Live Life Unapologetically
Welcome to Live Life Unapologetically, the podcast that empowers women from all walks of life to master manifestation and live an abundant life. I'm Shannon K, your host and guide, here to help you transform abstract manifesting concepts into practical actions for real, lasting change.
In each episode, I delve into the power of manifestation, exploring how to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions to create a life filled with love, health, joy, creativity, and financial prosperity. My mission is to break down the barriers of self-doubt, stress, and overwhelm, providing you with actionable strategies to integrate manifestation into your busy life.
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Whether you're just starting your conscious manifestation journey or looking to enhance your current practices, Live Life Unapologetically offers the insights and tools you need to overcome limiting beliefs and manifest your true potential.
Tune in every Wednesday for empowering episodes packed with practical advice, personal growth tips, and motivational content. Together, we'll navigate the path to a balanced, fulfilling life where your dreams become reality.
Connect with me, Shannon K, on social media @coachingwithshannonk for more inspiration and support.
It's time to be fierce, be fabulous, and live life unapologetically—manifest your best self and shine your brightest light.
Live Life Unapologetically
98 Manifesting Without Boundaries
In this episode of Live Life Unapologetically, we’re talking about how to manifest your desires without limits. Are you shrinking your dreams to fit what feels realistic or safe?
We’ll explore:
- Why do you impose boundaries on your desires
- How self-doubt, societal programming, fear of disappointment, and feelings of unworthiness block your manifestations
- How to expand your vision and dream big
- Identifying and replacing limiting beliefs
- Aligning with the limitless potential the universe has for you
If you’re ready to stop playing small and start manifesting with an open heart and mind, this episode is for you.
Ready to break free from limitations and manifest your desires? Tune in now, and let’s dive into the infinite possibilities that await you!
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Hey there and welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I am Shannon and I am excited for today's episode because we're talking about something that can truly change the way that you think about how you manifest, and that's manifesting without boundaries. Let me ask you this what would you ask for if there were no limits, If fear of judgment or practicality weren't holding you back? What would your desires look like? Are you shrinking your dreams to fit into what's realistic or reasonable? If those questions hit home, you're in the right place, because today we're going to break down why we impose limits on our desires, how this blocks our manifestations and, most importantly, how you can start manifesting with limitless potential. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's dive into how to free your desires, expand your vision and align with the infinite possibilities that the universe has to offer. First, let's talk about why we put boundaries on our desires in the first place.
Speaker 1:Self-doubt that's a huge one, especially for us women. You might find yourself thinking who am I to ask for that, or is that too big for me? Self-doubt makes you shrink your desires to what feels achievable or safe. Maybe you grew up thinking you needed to find that secure, stable, steady job and it kept you from what you were truly passionate about, because maybe the industry that you're passionate about isn't so stable, Maybe it's more artistic, creative or ever-changing. So you shrunk your desires to what felt safe or achievable, because that's what you were told. You doubted if you could make it through an industry that doesn't seem secure in the eyes of society. That goes right into number two of societal programming. And this and I tell you guys, it's especially true for women, because we are taught to play small, to be grateful for what we have, to not be too much. We internalize messages about being selfless, giving to others or being realistic. Think about this even when you're thinking about relationships and people say well, you have to be realistic and you have to make some compromises and you're just settling. So much messaging for women is just settling, because it seems like if you ask for the world, you're asking for too much, but those beliefs keep you boxed in. Then there's the fear of failure or disappointment. It's scary to dream big because the bigger the dream, the bigger the potential for disappointment. That goes right back to telling ourselves what is safe? It's safer to want less. This is less of a risk. This is me not putting myself out there so much that the disappointment is going to be so big.
Speaker 1:When I started my manifesting coaching business, I felt the same way. I came from the public education sector. I was in private and public education for 15 years, a large part of my life. Many of the things that I did and the networks that I had didn't align with what I do now, which is manifest the life that I want and help other women to feel empowered to manifest the life that they want. That just wasn't the culture. I feared so many things. I feared being disappointed. I feared losing certain networks of people.
Speaker 1:But in the end you have to follow what you're passionate about and dream big. The next one is unworthiness. You don't feel worthy to receive abundance, to receive those desires. You're going to limit what you ask for. Your desires reflect what you do believe you deserve. Let's talk about careers, let's talk about promotions, let's talk about getting that money.
