Live Life Unapologetically
Welcome to Live Life Unapologetically, the podcast that empowers women from all walks of life to master manifestation and live an abundant life. I'm Shannon K, your host and guide, here to help you transform abstract manifesting concepts into practical actions for real, lasting change.
In each episode, I delve into the power of manifestation, exploring how to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions to create a life filled with love, health, joy, creativity, and financial prosperity. My mission is to break down the barriers of self-doubt, stress, and overwhelm, providing you with actionable strategies to integrate manifestation into your busy life.
Join this thriving community where authenticity, self-care, and intentional success are at the forefront. Through engaging discussions, practical advice, and inspiring stories, you'll gain the clarity and confidence needed to embrace manifestation as a journey, not just a destination.
Whether you're just starting your conscious manifestation journey or looking to enhance your current practices, Live Life Unapologetically offers the insights and tools you need to overcome limiting beliefs and manifest your true potential.
Tune in every Wednesday for empowering episodes packed with practical advice, personal growth tips, and motivational content. Together, we'll navigate the path to a balanced, fulfilling life where your dreams become reality.
Connect with me, Shannon K, on social media @coachingwithshannonk for more inspiration and support.
It's time to be fierce, be fabulous, and live life unapologetically—manifest your best self and shine your brightest light.
Live Life Unapologetically
95 From Imagination to Reality: Transformative Manifestation With the Vision Diary
This week on Live Life Unapologetically, Shannon K. introduces you to a transformative manifesting practice she created: The Vision Diary. Far beyond a vision board or journaling practice, the Vision Diary combines the power of visualization, scripting, and feeling into a single, ongoing process that amplifies your ability to manifest with ease.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
✨ The Power of Visualization: Learn how visual representations anchor your desires in your subconscious and guide you toward your dreams.
✨ Scripting Secrets: Explore how writing about your desires as if they’ve already happened aligns your mind with your manifestations.
✨ Feel Your Way to Your Desires: Understand why emotions are the most magnetic component of manifesting and how to tap into the feelings of your future reality.
Shannon breaks down her Vision Diary process step by step, sharing how this practice simplifies manifesting, eliminates the need to obsess over the "how," and helps you co-create with the universe in a deeply aligned and empowering way. Plus, she highlights the importance of creativity and how it taps into your feminine power to make manifesting a playful and fulfilling experience.
If you’re ready to manifest your desires unapologetically and reclaim your creative voice, this episode is for you!
✨ Resources Mentioned:
- Shannon’s favorite scrapbook to use for your diary.
- Other materials:
- Photos (Canva or Google);
- Double-sided tape or glue sticks;
- Markers...
- Anything that makes you feel CREATIVE!
Don’t miss this powerful episode!
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Hey there and welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I am Shannon, and today we're diving into a process that has transformed how I manifest my desires. I developed this about a year and a half ago, and that's the Vision Diary. Now, this isn't just another vision board or a journaling practice. It's a unique combination of tools that work together to help you align your desires and bring them into your reality. But before we get into the vision diary itself, I want to take a step back and I want to talk about the power of the individual components that I have mashed together to make this so transformational, and that's visuals, scripting and feelings. This was a topic that was picked by you. If you are not already following me on Instagram, you can follow me at coachingwithshannonk. At the end of each year, I ask you what do you want to hear every single week on the podcast? Of course, my followers vote and I show up and give you what it is you asked for. This week, this was the winner by 75% of the votes on the poll the Vision Diary.
Speaker 1:Now, the great thing about this is because I don't believe that manifesting practices have to take up all of your life. You should be able to live your life. You should be able to live in that which you've manifested. I took the most powerful tools that I was using for manifestation. I put them all together to save me time, but then I learned that they were so effective. Each element on its own has a unique ability to enhance your manifestation journey, but by combining them, the results become extraordinary. I want you to grab a notebook this week, your favorite drink, cozy up and let's get started. I'm very cozy with you today. I have my cozy jammies on, the wind is blowing. It feels so good. It feels like the perfect atmosphere and time to talk about this powerful practice.
Speaker 1:So let's start with those individual components. Let's start with the component of visualization. There's something deeply powerful about seeing what you want to manifest. Visualization works because your brain doesn't distinguish between what's real and what's imagined. When you're visualizing something, you activate the same neural pathways as if you were experiencing it in real life. How freaking cool is that? I think that's amazing. Okay, so this is why vision boards are such popular tools.
