Live Life Unapologetically

96 Breaking Down Barriers: Manifest by Trusting Your Instincts

Shannon Kline Episode 96

Dive into one of the most overlooked yet powerful elements of manifestation, your intuition. Often dismissed or drowned out by logic, societal norms, and self-doubt, intuition is your direct line to the limitless universe and your higher self—the light that guides the way toward your deepest desires.

In this episode explore:
✨ Why intuition is more than just a tool—it's a vital part of who you are.
✨ The connection between intuition and manifestation alignment.
✨ How ignoring your intuition creates resistance and blocks your desires.
✨ The four reasons women struggle to trust their intuition 

You’ll also discover two practical exercises to strengthen your intuition this week:
1️⃣ The Gut Check: Reconnect with your inner voice through mindful reflection.
2️⃣ Inner Voice Journaling: Build a dialogue with your intuition to receive clear guidance.

Whether you’ve ever ignored your gut only to regret it later or you’re ready to stop overthinking and start trusting, this episode is your guide to tapping into the power of your inner knowing. 

Tune in now to strengthen your connection to your intuition and manifest the life you’re meant to live!

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Speaker 1:

Hey there and welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I am your host, shannon Kaye, and today we're talking about one of the most important tools in manifesting, which is your intuition. And that really is the first problem that intuition is seen as a tool because the world has disregarded it so much. Intuition is so much more than a tool. It's an interesting part of who you are, a natural connection to the limitless universe and your higher self. Let me ask you this Do you ever feel torn between what your gut is telling you and what you think you should do? Have you ever ignored your intuition, only to regret it later? Or maybe you find yourself overthinking, second guessing or even bargaining with yourself, trying to make your intuition fit into what feels safe and logical. If you're nodding along, you're not alone. Trusting your intuition can feel like swimming upstream, especially in a world that prioritizes logic and judgment over inner knowing. The thing is, your intuition is your direct line to the universe. It is your compass guiding you towards your desires. When you ignore it, you create resistance in your manifesting journey, because you cut yourself off from the very entity of co-creation for the life that you want, the life of your wildest dreams. Today is about tapping into your inner power, your intuition. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's get started Now.

Speaker 1:

Before we dive into why trusting your intuition can feel so hard, let's talk about why intuition is such a powerful connection for manifesting. Manifesting is all about alignment. You align your thoughts, your emotions, your actions with your desires, and your intuition is this built-in connection to, like I said before, the limitless universe. It's guiding you towards the people, the opportunity and the actions that are going to bring your desires to life. Unlike logic, which is shaped by societal norms, personal experiences, external pressures, intuition comes from a deeper, purer place. It's connected directly to your higher self, to the universe, meaning it operates beyond the limits of your current reality. When you follow your intuition, you're tapping into this infinite source of wisdom and aligning yourself with energy, with the flow, with the trust, the exact vibrations that attract what you want.

Speaker 1:

And let me talk about wisdom real quick, because many times that we are taught that wisdom comes from your experience. It comes with age, it comes with going through things. What I want you to realize with your intuition is it already has the experience. It's connected to something greater than ourselves. It's connected to, once again the limitless universe. The universe already knows it. All Wisdom lies within it. It is an infinite source of wisdom. If you listen to it, you don't have to struggle. You don't have to, you know, go through the fire to get the wisdom. Things in life can teach us and give us wisdom, but it doesn't always mean you have to go through to obtain wisdom, because your intuition holds its own wisdom beyond explanation.

Speaker 1:

Intuition points you to directions that logic cannot explain. It may nudge you to take a leap of faith, exploring an unexpected path, letting go of something that is no longer meant for you. And while these choices may feel uncertain or even uncomfortable at first, they're almost always the ones that lead to the most aligned and fulfilling manifestations, because when you trust your intuition, you're telling the universe I'm open to your guidance, I trust you to lead me to what's meant for me, what is best for me. This creates a powerful flow, allowing your desires to come into your life with greater ease and less resistance. See, when you ignore your tuition or you try to rationalize it away, that is creating resistance.