Speaker 1:How often are we told that you have to be perfect, know all of the things before you can step out there, that you have to build your way up? I know so many women starting businesses right now and what do they say about business? Oh well, you know you never turn a profit until like year five. You know it takes five good years to build up a business. That's so practical. And so we dream small in building business. We say, OK, well, if I can just do this one little thing this year, because we limit ourselves based on worthiness. Well, I'm not worthy to have a successful business right out the gate because everybody else has to wait and do X, Y and Z. So we limit what we ask for. Why can't you come out the gate with a business that turns a profit in a year, in six months, that just blows the fuck up? Because you're manifesting that that is your desire. You don't want to wait five years. You have something in you now that needs to be shared with the world. What are we waiting for, based on how we feel worthy? Well, I don't feel worthy of being that successful. Yet I have to prove myself.
Speaker 1:The problem with all this is, when we're imposing boundaries on our desires, we're signaling to the universe that we're not fully open to receiving. You're trying to manifest within limits when the universe is limitless. Manifestation is about alignment. It's about aligning your thoughts, your feelings, your actions with what you want to attract. When you limit your desires, you're not in alignment with the expansive energy of the universe. Instead, you're creating resistance, because you know what you really want, but you doubt yourself. So you tell the universe I don't believe I can have this or I don't believe I can have it. Yet when you play small, you think well, I'm not deserving of more, I'm not worthy of more. I have to work my way up, I have to earn my stripes. When you fear disappointment, you're signaling I'm not ready to receive this at all. I'm blocking it because I'm not even open to it, because I fear it. Those boundaries block the flow of abundance. Manifesting works best when you're open to the endless possibilities, not when you're trying to control or restrict what you can receive, what you're worthy of, what you can have.
Speaker 1:Let's just look at it this way. You know, if you're trying to fill up a cup and then you put a lid on it, you can't put anything else in the cup. When you remove the lid, you can't put anything else in the cup. When you remove the lid, when you let go of that boundary, you open yourself up to being able to limitlessly fill the cup. Yes, I said limitlessly fill the cup, Because you don't have to stop when the cup is full. You can continue to pour into the cup. It doesn't matter if it spills over. As a matter of fact, limitless abundance means having stuff spill over Because it is limitless.
Speaker 1:I want to clear up something very big today, especially when it comes to money, because this is such a big misconception. It's such a big block of how we approach manifesting money or desires that have to do with wealth, business, career, going up, those type dreams. And that's goals versus desires, because they're not the same thing. Goals are structured, often with timelines, steps, measurable outcomes. They have boundaries. Desires are expansive. They're about the essence of what you want, not the detailed steps on how to get there. So there's a great big difference between goals and desires. And, be honest, I see some manifesting coaches out there that are literally just teaching you how to goal set. They're teaching you strategy. They're teaching you the how to one, two, three of reaching a goal, where you're giving yourself timelines, where you're giving yourself steps and you're planning it out.
Speaker 1:I believe in strategy. I believe it's 80 percent mindset, 20 percent strategy. There needs to be strategy, but strategy is not manifesting. They're two separate things and we have to look at them for what they are. Your desires are expansive. You can have goals and you can say I want to do this. So if you have a goal to start a business, obviously there's strategy there. You know what you want to provide to the world. You know what you want to sell in your business. You know what you want to give and you have to set up systems and structures to deliver on that. So that's the goal part, that's the 20% part. The 80% part the desire is what you want this to look like, how you want it to feel. I want to work four days a week, for five hours a day and still be successful. That's the desire.
Speaker 1:And oh my gosh, I can see some people shrinking right now as they're listening to this and saying there is no way you can have a successful business four days a week, five hours a day, because that's just not how it works. You have to hustle and grind and always be on it, and I can tell you that I know millionaire business owners, women millionaire business owners. Let me say that Women, billionaire or millionaire business owners oh, I said billionaire, Freudian slip. That means they're going to be going up there Women billionaire status. They do that they started a business because they were tired of the hustle and grind, because they had so much going on and things to keep up with, that they wanted the freedom and the money and the expansion, but they didn't want to add more to their to-do list. They structured their business to work four days a week, five hours a day and live their best life doing all the other things that they wanted to do Working out, traveling just what they want to do, what brings them joy in their life. That's what they did. So they had their structure. Obviously, they showed up One that I know.