Speaker 1:People who manifest need people who aren't manifestors use vision boards when you create a visual representation of your desires, whether it's a photo, a drawing, a visual representation of your desires, whether it's a photo, a drawing or even a symbol. You're giving your subconscious mind a clear image to focus on. What you focus on expands what you focus on, you attract. Visualization helps keep your desires front and center. Every time you look at that visual representation of what you want, you're reinforcing the belief that it's possible and you're aligning yourself with the energy of receiving it. It's like creating a mental map that guides you towards your desires. Right when you're trying to go somewhere, you're looking at a map. Even when our technology age and you have the GPS, you're looking at a map showing how you're getting from point A to point B. It's a visual to get you there. It helps you know hey, I'm on the right track, I'm on the right path, and it shows you that you're getting closer to where you're trying to be. So it's very powerful.
Speaker 1:Now the second component is scripting. Writing is a way of organizing your thoughts and declaring your intentions to the universe. Scripting takes this a step further, because it's about writing as if your desires have already manifested. You're writing in the past or present tense. You're saying I'm so grateful for my dream job. It feels incredible to live in my dream home. You're training your mind to see your desires as reality, and scripting not only clarifies what you want, but it also creates a sense of certainty and alignment, because you're literally writing down as if it's happened.
Speaker 1:You know when we were like teens and young and we had all our diaries and we would go and write about our day and we write all the details about our day. It's like that. You're writing the details as if it's already happened. You can write about our day and we write all the details about our day. It's like that. You're writing the details as if it's already happened. You can write about how it feels, what your day looks like, who was with you, what was happening around you. It's crafting a vivid story of your future, but as if that future is right now, one that your mind starts to believe is already true. And what do we know about manifesting? What do I tell you all the time?
Speaker 1:Manifesting is not about your thoughts. It's about what you believe. Now, your thoughts contribute to what you believe. Your thoughts form the belief. But it's the belief. What do I actually believe is true?
Speaker 1:That is the attraction point, the next component, the third part, and it's very crucial. It's the most crucial element in my opinion, and that's your feelings. Your emotions are your vibrational frequency and that frequency is what attracts your desires to you. So when you feel the emotions of having your desire, the joy, the gratitude, the excitement, the love, you're aligning yourself with the energy of receiving it. I do want to put right here that I'm not talking about toxic positivity. If you've been around for a while, you know that we embrace all of our emotions. Our emotions are indicators and we don't suppress emotions, because suppression actually leads to you focusing more on what you don't want than what you do want. So we need to clear that stuff out.
Speaker 1:But I really want to talk to you about how we use feelings in this process, because feelings are what make manifesting magnetic. You can think about your desire all day, that dream house, that dream job, that dream business. But if your feelings are rooted in lack or doubt or fear, you're going to struggle to manifest. Or even if you just are kind of neutral about it, like, oh, you're thinking about it, you're not thinking about it as the fact that you can't have it, or you can have it, maybe you're just neutrally thinking. You know that'd be nice. That's not a very strong frequency right, because your feelings are so magnetic. So when you tap into the feelings of already having what you want, you shift your energy and you create a powerful connection to your desires. We're just trying to get on that same page, that same frequency of our desire.
Speaker 1:So feeling your way into your desires requires imagination and intention. It's about closing your eyes and picturing yourself in the moment of having it, letting those emotions wash over you and allowing yourself to fully experience the joy and freedom and love that comes with it. It's an immersion experience. Now, each of these components visualization, scripting and feelings is powerful on their own. If you did these one at a time and you just compartmentalize them, if you have a vision board, if you have a diary that you script in, if you take moments throughout your day to feel into your feelings of already having it, each of those by themselves is powerful. It's when you bring each of them together that it becomes truly transformative and that's when you're going to get the manifesting results that you want. Combining these elements creates a multi-sensory experience that anchors you in your desires and it amplifies your manifesting power. Visualization gives you that clear picture of what you want. Scripting creates the story of how it is already yours and feelings align you with the energy of having it. So when you engage all three, you're aligning your mind, body and spirit with your desires, creating a clear and powerful signal to the universe. This is where the vision diary comes in. It's combining all of these powerful things visualizing, scripting and feeling into a single ongoing practice.
Speaker 1:It started when I went to a friend's house to do some vision boarding and I decided I wanted to do mine in a book. It just went from there. So that's where it started and evolved. Part of that is I put on there Shannon's book of realities because I saw that in a Queen Latifah movie and I can't think of it right now where she uses all her money because she thinks she's not going to make it and she goes through this book and makes all her stuff come true, right, so she like dived into it. But anyway, I put Shannon's book of realities on the front of it.
