Live Life Unapologetically
Welcome to Live Life Unapologetically, the podcast that empowers women from all walks of life to master manifestation and live an abundant life. I'm Shannon K, your host and guide, here to help you transform abstract manifesting concepts into practical actions for real, lasting change.
In each episode, I delve into the power of manifestation, exploring how to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions to create a life filled with love, health, joy, creativity, and financial prosperity. My mission is to break down the barriers of self-doubt, stress, and overwhelm, providing you with actionable strategies to integrate manifestation into your busy life.
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Whether you're just starting your conscious manifestation journey or looking to enhance your current practices, Live Life Unapologetically offers the insights and tools you need to overcome limiting beliefs and manifest your true potential.
Tune in every Wednesday for empowering episodes packed with practical advice, personal growth tips, and motivational content. Together, we'll navigate the path to a balanced, fulfilling life where your dreams become reality.
Connect with me, Shannon K, on social media @coachingwithshannonk for more inspiration and support.
It's time to be fierce, be fabulous, and live life unapologetically—manifest your best self and shine your brightest light.
Live Life Unapologetically
97 Healing Emotional Blocks to Manifest Your Desires
Dive into a topic that impacts every manifestation journey: emotional blocks. While thoughts and actions are important, your emotions create your vibrational frequency and determine what you attract. But what happens when emotions like doubt, fear, or unworthiness get in the way?
This Episode Covers:
- Common emotional blocks that prevent manifestation
- Why suppressing emotions doesn’t work—and what to do instead.
- How to use your emotions as indicators to uncover limiting beliefs.
- Steps to acknowledge, shift, and replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones.
- The importance of pairing positive emotions with new beliefs to heal blocks and raise your frequency.
- Why self-compassion is key to this process
If you’re ready to clear the resistance holding you back and manifest from a place of alignment, this episode is for you.
✨ Resources Mentioned:
- Manifest SHE Coaching Program
- The Feel to Flourish Masterclass for deeper emotional shifting
🎧 Tune in now and start healing the emotional blocks standing between you and your desires!
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Hey there and welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I am Shannon, and today we are talking about something that impacts every manifestation journey emotional blocks. But before we dive in, I want to be crystal clear I am a coach, not a therapist, while I do have a degree in psychology. What we are going to explore today is about the manifesting process, not therapy. If you are struggling with deep emotional wounds or trauma, I encourage you to seek support from a mental health professional. That is always a good idea. If you're looking to understand how your emotions affect your ability to manifest and how to align those emotions with your desire, then this episode is for you. So now that we have that covered, I want you to grab your favorite drink, cozy up and we can officially dive in. You see, manifesting isn't just about thoughts and actions. It's about emotions. Emotions create your vibrational frequency, and that frequency determines what you attract. Positive, aligned emotions help you to attract your desires because they're reinforcing your beliefs. They are helping you to build new beliefs that tell you that anything is possible, while negative emotions like doubt, fear or frustration can create blocks that keep those desires at bay.
Speaker 1:Here are a few examples of emotions that can block your manifestations, and I said a few because there are many and you have to explore your own. These are some that I hear the most when I'm speaking with women about manifestation. The first is doubt what if this doesn't work out? Or fear I'm scared to take the next step. Unworthiness I don't deserve this Guilt. I shouldn't want more. Or this is asking too much Frustration. Why isn't it happening yet? And shame I failed before, so I'll probably fail again.
Speaker 1:These emotions are like signals telling you something is out of alignment. Here's where a lot of people get it wrong. They think they have to ignore or suppress these emotions to manifest. You know the drill Just think positive, control your and think happy thoughts. But pushing emotions down does not make them disappear. In fact, it solidifies the block even more. Ignoring the signal doesn't solve the problem. It just keeps you stuck, because the more you're focused on trying to suppress or ignore, the more you're focusing on that emotion. Anyway, you're still giving it attention, so you're just cementing it over and over and over. So that's why around here, we do not suppress emotions.
