and I'll chat with you next week.