Live Life Unapologetically

99 How to Let Go of Manifestation Time Comparisons to Unlock Your Full Wealth

Shannon Kline Episode 99

In this episode of Live Life Unapologetically, we’re diving into a common struggle: comparing your manifestation timeline to others. If you’ve ever thought, “Why hasn’t that happened for me yet?” or found yourself frustrated by someone else’s success, this episode is for you.

We’ll explore:

  • Why comparing yourself to others creates resistance and blocks abundance
  • What does manifestation time mean and why it’s not about clocks or calendars
  • How to align with your unique journey and let go of comparison

You’ll also learn practical steps to:

  • Reclaim your energy and attention when comparison arises
  • Celebrate others’ successes as inspiration, not competition
  • Practice gratitude and affirm your desires as if they’re already yours

Plus, I’ll share a quick visualization exercise to help you shift from comparison to alignment and embrace the limitless abundance waiting for you.

Tune in now and learn how to stop comparing, start aligning, and unlock the wealth you deserve!

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Manifest SHE Magazine
Manifest SHE Coaching
Manifest SHE Course/CEO Waitlist

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Manifest SHE Coaching - learn more HERE!




Speaker 1:

Hello there and welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I am Shannon Kaye and today we're diving into a topic that I know so many of you struggle with, and that's manifestation time comparisons, comparing your journey to others. But before we dive into all of that, I just wanted to note that this is the first episode of the year and, coincidentally enough, it is on the first day of the year. Now I do look at year differently. To me, spring is really the beginning of a new year. Right, that's when everything is blooming. Right now we're in winter and everything is dormant and we can follow the lead of nature and natural cycles, and I believe that is healthier for us.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to touch base with you a little bit. I didn't do a show last week. I took a week off and typically I don't do that, but I just had a downtime week, not because I work all the time and I feel like I have to work all the time. I simply love coming on here and empowering you. I love recording this show. It is such a passion of mine. It's just a part of my daily life. If anybody has been around for some time, you know I don't hustle and grind. I have all of the time flexibility that I could imagine and want. Sometimes I feel like I have too much, but I've manifested that into my life because I was tired of being a slave to the clock and I didn't want that. I wanted to have a life with flow that wasn't so routine. I am a routine person, but I wanted an opportunity to explore something new. So doing the podcast is just something that I enjoy, that I love coming here every single week. I don't batch record. I don't have episodes in the background to post just in case I intuitively think of what this week should have. I reach out to listeners. Listeners reach out to me and I try to meet you where you are and with what you want.

Speaker 1:

This year you're going to see some shifts. We're going in a different direction. In my down week I really came to the realization of alignment and being aligned with community. There are some places where there was no alignment and I thought to myself I need vibes. I need vibes. Continuing on. This has been just self-discovery on my part over the past couple of years and what I've been looking forward to in community not having to hide myself because we are unapologetic and we are authentic, being in places of acceptance. I want this to be a place of acceptance for you to know you can come as you are, of acceptance for you to know you can come as you are, you can come with your beliefs and your values, and that they're all appreciated in love. There's no judgment here.

Speaker 1:

My only goal is to empower you, as a woman, to use manifestation to access wealth to have an impact. Wealth is impactful. We can use wealth to impact the world in a positive way, to leave it better than what we found it. We can use wealth to take the world down and put it under our heel. Wealth is not good or bad. Wealth is how we choose to use it. I think that's a big misconception. Is that it has to be bad? I mean, let's look at what's happening with Elon Musk and a whole lot of other people. They're using wealth for their own gain, not to leave the world a better place.

Speaker 1:

I think to myself sometimes if we had more women, billionaires and millionaires, what would the world look like then? Wealth is just a currency of connection in our world. In the past, in history, wealth was trading, bartering. It's just evolved, and so I really want to empower women to embrace their wealth this year to come into their divine power. Women are inherently creators. You are inherently a creator. It's only the woman who can create life, only you, only the woman who has the ability to receive and to give, inherently in your nature. And this year is the year to tap into that divineness within you and to harness the power that has been suppressed.

Speaker 1:

So the week of reflection, my week of downtime it really brought this all together for me, it brought together why I started doing what I do in the first place. Not to mention, one of my greatest passions has always been to meet women exactly where they are, because I remember what it was like not to have two pennies to rub together, literally that all of my change had been used and there was nothing left, to where I am now generating five figures a month without even working for it, and that's just one income stream. That's not all of my income streams. I remember those days and I know what it's like now and in the world I'm in, I'm into coaching, I'm into mentorship. I believe you need the accountability. I believe that some days we just need somebody to tell us it's okay, that we've got it, we're making progress.