Speaker 1:We can mindset shift to take us from things that aren't serving us to things that are serving us. We can acknowledge them. We don't have to sit in them, we don't have to accept them, but we do have to acknowledge them. The first step is just that to acknowledge any emotional block you may have. It's okay to feel doubt, it's okay to feel fear or frustration. You are human and those emotions are valid. Acknowledging them doesn't mean you're giving them power. It means you're understanding the message they're sending to you, because emotions are indicators. They are going to clue you in, especially when an emotion arises that's attached to a desire that you're trying to manifest. I like to think of my emotions as my dashboard for manifestation. If you're feeling doubt, it's a warning light saying, hey, there's a limiting belief here. Once you acknowledge that emotion, you can look deeper and ask what limiting belief is causing this feeling, because many times we have limiting beliefs that we don't even know we have, and emotions can clue us into that, because limiting beliefs can be so ingrained in our subconscious we're not even consciously aware of what they are.
Speaker 1:I told this story a while ago on another episode. I'm going to tell it to you again. When I was going through my journey of manifesting the wealth that I have. I had gotten to a certain place and it stalled Like everything was moving, moving, moving a certain place and it stalled Like everything was moving, moving, moving, moving and it stalled. I sat there and I was like what is going on? I just really listened to my emotions and I started thinking about the wealth and where I was and I clued in on this emotion of unworthiness. Why did I feel like I was unworthy to go to the next level in my financial manifestation, in my money manifestation? Come to find out. I had a limiting belief that I felt my older brother and sister needed to stay above me in the wealth brackets.
Speaker 1:The backstory to this is my brother and sister have a different father than me. I'm my father's only child. Their father came from a family that had wealth. My father did not. They were the wealthy kids from the wealthy family and I was just the normal kid from the everyday family. They were supposed to have more than me because their last name carried more wealth than my last name carried. It was this unspoken thing that went on through growing up, through the gifts that they would give, the opportunities they had, the fact that they could go to their father's beach house, like their father owned a home, and then there was this family beach house. It was beautiful. It was just this unspoken thing that they had more than I did. So I grew up believing that they should have more than I have. Throughout our adult lives they always had more than I did. When I finally got to this place where I was nipping at their heels, so to speak, financially, everything just stalled right there because subconsciously, I had this limiting belief of unworthiness that they had to do better than me. I wasn't worthy to reach the financial place where they were because I didn't come from that family. They were always supposed to have more than me.
Speaker 1:I say this with limiting beliefs all the time. There's nobody to blame for this limiting belief in myself. It was just observation, experience and my perception. Growing up, my brother and sister never came to me and were like you're never going to have what we have because we have the best daddy. They didn't say that to me. They didn't act that way towards me. It was just little things that I was experiencing throughout my environment that to me. They didn't act that way towards me. It was just little things that I was experiencing throughout my environment that I noticed. That's why I said it was like this unspoken theme Limiting beliefs don't have to have somewhere to lay blame.
Speaker 1:When we're talking about emotional blocks and feeling certain ways, I want you to take blame out of it. You don't have to lay blame somewhere like oh well, I feel this way and I have this limiting belief because my mama did this, my daddy did this, my ex did that, my you know friend, who I thought was my friend but was really my hater, did this. We don't have to find blame. The purpose is to just see where did it come from and to understand that was my perception. There is. It doesn't matter where it really to me and that's why it's not therapy it doesn't really matter where it came from. Where are you now?
Speaker 1:Even if and I want to reiterate again that my brother and sister did not grew up teasing me saying that they had a wealthy dad and I did not is irrelevant to my limiting belief that I felt as if I could not make the same amount or more money than them. It's irrelevant. What am I doing with that now? What choice am I making? Am I going to choose to say somebody teased me about something so I'm going to stay stuck forever, or am I going to say, okay, well, that's where that belief came from. Now, what? That's how I approach things, that's how I encourage my clients to approach things. We can rehash the past and boohoo and blame, or we can say I acknowledge it, this is how I feel, this is the belief that's attached to it. That's getting in my way. This feeling, this emotion, indicated I had a limiting belief. Oh, I see where they're connected in relation to this desire. Now, what can I do? You'll create your reality so you can choose to give your reality over to somebody else when it comes to limiting beliefs, because some limiting beliefs are ingrained into us because of the actions of others. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. That's not what this is about. This is about moving forward. What am I going to do now? What do I choose to do now? Do I choose to now be the creator and take this and move forward? Because you don't need any input from anybody else to change your belief. You just get to change your belief.