Speaker 1:It's a scrapbook and I'm going to link the exact one that I use because it's not big but it's not small like a journal. So let's talk about this and how this process evolves with you as your desires grow and change, because that's another thing that I have really noticed from this process. So you're going to choose a scrapbook that's blank and, unlike a traditional journal, this is really going to give you the space to create with images, layouts, colors, because you're not just writing, you're creating in this vision diary. Okay, it's not just your run-of-the-mill diary, and we'll talk about the creativity part as we go. Then you add the picture of your desire, so you find an image that you want to manifest. That could be a photo, a drawing or something symbolic.
Speaker 1:So I know for myself I use Canva, I have a template that I use for this. I use different size pictures. Sometimes I'll use multiple pictures for the same vision, depending on what that is. Sometimes I just do write a symbol or I sketch something up, because sometimes the desire that's in my brain, what I see, the vision I have, doesn't match a picture that's already out there, something new and something unique for me, and so I like to make it unique for what I see. This happened to me when I went to the store the other day, because I got a vision of what I want in my fireplace to look like for Christmas decorations and I went to the store expecting to find that. I know I will. I always end up doing it. My husband says that all the time we go shopping he sees me look frustrated. He's like that's not what you see in your brain. Is it Like you're not seeing what you see in your brain? I'm like, no, I'm not. And so I'll either end up finding it or something will happen where I'm able to create it.
Speaker 1:Sometimes, maybe you don't find a photo, but you have to make a drawing or something symbolic, because what it is you desire is not out there yet. And that's so cool to me, that's beautiful to me, because this world is always full of new and wonderful things, and that comes from your vision and your desires that are authentic and unique to you. So once you have your picture, that visual, you place it on a page to anchor your manifestation, what you want. So that's your anchor. And then you write that desire in detail. So you script your desire in past or present tense, describing it as if it's already happened. This includes details. So sometimes on mine I'll use two pages, the ones that you can see Like. I don't like to use front back, I use side side because of how it opens up. I'll have the anchor of the picture on one side, maybe a little bit another on another small picture that anchors it on the other side to bring it together. Up I'll have the anchor of the picture on one side, maybe a little bit another on another small picture that anchors it on the other side to bring it together, and one side is all about that script, scripting it out, the details Sometimes I include affirmations or anything that helps me to connect with the reality of having it.
Speaker 1:Then you surround it with emotions. So you have your vision, you have your script, but now it's time to bring that emotion into it, as if you've already gotten it. It's here already. You write down all the emotions that you feel when your desire manifests. So if you're thinking joy, gratitude, love, freedom, whatever feels true for you, let yourself fully connect to those emotions. So I'm just going to go to a page in mine and find the emotions that I put around one of my pictures I put proud, passionate, uplifted, authentic, renewed, brave, thrilled, accomplished, helpful, joyful, fluid, at peace, purpose, motivated, confident, mesmerized, excited. So those are the emotions that I put around, just one of my desires that I manifested. Not that I want to manifest, I already manifested it and I manifested it way sooner than I thought. All those emotions, what do you really feel in that moment, beyond just one thing? Right? So you can see, I put down a multitude of emotions, of how this feels, what it's like being in this moment, and I like to write mine around my picture or on my picture. You can do it whatever you want to do with it. It's just using these components. That's the creativity part.
Speaker 1:Now, unlike a vision board, even unlike a journal, that you may not go back and review, the vision diary is an ongoing process. You add new desires as they come up and you revisit the pages that you've already created. You spend time looking at the pictures, reading the scripts and feeling into those emotions and reconnecting with those emotions, to be on the frequency of those emotions that go with what you envision. You see vision boards, right, we do those typically in January. We might hang them on a wall or we may not look at them at all. To be honest, some people do it and then they're too embarrassed to hang them up around their house because they don't want guests to see them, they don't want their significant other to see them, they don't want their kids to see them. That's fine.
Speaker 1:The vision diary is great because you don't have to worry about people looking in on what you want and it's okay not to want people to look in to what you want to have that be a private desire. As a matter of fact, I like desires and things being private to me Not that I feel like my family would do this, but what if somebody just happened by and they saw my vision board and they saw maybe the house I wanted or the life I want to live, and they're a guest and they have something to say along the lines of wow, do you really think you can have that? Maybe they bring up something or feelings of doubt. I want to keep all of that out. I want to keep outside influences, honestly out of my desires and manifestations.