Speaker 1:

While I'm not a fan of needing outside validation for everything you do. Sometimes outside validation can help pick us up when we fall, and that's what coaching and mentorship gets you. But being in the space, I know that coaching and mentorship cost money and therefore it's only available to those who are at a certain level. But those who aren't at that level yet are many times shamed for not being at that level. Well, if you would just believe, if you would just have faith you have a scarcity mindset If you really wanted it, you'd find a way. That's not the approach that I take. It's not the approach that I've ever taken. I like to meet you where you are. I know I would be so much further along in my life if there wasn't a paywall behind things.

Speaker 1:

I believe coaching time is valuable. My time is valuable. I charge for my coaching, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to leave other women behind, and so this year is really about helping women rise. For me, no matter where you are on the financial spectrum, I have something for you. For the past month, I have been in reflection, planning inspiration, tuning into my divine spirit to really show me the way. How can I reach every woman, no matter where she is so that I can help her rise.

Speaker 1:

We all need help, and that's okay. I still need help with things, and that's okay. I have coaches to this day. We don't get to a certain point in stuff, and that's all right too. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with us Needing a coach or help or support. It doesn't mean anything's wrong with us. We don't look at children and think, oh, why do they need help? Because they're learning everything new about the world. You're learning new about manifestation, or leveling up in manifestation. It's just something you've never done before. It's okay to have somebody to guide you along the way. In fact, I have been blessed to have conversations with many women recently who said I just want somebody to hold my hand and tell me step-by-step what to do. I'm too overwhelmed to try to figure it out on my own, and that really spoke to me.

Speaker 1:

So what have I developed? What will you see from me for you in 2025? The first thing you're going to see and it is available now is the Manifest she magazine. This is a free monthly magazine. That's right. You get a new episode every single month for free. This is reaching you where you are, if you happen to be at a space where you're like, shannon, I can't pay for your coaching right now, but I want to rise. This is for you. It has articles in there, it has events in areas that we can go to, it has success stories, it has Ask she, where you can submit your question and get an answer, and so much more. It has a monthly exercise, a monthly challenge everything you need to get you moving in your manifestation journey. Now I said Manifest she and as we go through this year, when I talk about alignment, it's all going to flow through Manifest she.

Speaker 1:

I found my socials were not aligned some of them and they have changed. So you can find me on Instagram and threads at Manifest she. Instead of coaching with Shannon K, I will more than likely be transitioning my other socials along these lines. I still haven't heard from Spirit if I should transition the Live Life Unapologetically podcast to the Manifest she podcast. I don't know. We'll see, but I will keep you up to date on that so you always know where to get the information.

Speaker 1:

So the first step, the first place that I'm starting from, is the Manifest she magazine. I will be blogging more and, of course, you have the podcast. So those are three free and in-depth places to expand your manifestation journey. The next thing that I have that you can do right now if you want, is the Manifest she one-on-one coaching. This is an intensive coaching to get you started and to get you going. I do this one-on-one currently and I take three clients a month right now. If you can't afford one-on-one coaching within Manifest she, there is a option for cost sharing and I have all of that information on the Manifest she site, that is, at coachingwithshannonkcom, so you can learn more about it there. I am going to put the link to all of these things in the show description so that you can find what I'm talking about. Next up, next on tap and this is going to be more towards the summer I will be offering a Manifest she course slash membership. I'm still in development of that right now, but that's coming. If you're subscribed to the magazine, you'll be the first to know when that drops.

Speaker 1:

And finally, so many of the women that I work with are business owners. They are moving towards creating their own wealth or, like me, being in charge of their own time. There's a vision in them to bring to the world, to help impact the world. Remember, this year is about impact and divine feminine power. They're tapping into that in their own way, moving out of patriarchal systems of employment and doing something different. Towards the end of the year, I will have Manifest she CEO for those women. That will give them the 80% mindset, the 20% strategy needed to build wealth through business. So in all, in 2025, we have the Manifest she magazine. That's a free magazine every single month. That is available now and I will put that link. You can find it at livelifeunapologeticallycom forward slash magazine. Manifest Sheet Coaching one-on-one is open with cost share. The Manifest Sheet course will drop around the summertime and Manifest Sheet CEO is going to be coming out towards the end of 2025.

Speaker 1:

These are not resolutions. These are not goals. This was inspired by spirit and my alignment with spirit. We will be talking more about unlocking your wealth and the issues that women have come across. Your power is in creation as a woman, and wealth is one of the things that you can create. So that is what is on tap here for the new year. You're going to see some adjustments and I will keep you up to date on all of those adjustments. So if you are a woman looking to own your power through manifestation and have an impact on the world, to leave it a better place than when you found it. This year, this podcast, this journey is for you, it's for me, it's for all of us women.