Speaker 1:Here's another example of how emotions are indicators when they're negative and how, once we acknowledge them, we can find a limiting belief that is the block. Say, you're feeling doubt about starting a business. I have so many clients and friends who are starting businesses right now Say they feel doubt. Maybe they discovered that the underlying belief is I failed before, so I'll fail again. That's where the doubt feeling comes from. When that's acknowledged, then you can choose to shift it. So not only are we acknowledging our emotions, we're not suppressing them, we're not ignoring them. We're saying, huh, where is this coming from? And you choose to shift.
Speaker 1:You don't have to stay stuck in that story. You create a new empowering belief that aligns with what you want to manifest. I could have stayed stuck in the story that my brother and my sister always have to make more money than I do, because, simply, of who their DNA is paired with. Or I choose and I made a choice that that is so silly. What does that have to do with me, my life, what I want? Not a thing. I am just as deserving as anybody else, regardless if my parents had money or didn't. I shifted the belief and I created new empowering beliefs. That's where my belief I am worthy simply because I exist really started to take form in my life. Simply because I'm here, I am worthy to have that. And you know what? My money manifestations picked back up again once I went through this process that we're going to be talking about, because it is a process I didn't just say one day well, that's a stupid thing to think.
Speaker 1:That's a dumb limiting belief, because, honestly, I did tell myself that I was like Shannon that is the silliest thing. Why the hell would you think you have to stay below anybody else on this planet? Why would you think that when I said it out loud, it sounded so stupid and silly, but I still didn't overcome it just because I acknowledged it? So I want you to know sometimes, when you say a limiting belief out loud and we get to the heart of it, you might think to yourself what in the world this is ridiculous. Sometimes it's ridiculous, sometimes it's valid.
Speaker 1:In all of this, just have some compassion for yourself, because I didn't sit there and tell myself now I didn't create a new negative pattern of God. You're so dumb for thinking that so long. Why the fuck did you think that for so long? You know how much further along you'd be if you didn't have like. I didn't sit there and beat myself up about the belief. I just acknowledged it and, honestly, when I said it out loud, coming up with the empowering belief didn't seem like such a hurdle, if that makes sense.
Speaker 1:So let's go back to the other example. If the limiting belief is, I failed before, so I'll fail again, make an empowering belief. You have to make a belief that is opposite of the negative or limiting belief. Whatever is limiting you, just flip it and make it the opposite. I'm learning how to run a successful business. Flip it and make it the opposite. I'm learning how to run a successful business. My dreams are valid. My business will thrive. Failure is only giving up. Learning is pushing forward.
Speaker 1:The key here is to replace the belief, but not just with words, because now you have to pair the new belief with a positive emotion. So remember your negative emotion with I failed before, so I'll fail again was doubt, and that's the emotion that was attached to it. Now, with your new empowering belief the words, because those are just words now you attach a new emotion Because the reason emotional blocks stick is that we focus so much on these affirmations that we're making and we're not changing the emotion attached to it these affirmations that we're making and we're not changing the emotion attached to it. So, if you find yourself stuck in this process, really key in on emotions, because it's an emotional block. We're talking about healing emotional blocks today. So we have to not only change the words, but we have to change the emotion. The old emotion of fear, doubt and frustration is going to keep pulling you back into the limiting belief if you don't create a new emotion that you attach to the new affirmation or empowering belief, affirmations, empowering beliefs same thing. You're empowering yourself, you're affirming a new belief to yourself, but you have to attach an emotion to that. When you create the new belief, ask yourself what positive emotion can I attach to this new belief? Maybe it's excitement about growing a business, or gratitude for the opportunity to learn, or confidence in your ability to figure things out. In my case, the emotion was being free to be me. I just felt this sense of freedom and release and peace and joy that I didn't have to be stuck in an arbitrary box that I made for myself to always be behind somebody else.
Speaker 1:In my Manifestation Made Simple Masterclass, which is available on my website, livelifeunapologeticallycom, I talk about the easiest way to do emotional shifting and that's by understanding emotions so that you can shift. There are four quadrants of emotions. There's high-intensity negative, high-intensity positive, low-intensity negative and low-intensity positive. So there's an opposite for each and within those it's easier to shift from the same intensity. So if your limiting belief is attached to a high intensity negative, then you want to cultivate a high intensity positive emotion to your new empowering belief. If you have a low intensity negative emotion with your limiting belief, then you're going to want to switch or shift with a low intensity positive emotion. Now you can switch through all of the quadrants. It's just more advanced to do that when you're just starting. It's good to stay with the same intensity level to go from one to the other, and so that's how I recommend starting.