Speaker 1:

Manifestation works best when you're in alignment, when your thoughts, your feelings and actions all are pointing once again in the same direction and your intuition is that compass. When you ignore it, you're creating this like energetic tug of war, telling the universe well, I want this, while simultaneously pulling back because you don't trust the path that you're being guided on. Mixed signals lead to stalled manifestations. On top of that and I hear this from women more than anyone is that guilt creeps in. Many women feel guilty about manifesting what they truly desire because it makes them feel selfish or like they're too much. The guilt disconnects them from the intuition and it keeps you stuck in manifesting what you think you should want instead of what you truly want. And, honestly, when we're operating on the shoulds and manifesting, I should want this there's resistance in that. Anyway, I did honesty and manifesting as a podcast episode, going into these shoulds and truly being honest. Because if you're not honest and tapping into that intuition, if you're ignoring it or if you're bargaining with it because oh, I feel guilty and so you're pushing it aside, then you're not being honest. That's instant resistance.

Speaker 1:

Your intuition is absolutely the bridge between you and the universe. Ignoring it means that you're not fully open to receiving, it slows you down or it blocks you. Trusting your intuition can be extremely difficult, especially if you're a woman, and there are four key reasons for that Societal conditioning to prioritize logic, self-doubt, societal judgment and self-worth challenges. Each of these not only makes it harder to trust your intuition, but in fact it can cut your intuition off altogether. Let's talk about each of these and why they're a problem.

Speaker 1:

So when you're taught to prioritize logic over intuition, it happens from a very young age. You're told that decisions should be logical, measurable and explainable. Intuition doesn't really look at logical sense. From what we know to be logical, it's a deep internal knowing that often defies conventional reasoning. Because intuition doesn't fit into this logical framework that's so pounded and compounded into us, we are conditioned to question our intuition or, worse, to dismiss it altogether.

Speaker 1:

Manifesting requires you to be in alignment with your inner self, and intuition is the bridge to that alignment. When you ignore or suppress your inner voice, you disconnect from the guidance that aligns you with your desires. So, instead of flowing towards your manifestations, you end up stuck overthinking and analyzing. It's like a paralysis state. You need to create space to hear your intuition, spend time journaling or meditating on your desires without trying to rationalize them. Honestly, if you are trying to have something that you've never had, if you're trying to manifest something that you've never experienced in your life, why would you try to rationalize it based on past experiences or anything else? You don't have the experience to put that into place. Stop trying to make your desires fit into old boxes. Let your intuition be your guide. Your intuition doesn't have to make sense to be valid. Trust the inner nudge, even if you cannot explain it.

Speaker 1:

We're such an explaining society, are we not? You have to explain everything. As women, we have to explain constant decisions. Why do you choose to work instead of stay home with your kids? Why do you choose to stay home with your kids instead of work? Why do you choose not to have kids? Why do you have so many kids? Why are you waiting to start a family? Are you going to get married? Like everything that's going to go into societal judgment and pressures in a minute, but like we try to make logical arguments of why it makes sense, instead of just saying, because it feels good to me and I know that's what I'm supposed to do, we have to logically explain our way out of it, because that's what we've been programmed to do. Now.

Speaker 1:

The second part of this is self-doubt, because that truly can undermine your inner knowing. A lot of us have been taught to second guess ourselves. You may wonder what if my intuition's wrong? Or thinking back to past mistakes as evidence that you cannot trust yourself and that self-doubt is going to become a block and it's going to make it harder for you to act on your intuition because you're constantly second-guessing yourself. We know manifesting is about certainty and belief. If you doubt yourself, you're sending a signal to the universe that says I want this, but I'm not sure I deserve it or can trust it, or trust myself to create it, and that confusion once again comes back to resistance. That slows down or blocks your manifestation. So you have to actively build on your confidence to overcome self-doubt. You can do that through slow, small steps.

Speaker 1:

If you need to like what to eat for dinner or which route to take. You know when you're thinking to yourself well, what should I order for dinner tonight? I'm an ordering person, I'm going to order stuff, so what should I order for dinner tonight? And if I don't go with my first instinct, then I will sit there and scroll forever and not be able to decide between restaurants Like, honestly, how hard is it? Do I want something chicken based? Do I want something that has to do with beef pork? What is it? What am I in the mood for? And go to that. Those are very low stake things that you can do to build your confidence of making decisions and just going with that initial instinct, things of that nature in your life, to build up that confidence, to overcome that doubt. And then you get the burger and you taste it and it feels oh so good because you're trusting that first instinct, and then celebrate when those decisions feel aligned, to reinforce that you trust yourself. I'm so glad that I ordered from Whataburger tonight because this burger on this Texas toast with all the stuff I want on it just really hit the spot. You trusted your instinct.

