Live Life Unapologetically

90 Taking the Pressure Off: Ditching Long Manifesting Practices

Shannon Kline Episode 90

It’s time to break down one of the biggest myths in the manifestation world: the idea that you have to be manifesting all day long to get results. You don’t! Manifestation isn’t about being in constant manifesting mode—it’s about efficiency, alignment, and using a systematic approach.

In this episode dive into:

  • A Sustainable Approach to Manifesting: Learn why focusing on manifesting all day can burn you out, and how to simplify the process.
  • Clarity, Belief, and Alignment: Discover the steps to gaining clarity, identifying and replacing limiting beliefs, and aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions without overwhelming yourself.
  • Trusting the Universe: Understand how to let go of the pressure to control every detail and trust the universe to work in your favor.

This episode will help you shift from overworking your energy to manifest and into a streamlined, repeatable process that fits your busy life. Grab your favorite drink, cozy up, and get ready to transform your approach to manifestation!

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Speaker 1:

Hey there and welcome back to the Live Life and Apology Earthy podcast. I'm Shannon Kaye, and today we're talking about something I know will hit home for a lot of you, and that's the idea that manifesting has to take up your entire day, or that you need to constantly be in manifesting mode to get results. And it doesn't work that way. Manifestation isn't something that you do all day. Today, I'm going to walk you through a systematic approach to manifesting that'll simplify the process and make it way more manageable. This week, we are going to be diving in and focusing on how you can get powerful manifestation results. In fact, trying to manifest all day long is more likely to burn you out than to get you what you want. So today we're really going to get into a more efficient, streamlined way to manifest your desires. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's get started. The first thing that we have to do is bust the major myth that, to manifest successfully, you have to be thinking about your desires all the time, or that every moment of your day has to be filled with visualizations, affirmations or scripting. This myth is exhausting and, honestly, it's not sustainable. Manifesting isn't about constantly focusing on what you want. It's about aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions in a way that allows your desires to come into your life without overworking your mind and energy. You don't have to be in manifestation mode 24-7 for the universe to get the message. In fact, trying to maintain a constant focus often leads to frustration, burnout and doubt. You start feeling like I'm doing everything, so why isn't it happening? The more pressure you put on yourself to manifest all the time, the more likely you're going to be pushing your desires away because you're operating from a place of lack, like you're having to force it. You're chasing instead of attracting. I did this so much when I first started my manifestation journey because we think that's what we need to do. We need to completely focus constantly on everything we want. We have to show up and be delusional in our life. I see that a lot. Let's be delusional, and delusional does work. You do have to be delusional and training your mind to think a different way and have different beliefs contrary to the ones you already have.

Speaker 1:

Here's the problem with the delusional that's put out there when you're manifesting. You know I'm in my delulu era and I'm going to go out here and be completely delusional. We have to start somewhere. You know, as you go through the process, it's actually easier to do that. It's easier to show up as the person you want to be. But I'm just going to be real with you.

Speaker 1:

When I first started, I thought, okay, I'm going to go through, I'm going to walk through my life. I'm going to just be this delusional version of myself I'm going to call it in. The problem was I still had kids to take care of and relationships as a part of just things that didn't allow me to go through my whole day being delusional because I had stuff I needed to do outside of myself, and that's okay. I think there's a lot of pressure that that's how you get where you're trying to go really quick, really fast, when truly yes, you have to enter into a state of believing something about yourself, your circumstances, life, to manifest that so it can come into you. It's probably easy to go in and be completely delusional for a day or two on this person that you want to be, but it's not sustainable. Today I want to offer you a powerful, systematic approach that's not only sustainable but it's repeatable, because that's key. It's repeatable so that you can manifest your desires going through this approach.