Speaker 1:

So let's get back into what's on the show for today, and that is manifestation time comparisons. As we go through this journey, one of the things I want you to be very aware of is manifestation time comparisons. Have you ever looked someone else's success and thought why hasn't that happened for me? Yet Do you find yourself comparing your manifestation journey to what others seem to be achieving effortlessly? If you're nodding along, you're not alone. Comparing someone else's wins to your waiting is one of the fastest ways to block your own abundance. And manifestation isn't about timelines, especially not someone else's. So we're going to break down why these comparisons hurt your wealth manifestations, what manifestation time really is, and how to shift your focus back to your own alignment to unlock the wealth you deserve. So I want you to grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's get started.

Speaker 1:

First, let's dive right into why comparing yourself to others is so harmful to your manifestation journey. That's because you're diverting your energy. Manifestation requires alignment of your thoughts, emotions and actions to point towards your desire. So when you're focused on what someone else is doing, you're pulling your energy away from your own alignment. Then you reinforce a lack mindset, because every time you think they have it and I don't, you're affirming lack. The lack-focused energy is what the universe responds to. So instead of attracting abundance, you're attracting more feelings of not having enough, which is going to create resistance, because comparison creates frustration, doubt and impatience. These emotions are forms of resistance that block your ability to align with the wealth you're calling in.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing Manifestation isn't about rushing to the finish line. It's about revealing what's already here and not yet visible to you. You see, your manifestations aren't something in a far off distance and if we keep visualizing them that way, they're always going to be far off, kind of like chasing the horizon. It just always eludes you. Your manifestations are visible to you when you're ready to reveal them. They're already here. The more you focus on someone else's journey, the more you're going to delay your own, because your manifestation is there. We just have to move past some things to reveal it to our eyes, so it's no longer hidden. Now I really want you to understand manifestation time, because manifestation isn't about waiting for something to happen. It is about aligning with what already exists. Your desires are not outside of you. They are already here. You just need to remove the blocks that are keeping them hidden from you and from you receiving them.

Speaker 1:

I like to think about a radio station and maybe that says my age, because a lot of us don't use radio stations anymore like that. But it is like tuning into a radio station the music is already playing, but if you're not on the right frequency you can't hear it. Manifestation time is about tuning into the frequency of your desire, not comparing the volume of somebody else's radio station to your static. The timeline doesn't matter, because the universe doesn't operate on clocks or calendars. It operates on energy and alignment. So the moment you're fully aligned, the manifestation appears.

Speaker 1:

How do you stop comparing and start aligning? Here are some steps to shift your focus. I want you to reclaim your attention. So every time you catch yourself comparing, you need to pause and ask what can I do right now to align with my desire? Half the time when we're comparing, it's not even a desire of ours. It's something similar. It's not exactly what we want. Everybody's desires are unique. So when you pause and ask yourself what can I do to align with my desire? And when you pause, you may journal, you may meditate. Or you pause and ask yourself what can I do to align with my desire? And when you pause, you may journal, you may meditate, or you might just remind yourself that your journey is unique.

Speaker 1:

Then celebrate others without comparison. When you see someone else's success, shift your mindset from why them, not me, to that's proof of what's possible. I used to get stuck in a comparison game and I shifted it and I told myself if it can happen for them, it can happen for me. Life-changing mindset shift. Use their wins as inspiration instead of evidence of your lack. And I want you to practice gratitude for the present moment. I say it all the time, I'm always gonna say it Gratitude is the most powerful way to align to abundance.

Speaker 1:

Focus on what's going right in your life now instead of what you're waiting to reveal and manifest and create. I did this last night. It felt so good. I had such good sleep. I just thought of everything I loved and I was grateful for in this moment. It really brings you into that abundance.

Speaker 1:

Then reaffirm your desires as if they're already yours. Use affirmations like everything I desire is already here. For me, the universe is aligning everything perfectly for my good. Here's a quick exercise that I want you to focus on that you can use to refocus yourself if you are caught up in comparison. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, imagine your desire as if it's already here. I want you to see it, feel it and experience the joy of having it. Now. Imagine yourself surrounded by others who are also thriving, instead of comparing. Feel the energy of shared abundance and let it inspire you. Open your eyes and carry that aligned energy with you throughout your day. This exercise is about shifting from comparison to inspiration and remind yourself that abundance is limitless. It is not a pie where someone else's success takes away from your portion or your slice, and remember that manifesting isn't a competition. The universe is limitless, and so are you. Focus on your alignment, trust your journey and let abundance flow to you in its perfect time. You've got this, and I will chat with you next week.