Speaker 1:The diary is a great way to do it because it's yours and yours alone. You pull it out when you want to look at it and then you just put it on the shelf, like I have a shelf where mine goes and I pull it out and I look at it daily. I look at mine daily and I just revisit what I want and I feel into those emotions. I just pick one thing. Another thing I like about this is that it isn't a one-off thing, like it isn't, oh January, and I kind of look at it and then I forget it exists until next January. This is something that's ongoing. You don't only have desires come to you in January, you know, something may pop up in June and you're like, oh my gosh, I totally desire that. Then you get to put it down. This is not a one-off thing, it's just ongoing.
Speaker 1:Desires come to me all the time and I put it in there all the time, from tiny little things to the big, big dreams. They go in my vision diary. One of the things that I put in there was a girls' trip, like a girls' trip retreat. I put it in there and there's been opportunities for that, but not the opportunity that I felt I wanted or that I aligned to at the time. But here came an opportunity that I'm going to do in March with LatVision Retreats. It's an hour away from home so I don't have to travel far, which is good for me, because I struggle with traveling. It's just for the weekend, like it just really fit into where I was looking or what I was looking to do, to kind of like dip my toes into this whole like traveling thing.
Speaker 1:I've traveled before but it's been difficult. Like I don't travel well, getting from point A to point B is very hard for me. Like once I get there I'm fine. But I'm trying to generally get myself into a mind that I'm going to go more places. When we do these things it's okay to step a little bit out of your comfort zone and that's just going into your manifestations. If it is so uncomfortable that it makes you shut down, you're not going to get there anyway with those big, big dreams. But I do have big, big dreams and I see the big dreams because also with lap vision retreats, I want to go to Costa Rica. But I'm very fearful of, like getting on the plane and finding the transportation to get to the actual place where they hold their retreats in Costa Rica. So this is a good baby step for me because usually when I've traveled I've had somebody go with me and they help me with that kind of stuff. To think about doing it on my own, especially in a different country, is very hard for me. So if I just sat here and waited for that, I'd never do it on my own. But having one that's close to home, it's like that baby step to take to get me slightly out of my comfort zone and then I'm like, oh yeah, I can do this and then I can take the next step. So I put all of those things in my vision diary, little by little, and they come about.
Speaker 1:There's two more things I really want you to know about the vision diary, because it's not just about creating a vision board. Like I said, it's an ongoing thing. You do it all the time. It's powerful to combine these three elements. But another powerful aspect, outside of the creation of an engagement with the vision diary, is that it helps you to let go of the how you see. Manifesting isn't about setting rigid goals or detailed, step-by-step plans for how you think your desires will come to you. It's goal setting.
Speaker 1:And while goal setting has a time and a place, it often keeps us limited, confined by societal rules. What we've been talking about the last couple weeks with women and societal rules and staying small and waiting your turn and doing all this stuff, worldly expectations or even our own lack of experience so that's how goal-setting limits us is our lack of experience. How was I to know that my traveling to a retreat with women would end up being an hour away. I never had any experience of that because there was that beautiful tropical locations and everybody knows I love the beach, that's why we're always diving in here on the podcast. But really, how would I know? And honestly, I put that down before LatVisions was created. I know the creator of LatVisions, one of the creators, and I put that in my vision diary before that business even came about. I kid you not. So if I was limited by my own lack of experience, I would have been looking for things that were like already established, just crazy stuff, I don't know. Like I would be looking based on my own fears and my own inexperience.
Speaker 1:So that can be a problem with goal setting is you have to do it this one way, and that kind of goes also into worldly expectations, because you're shown one way and that's all. You have to do it this one way, and that kind of goes also into worldly expectations, because you're shown one way and that's all you have experienced. Then you go based on that and you're limited. But the vision diary is different because it focuses on the what what you want to manifest, not how it's going to manifest. You see, you have the picture of what you want and how you feel when you get it, and you're scripting out exactly that moment in time, but you're not scripting out how to get to that moment in time. I do want to be very clear on that. When you're scripting, you're not scripting.
Speaker 1:I decided to start a business and then I did this, and then I did that. It could look like I started my business and this is what my business looks like today. It has zilch in there about how you got there. It's just how does your business look? What do you want it to look like? Right, so it focuses on the what, not how, and you detail your desires and you align with the energy of your desires, but you're surrendering the how to the universe. You're saying I trust you to bring this to me in the best way possible for me.