Speaker 1:For instance, if you have a high intensity negative emotion attached to a limiting belief, like frustration, shock, nervousness, you're frightened, you're stressed, then you can move it over to a high intensity positive, like motivated, optimistic, enthusiastic, inspired or blissful. It just makes the shifting easier emotionally to stay on that same because you're on a higher, like frequency per se what they say is a frequency it's really not a frequency. You're on a higher intensity level, so just move over to another high intensity level. If you're on a low intensity level and you're feeling hopeless or exhausted, disheartened, bored, maybe you're embarrassed, then just gently move yourself to a low intensity positive, like you don't have to go into like an extreme high, you could just be grateful, restful, serene, you could just be chill, carefree. You can use those emotions. So if you're not sure what new emotion to try to switch to, or if you want to learn more about the types of emotions and how to move from one to the next, then I want you to grab the Feel to Flourish Masterclass. If you want to go more in depth, if you want to learn more about that, the goal is really to feel the new emotion deeply and consistently and that's what helps you to shift your vibration and align with your desires. I've already mentioned it, but I want to mention this again because I feel like this is crucial.
Speaker 1:I want to talk about self-compassion, because changing limiting beliefs and healing emotional blocks takes time. It is like going to the gym. You do not expect to go to the gym on day one and lift heavy weights. You start small, you build your strengths and you celebrate your progress. Manifestation is the same way. You are building new neural pathways in your brain. That doesn't happen overnight. It happens one step at a time. So every time you're acknowledging the emotional block and you're like that's the limiting belief. You create that new empowering belief with the positive emotion. You strengthen that muscle, you strengthen that new pathway. You should celebrate every small step that you take, every that new pathway. You should celebrate every small step that you take, every single small step. What is a small step?
Speaker 1:When I was going through and changing the belief that my brother and sister had to make more money than me anytime, things would start to get moving and I would find myself kind of shirking back because I was now aware, because I didn't ignore or suppress and I could attach the emotion that I needed to heal to the limiting belief. I could say, oh, I remember that's a limiting belief, but you know what? And I would just reaffirm to myself my new empowering belief and I would feel that emotion. I would take a moment and close my eyes and really feel into it and be into it. I would encompass and encapsulate that emotion through my whole being. It works like this the more you do it, the longer periods of time before that little limiting belief kind of creeps back in. Right, maybe you really have to be consistent and super focused on this new empowering belief for almost all day. Every day you feel like it because you know, now that you've acknowledged it and you're aware, you're going to be more conscious of it. And when it's being applied in your life, I always say this how you talk to yourself matters. This is really how you're talking to yourself, feeling about yourself and feeling about your desire.
Speaker 1:When I used to do things like stub my toe or you know simple little things, I used to always say, shannon, stub my toe, or you know simple little things. I used to always say, shannon, you're such an idiot. Well, I was reinforcing to myself that I was unworthy, I was dumb and I'm so smart Like that's crazy to me because I'm so smart. But I was reinforcing this in my brain. Once I became aware, I noticed I was doing it all the time. Like I thought I just did it every now and then I was like, oh, don't do that again. And then, when I became aware, I noticed I was doing it all the time. But then I would change my self-talk like, okay, everybody stubs their toe. Mistakes aren't a big deal, that's not even a thing anymore. That's been eliminated. I don't have that issue anymore, but it takes time. So when I was doing it of course I was really then it would come up randomly here or there and I would just have to go back and reinforce it again.
Speaker 1:So it's the same thing. You're just building a muscle. You're just trying to let one belief leave your mind and another one cement itself in your mind, and that takes time. You don't go to the gym one time and expect to be ripped. So I don't want you to do this work once and think everything is going to change immediately. Didn't think you failed in some way, or you missed the mark, or you screwed up, or this shit just does not work. Be kind to yourself. Self-compassion keeps you motivated and it keeps you aligned, especially when you're changing limiting beliefs. I also want to say and I said it before, I will say it again, I'm going to keep saying it because repetition Some limiting beliefs are going to be easier to overcome than others.