Speaker 1:She has timelines. She plans out Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. But her mindset says anything is possible, Like there's my plan, Like I'm going to do these things, but her mindset is this can expand beyond my imagination. She has been able to connect with networks that weren't on the plan. See the plan, the goals. That's just. This is my actions I'm taking, but the desires are expansive. I'm open to all possibilities. I can do this, but I'm open to all the possibilities and the mindset that I am worthy. I can receive. I do deserve it.
Speaker 1:You see, manifesting is about connecting with your desires and allowing the universe to handle the how, when you focus just on your goals and that's your focus, and every time you cross off, oh yeah, I met that goal, I met that benchmark. You're just trying to control the process and then you're like, oh yeah, I manifested because I reached the benchmark that I set out for myself. That's just strategy. We can all reach strategy, we're all able to do that. But see, when you're focusing on your desires, you're opening yourself up to endless ways for your desires to come to life.
Speaker 1:So this millionaire business owner that I know, once again, she planned out her stuff, but she got so many other opportunities come her way that she couldn't even have fathomed in 2024, which led her to a whole nother thing that she is now generating income off of. Because she was open, Like, okay, this is a goal, Like here's my goal, but here's really truly my desire. Let my desire come to me. And those things that she could not checkmark or force herself into. She was just open to them. So she focused on what she could for her business, because she runs a business. Then she let everything else just come to her the way it needed to come to her, the way the universe said it could come to her in a limitless way and in a way that felt good to her.
Speaker 1:So when we are going to manifest without boundaries, we can't lock ourselves in a box of smart goals. We have to have that mindset. Here's the thing, that 20% strategy. It really doesn't matter how much you work the strategy. If you don't believe the strategy is even going to work for you, then it won't because your mindset is blocking it anyway. I'm going to give you a personal example of this. I'm just going to be vulnerable with you today.
Speaker 1:I do my best social media content on TikTok. I get the most response from TikTok. It's TikTok On Instagram. I just cannot seem to make headway. I try so hard and with the looming TikTok ban, we'll just see how that goes. I'm just, it is what it is. I'm not worried about it, but I've been trying to grow on Instagram even before that.
Speaker 1:I've always struggled with Instagram. But listen to my words, what I just said, I've always struggled with Instagram. I've never been good at Instagram and I was thinking about this this morning when I was drinking my coffee. I have employed and done the best Instagram strategy. I've worked with the best Instagram marketing person and I know the strategy works and how I know the strategy works is because I employ it on TikTok as well. So I say that to say it's my thoughts and my feelings about Instagram that is holding me back, it's not the strategy. I'm doing the strategy great. I have proof that the strategy works because it works on another platform. This strategy wasn't even developed for TikTok. This strategy was specifically developed for Instagram.
Speaker 1:So if I could get the Instagram strategy to work on TikTok but not on Instagram itself, Where's the issue here? And it is my feelings, my thoughts, how I feel about Instagram, it's absolutely like my mindset, like 100% it's my mindset about Instagram. I tell myself Instagram is so hard to grow on, Instagram is so hard to get engagement on Instagram is just weird. I don't know how I feel about Instagram. I say these things to myself. So you can have the goal, the structure, the strategy, but your mindset can definitely get in the way, and that's where the difference is. It happens to the best of us, so it's just something I have to work on. It's fine.
Speaker 1:I don't feel bad about myself. I want to put that in there too, as we're talking about this. We're talking about all these limitations and boundaries we put on ourselves. I don't want you to feel like shit about it. We do it. We just learn how to overcome it. It's fine.
Speaker 1:I didn't know how I would feel about Instagram until I started getting on Instagram. I just have to reframe my mindset about it and it'll be great. And that's the work I need to do. I'm okay with that. So what work are we doing for our desires, our mindset, because that's 80% of it. You can have the best strategy in the world. I have the best marketing coach Because I run a business. That's goal things, that's strategy things.