Speaker 1:

Now here comes societal judgment and pressures. This is the third thing for you to justify your choices. And that kind of kicks into number one where you're trying to do logic over your intuition. But we feel, as women, the need to explain our decisions to others, I think, more than anything, especially when those decisions do not align with societal norms or expectations. And this absolutely leads to bargaining with your intuition to try to make it fit into what's acceptable or reasonable instead of what feels good to you what feels good, what feels true to me.

Speaker 1:

For the longest time when I was in and I'm not going to lie I gave into the pressure, but not for long. When I was in education, everybody said you need to go into administration, you need to go into administration and I'm like that's just not where I want to be, I don't want to be there. Eventually I let the pressure get to me and I was like fine, whatever, I guess this is the logical next step. But I had to justify why I didn't want to be in administration. Then when I went, I was miserable and I went back to the classroom. Then I had to justify why and explain why I went. I basically demoted myself back to a lesser position or a lower position, but I thought it was the best position because the other stuff didn't make me happy. And we do this with ourselves and we do things based on judgment or pressure. You should want to move up. You should want to keep going, climb the ladder, so to speak. How can you just be happy where you are? Then I have a friend who she did want to be in an administration. She's an amazing principal and she climbed the ladder and people had something to say about that too.

Speaker 1:

It's like you can't win for losing, and so we sit here and bargain with our intuition all the time, and I'm going to be honest with you guys you can't do that Like we have to let that go. Manifesting requires authenticity. When you let social expectations dictate your choices, you're stepping out of alignment with your true self, and the universe responds to who you are, not you trying to please others. Practice making decisions without justifying them to others. Start small. Say no to something that you don't want to do or yes to something you do want to do without explaining it at all. One of the things that I did to help move past pressures and explanations and just doing things that felt good is I found the do not disturb button on my phone and I would put it on anytime I did not want to be disturbed. I love the do not disturb button on my phone. What decision can you make that you don't have to justify to others?

Speaker 1:

And then we come to self-worth. If you have low self-worth, that is going to block your connection to your intuition every single time. How you feel about yourself. If you don't feel worthy of your desires, it's incredibly hard to trust your intuition. You may hear your inner voice saying go for it, but immediately you shut it down with well, I don't deserve that, or who am I to want that?

Speaker 1:

Manifesting requires a deep belief in your worthiness. If you don't believe you're worthy of your desires, you're subconsciously blocking yourself from receiving them, ignoring your intuition. When you ignore your intuition because you don't feel worthy, it really becomes a defense mechanism to avoid disappointment. I've talked to several people and they've told me you know, I'm scared to really ask for something because I fear being disappointed. What if it doesn't come to pass? What if I'm trying to manifest something and I don't get it? And so we shut down because we don't want to be disappointed, we don't feel worthy of receiving it. There comes this like nudge of oh, you're probably going to be disappointed. Who are you to have that? Start rewriting your self-worth story.

Speaker 1:

Use affirmations I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer. My desires are valid and deserving of fulfillment. I don't owe an explanation to anybody. I am worthy to receive simply because I exist. That's one of my favorite ones for worthiness I am worthy to receive simply because I exist.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to worthiness, we've been taught like you know, you have to be so good to be worthy and that if you're bad or you do something wrong or you make a mistake, you're not worthy. And what do I always say? There are assholes out here that have so much wealth and they're complete assholes. It has nothing to do with good deeds, receiving abundance and wealth. It has nothing to do with good deeds. It has everything to do with do you just believe you're worthy because you exist? Those people out there who aren't the definition of what a good person is. They still have what they want because they feel worthy to have it. And when you don't feel worthy, you're not going to listen to your intuition. So I need you to really work on that and your worth and stop basing your worth on a checklist. That's one of the best things I think you can do is don't base your worth on a checklist. Once again, I am worthy simply because I exist. There's nothing you need to do to be worthy.