Speaker 1:This takes us out of the societal scripts of trying to have it all figured out, trying to control the situations, trying to make things happen. You know that kind of hustle culture. It takes us out of that and allows things to unfold in our lives in a way that feels good to us, that we could have never even imagined, because we are limited, based on our experiences, based on expectations, based on society, and so this takes those limits off and it just says this is what I want in the universe. Now you bring it to me because the universe has endless possibilities, and letting go of the how is where the magic lies. These possibilities are some that many of us can't even imagine until it happens. So when you let go of the, how you open yourself up to receiving in ways that are bigger and better and more beautiful than anything you could have planned, I couldn't have planned this trip that I'm about to take in March any better. It's by water, it's like by a river, and I love water. It's in a cabin and I love nature and outdoors. Like I can already see myself getting my coffee in the morning and going and sitting and looking at the river and drinking my coffee and waking up like better than anything you can imagine. It doesn't even cause me to get on a plane y'all. Like I can just get in my car and go. Like what it's beautiful, because I didn't try to control the outcome. I just knew the right opportunity was going to come to me and you just allow that to flow in.
Speaker 1:The surrender doesn't mean inaction. It means focusing on your alignment and trusting that the universe is going to take care of the details. It's a powerful shift from trying to make things happen to allowing them to happen, which I know is so hard for women sometimes. Not to control everything because everything's put on our shoulders. We are told, you know, to make sure that the doctor's appointments are scheduled and to know when the kids need to be dropped off and to have things going for holidays and have that planned out, and the planning of life in general is many times put on the women. Everybody else just shows up, but as a woman, the planning is put on you. So doing this exercise helps to move past that limitation because we are programmed to plan. We are programmed to make it happen detail by detail, have it all worked out so everybody else can just show up. And so using the vision diary and doing it this way allows you to let go of the how and let the universe do the plan, so you can just show up into that manifestation. It's flipping the script and takes you out of that societal program, the worldly programming of you. Have to figure it all out, because that's another thing that can block us is thinking. We have to figure it all out, and we don't. There would be no point in manifesting if we could just figure it all out and I'm sure you could but you'd only get so far because the universe, once again, is limitless, so we have to take the limits off of ourselves Now.
Speaker 1:The last part I want to talk about, about this, is the beauty of creativity and how it taps into feminine power. Creativity is a way of expressing who you are. It's deeply personal, it's authentic, and when you bring that energy into your manifesting practice, you're aligning with your true self. The Vision Diary allows you to connect with this energy. How you choose your images, the colors you use, the way you arrange your pages, it's a reflection of your unique essence. The process isn't just about manifesting. It's about expressing yourself fully and unapologetically.
Speaker 1:On my pages I have a black and I'm going to link this. I'm going to link the exact scrapbook that I use. I think to me it's the perfect size. You can have something bigger, you can have something smaller, it's up to you. I like it because it's all black, the pages are black and I can use metallic, shiny markers in it, because that's the only way you're going to be able to see the words is if I have silver or gold, like I have all these colors and the one that I get actually comes with the metallic markers and all the different colors. To me, it just makes everything stand out more clear. It's a part of my creativity. I love shiny, sparkly things, and creativity is also a form of play. Play is a powerful state for manifesting. See, when you're creating, you're in the present moment, you're joyful and you're tapping into a flow state, and that energy is magnetic on its own. It draws your desires to you because it's aligned with abundance and possibility. For women, this connection to creativity is especially empowering. It's a way to reclaim your voice, your desires and your authenticity.
Speaker 1:Manifesting isn't about following a formula, checking off a list. It's about expressing who you are and creating a life that feels true to you. If this process excites you, if you're ready to go even deeper into your manifesting journey, I invite you to join my Manifest she coaching program. The Vision Diary is actually the tippy top, last thing that we do, and it's one of the powerful tools that we use in this coaching experience to help you connect to your desires and align with your true self. Before we even get to the Vision Diary. In the Manifest she program we go through your values, what drives you, what's important to you, your self-concept, finding the clarity, looking at any limiting beliefs that hold you back, and then we just put it all into vision. In Manifest she, you learn how to release resistance once again, build that self-concept and create a life that feels deeply aligned and fulfilling to you. This isn't just about manifesting your dreams. This is about stepping into your power as a creator of your life. You can find the link to join Manifest she, as always, in the show description, or you can go to coachingwithshannonkaycom. It'll take you right there so that I can support you on your manifesting journey.
Speaker 1:Thank you for voting on the Vision Diary. I am so happy to share this process with you because it takes manifesting to an extraordinarily powerful level. It takes you into your visions and brings them into your reality. Your vision diary is your space to dream, create and feel your way into the life that you want. I'm going to link all the things that I use to create my vision diary in the description of the show, in case you want to get that. But remember it's a space for your creativity that can just kind of give you a warm up and take it from there. Do what you will with it. I want you to keep showing up for yourself, and I will chat with you next week.