Speaker 1:Hiring somebody who is an expert in marketing because I have a business and so I hired the expert and y'all. When I learn from people, when I tell you that I execute. I am great at execution. I will execute and I have executed to a T. It's my mindset and I don't feel bad about myself because of it. That's part of this manifesting process and it's part of the worthiness process. I'm not sitting here like, oh my God, Shannon, what's wrong with you? And beating myself up about it. It's fine, let's just work on the mindset around it. It's fine.
Speaker 1:That's the difference between goals and desires. So let's look at it this way If your goal is to make $10,000 from your business in the next three months. That's the goal. I want to make $10,000 from my business in the next three months. The desire truly is I want to feel financially abundant and supported by my business. The desire allows for limitless ways for that abundance to come to you. The goal is helpful for planning.
Speaker 1:Once again, you cannot truly reach your goals without the mindset and belief that it's possible. And that's the desire, that's the manifestation. So how do you start manifesting without limit? Well, let me give you some tips to free your desires and to align with the infinite possibilities that the universe has for you. The first thing I want you to do is expand your vision. Take a desire you have and ask yourself how can I expand this If there were no limits? What's the biggest, most exciting version of this desire? Write it down and seal into it and let yourself dream as big as you can. And then I want you to identify and release limiting beliefs. Notice what thoughts come up when you expand your desires.
Speaker 1:Is there a voice saying that's too much, you don't deserve that? Or, in my case, it's just so hard for people to grow on Instagram these days. Instagram doesn't like me and I don't like Instagram Acknowledge the beliefs and then replace them with empowering ones. So I could tell myself if I can grow on TikTok, I can grow on Instagram. There's no difference. If I can reach and empower people on one platform, I can reach and empower people on another platform. I'm worthy of this limitless abundance. I know that I have a message that's going to empower and lift up women and the universe is making room for it. Then I want you to feel the limitlessness. I want you to visualize your desire with no restriction. Imagine it coming to life with the most incredible and unexpected things. Feel the emotions and the joy and the freedom and the excitement like it's already happening. It's happened and I need you to get out of your comfort zone, because manifesting without boundaries means being open to the unknown, means following your intuition when it leads you beyond what feels familiar or safe.
Speaker 1:If you're not sure how to trust your intuition, there is an episode a few episodes back on intuition. Specifically intuition, Growth and abundance happen outside of your comfort zone. I'm way more comfortable just hitting record on a phone, talking and posting it on TikTok than I am on Instagram. I have to get out of my own comfort zone of familiarity with one platform over another. That's moving out of my comfort zone. I think a lot of times we think moving out of our comfort zones. Are these really big, traumatic things? It's not. It could be as simple as I'm very comfortable with this platform, but I need to learn a new platform. I'm just learning something new. I just don't know anything about it. So it isn't comfortable because I'm not familiar.
Speaker 1:And then you need to trust the universe, Surrender how it's going to happen and trust the universe is going to work on your behalf. So remind yourself that you're open to receiving in the best and most beautiful way possible. So for me, I'm just going to have to surrender the how Like I'm going to implement the strategy I'm going to take aligned action. As part of aligned action and inspired action is I have to actually show up and post on Instagram and I'm going to use the strategy that I've learned from this master marketer. Then I'm going to be open to the people that the universe brings to me, that I know that the universe is going to bring me aligned people. I'm going to be open to that and I'm not going to be scared to get DMs and I'm not going to be feeling weird about commenting back. It's easier for me to talk back in a video I think you can actually do that on Instagram now but it's hard for me to text things out. I'm a long-winded person. That's fine, but I can learn. I'm open to that and I'm just open to the universe leading me.
Speaker 1:Now, the heart of manifesting without boundaries is going to be your self-worth. You have to believe that you are worthy of the limitless abundance. If you're struggling with feelings of unworthiness, I want you to know this your desires are valid. You do not have to justify wanting more, and abundance is your birthright. Now this is something that I work on with my clients in my Manifest she coaching program. We release guilt, we break free from societal programming and we reconnect with your limitless potential. If you're ready to manifest without boundaries, Manifest. She may be for you. I support you every step of the way, holding your hand. You don't have to go at it alone. The link is in the show description or you can always go to coachingwithshannonkcom. It'll take you right there. Thank you so much for joining me on today's episode. I want you to remember that the universe is limitless, and so are you. Stop shrinking your desires, dream big, trust your intuition and manifest without boundaries. You've got this and I will chat with you next week.