Speaker 1:

When you address these four challenges, you're really clearing the resistance that is keeping you disconnected from your intuition. Each time you quiet your overthinking trust yourself, you stop justifying choices, you build on your self-worth. You're strengthening the connection to your inner voice. This is the work that we focus on in the foundational portion of my Manifest Sheet coaching, because intuition is one of the most powerful avenues for manifesting and learning to trust. It is a skill that you can build. When you release the noise of societal expectations and self-doubt, your intuition becomes a clear guide, helping you to align effortlessly with your desires. The more you trust your intuition, the easier manifesting become, because intuition isn't just a feeling. It's your soul's way of communicating what's truly aligned to you.

Speaker 1:

So how do you start to begin to rebuild the trust? How do you tune out the noise, release the guilt, connect with your inner voice? The first step is awareness. Start noticing when you're overthinking or second-guessing yourself. Ask yourself am I ignoring my intuition right now and why am I doing it? Awareness helps you to identify blocks so you can start to release them. So, for instance, if you are scared of disappointment, am I being scared? I'm going to be disappointed, and that's why I'm discounting it. That's why I'm scared to move forward.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that I think is so powerful is creating a space to actually hear your intuition. In my opinion, meditation is one of the best ways to do this. Meditation quiets external noise. It helps you to reconnect with your inner self. Even five to ten minutes a day can make a massive difference. I've said it before and I'll say it again I started with meditating seven minutes every single day. It's now an hour a day. It makes such a difference. When you meditate, you're not just calming your mind, you're creating space for your intuition to come through loud and clear. Some of my best ideas, the most creativity I have, my aha moments come in meditation, when my inner voice, when my inner self is allowed to come through loud and clear, because I have let go of all of those racing thoughts and I can truly connect and hear without distraction.

Speaker 1:

Before I leave you today, I want to give you two exercises you can choose from this week to start to reconnect to your intuition, to your higher self, to the direct line, to the limitless universe. The first one is a gut check. I want you to take a few moments, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Think about a decision or a desire you're manifesting. Place your hand on your heart or on your gut, wherever you feel your intuition lives, and ask what feels true to me right now. Listen to that first feeling or thought that comes.

Speaker 1:

The second thing you can choose to do is the inner voice journaling exercise. Find a quiet space where you're not going to be interrupted and grab a journal. At the top of the page, write what is my intuition guiding me to do. Let your thoughts flow without censoring them. Write as if your intuition is speaking directly to you. This practice helps you to build a stronger dialogue with your inner voice and, once again, please do not censor yourself, just let it flow. Whatever comes out comes out. Don't judge it, don't second guess it, just let whatever comes out flow out.

Speaker 1:

Both of these exercises are simple but very, very powerful ways to start trusting yourself and to reconnect with your intuition. Once you have made that connection with your intuition, you are going to trust it. These are ways to build the trust with your intuition, to trust your gut and to follow it like the light that it is. Your intuition is your light. It is going to take you on the correct path, where you're supposed to go. You may not understand it. You may not be're supposed to go. You may not understand it, you may not be able to see it, you may not be able to make sense of it, but that's really the point.

Speaker 1:

If you could see it, make sense of it, plan it, what would be the point of your intuition? We only know what we know. I had a boss one time. She was mean as hell and I didn't like her, but one of the things that she said that really stuck out to me was you don't know what you don't know. Therefore, you don't even know what to ask. Because I was a first year person at this place and she's like do y'all have questions? Heck, you probably don't even know what questions to ask because you don't even know what you don't know. Do you see how that plays together? You don't know what you don't know, but your intuition does and you can use your intuition to guide you there.

Speaker 1:

If you're ready to trust your intuition, align with your desires, I'd love for you to join my Manifest she coaching program. Together we work on quieting the noise, building your self-worth, reconnecting with your intuition so that you can truly manifest the life that you want. You do not have to navigate this journey alone. In Manifest she, you have the tools and the support to step into your power as the creator of your life. You can find the link to join in the show notes. I do have limited spots available, so make sure you secure yours today. You can also go to coachingwithshannonkaycom, and that's going to take you right to the program. Remember that your intuition is your superpower, and that's going to take you right to the program. Remember that your intuition is your superpower. Trust it, nurture it and let it guide you to the life you're meant to live. Keep showing up for yourself, and I will chat with you next week.