Speaker 1:Some things are not as deeply rooted in you when it comes to these emotional blocks and the emotions they elicit than others. I want you to sit with that and realize that, and that's why you have compassion. I can't, even if I wanted to, I can't sit here and tell you that, oh well, if you do this for seven days, you're good to go. It doesn't work like that. Your brain is very complex, emotions are complex and they're different. You may have feelings of self-doubt about one area of your life but not another. But it's deeper in another area of your life. I have a little bit of self-doubt when it comes to relationships, but I have a lot when it comes to business. Well then, the self-doubt and limiting beliefs, feeling, emotion of doubt is going to be easier to overcome in the area of relationships and business. It just depends on how deeply it is rooted. But it is possible. You can rewire your brain. That is possible. So practice self-compassion.
Speaker 1:You are literally working out your brain and changing your brain. I don't know why people think this happens overnight. It frustrates me in the manifesting world that it's like dude, just change your thoughts tomorrow and your life's going to change exponentially. It's a process. Now, once you learn this process, it gets easier, it gets faster and you manifest quicker. You overcome things because you know how to do it. It just depends on where you're starting and depends on how deeply rooted these emotions are in you. So here's an exercise you can try this week. These emotions are in you. So here's an exercise you can try this week and I'm not going to tell you that you're going to have a complete change of the belief. What I will tell you is that if you continue to do this consistently, you are going to see change. You are going to feel better, lighter, more empowered right away, because you're dealing with it, you're not hiding from it and you're tapping into new power, but you're going to see the effects more and more and more over time.
Speaker 1:I gave this example to somebody who had commented on one of my videos on TikTok. Sometimes we have to start with something that's very small, not a lot attached to it, just to get used to the process. I decided, after a conversation with another coach, that I was going to get within the first three parking spaces at every store I went to without having to wait for somebody to pull out, like it was just going to be open and I pull right in. I started working on that and why. I thought that wasn't going to happen for me. Like guys, I literally thought that somebody else deserved the space more, somebody else deserved to be closer to the store than I did. I know, but anyway I worked on that belief.
Speaker 1:No-transcript, it's not that you're not going to see anything, it just may be a little spotty, but it just becomes more and more consistent. So the first thing you're going to do is you're going to identify an emotional block. Think of an area where you're stuck or frustrated. If you have to start with something, that's just parking spaces, start there just to prove to yourself that you can do this. Notice any emotions that comes up Is it doubt, is it fear, is it unworthiness? And then ask yourself what limiting belief is creating that emotion and write it down. Then you're going to choose a new empowering belief that is positive and aligned and write that down as your affirmation.
Speaker 1:Your affirmation is the opposite of the limiting belief. Your affirmation is not the desire. It's the opposite of your limiting belief, because you're trying to change the belief to allow the desire to come. If the desire is I want to be a millionaire, but the limiting belief is I'm not deserving wealth, you can say I'm going to be a millionaire as much as you want, but you're still going to be blocked. I'm not deserving of wealth becomes I am worthy and deserving of wealth. You say that you bring in the millionaire status. So you're going to identify your block. Ask yourself create the empowering belief. And now comes the fun part, where you pair it with the positive emotions. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and feel the emotion that you want to attach to your new belief. Maybe it's joy, excitement or confidence. Let yourself feel it fully, repeat and celebrate. Repeat the practice regularly recognition and finding and feeling that new emotion and then celebrate the little times that you see it showing up, like for me when I was sporadically getting within the first three and I celebrated it every single time until it just became normal, consistent and always is.
Speaker 1:If you really want to go deeper, if you need some more guidance, things that are more personalized, in my Manifest Sheet coaching program we do go into identifying and shifting these emotional blocks. We build the self-worth. We align the beliefs with your desires. We create a consistent practice that makes the manifesting natural. It makes manifesting fun and very personalized because you don't have to do it alone. If you're ready to release resistance and manifest from a place of alignment, then Manifest. She may be perfect for you. You can find the link in the show notes or you can just go to coachingwithshannonkcom. Remember, emotional blocks are just signals. You have the power to shift them one step at a time. Be kind to yourself, trust the process and keep showing up. I know that you have got this and I will chat with you next week.