Speaker 1:

You see, I was getting so burnt out to where I could hold up this version of myself that I wanted to be for a short amount of time, and then I would get so tired or overwhelmed, or just it was too much, that whatever effort I had put in for those few days, or maybe even a week, just went to the wayside, because then I needed three weeks to recover. We are shifting our mind, we are creating new neural pathways. I always liken this to if you've been around here for a while working out, if you want your dream body, and you go to the gym and you work out, you push yourself so hard I can do this for days and days, and days and days and days. Then your body gets tired, maybe you have an injury. You're just so sore you can't do it. It's not enjoyable, it's not fun because you've been in the gym for four or five hours a day. That's not sustainable. And it's the same thing when you're trying to step into the ideal version of you and manifest what you want. It's not sustainable to do this for four or five, six, seven hours a day and keep going. Then we wonder why we have inconsistent results. Or we get a little bit and then it goes, or we get a little bit but we never get any more. That's why having a sustainable, systematic approach is important. That is why I went on the journey to get it done, to figure it out, to use my knowledge of how our brain works, because I wanted to manifest systematically without being exhausted, without burning out, without feeling like I was always starting over because I had to stop and start and stop and start.

Speaker 1:

So what is this alternative? What is this systematic approach? This framework is to simplify the process. It's going to break it down into manageable steps for you so that you can fit it into your everyday life. You don't need to be manifesting all day long, just like if you're trying to get your dream body. You don't need to be manifesting all day long, just like if you're trying to get your dream body. You don't need to go to the gym for the whole day. You can build that muscle, you can build that body, just like you can build your mind, without having to do it 24-7.

Speaker 1:

The steps are clarity, identifying, replacing and aligning. You could also say clarity, identifying, empowering and aligning. Replacing and empowering same thing, interchangeable. So let's break each one down. Clarity is where everything starts. You have to be really clear on what you actually want to manifest. If you have vague desires, the universe is going to respond with vague results. Clarity means knowing what you want, why you want it and how you're going to feel when you have it.

Speaker 1:

So, instead of saying I want more money, get specific. I want to manifest $10,000 for a trip to Greece. The more precise you are, the easier it is to focus your energy and align with that desire. You could take your clarity further so that you leave opportunities of. I am manifesting $10,000 for a trip to Greece and it can come to me in multiple ways. That way, if somebody decides to buy your plane ticket and somebody else decides to pay for your, you know, stay wherever you're going to stay when you're in Greece. If it totals $10,000, great. However specific you want it to be. What do you want the money for? What's its purpose in your life? Finding clarity.

Speaker 1:

I did a whole episode about being honest with the universe because I had an aha moment one time, a lot of times with clarity, even though we want to be specific, sometimes we are specific but it's not really what we want, and that also sends mixed signals to the universe. Maybe you really don't want to go to Greece. Maybe you think you should just go because it sounds like a great vacation or a Caribbean cruise or whatever's trending at the time. Maybe that's not really what you want. Maybe it's what you think you should want. So clarity is not just deciding what is it that I want, but what do I truly want? Not what I think I should want, but what do I truly want? Do I really want a BMW? In my case, no, that's not what I want. I want a Kia. There's a specific Kia that I am working on manifesting for myself right now. So what do you truly want? Bmws or, you know, I don't know, whatever the cool cars are I'm not a car kind of person but our Lexus, right, these high-end cars Is that what you want? Or you think you should want because it's a status symbol? What do you truly, truly want? I truly want a Kia, like there's a Kia out there that I want and there's specific reasons why I want it and that's what I want to get. So is it what I should want or what I do want? When it comes to clarity, as well as being specific and crystal clear, for this car I wanted.

Speaker 1:

I went and test drove and I test drove different models of what I wanted. I want the base model, but there's one thing on the base model I don't want. So then I was like, okay, I'm going to go to the next model, because there's nothing on the souped up models that I truly want. The fact of the matter is, the base model is the only one that comes with cloth seats, and I don't like leather seats. And they're not even leather seats, guys, they're fake leather seats. It's not like it's real leather. But I'm not a leather seat gal, so a leather seat gal. So I was thinking about it and I was like, but I really don't like the bumper. I don't know, that sounds crazy, but on the base model, I don't like how the bumper is. So I was talking to my husband. He says, well, you could always get the car seat covers to cover up the leather seats. I was like, oh, okay, cool.

Speaker 1:

So I'm trying to manifest the next one up from the base model. So that's what I mean when it says be clear about what you want. Is that what you really want? How can you get precisely what it is that you want so that universe can bring it to you. So clarity, that's the first one.

Speaker 1:

The next one is to identify. So you know what you want, and you have to know what you want before you can identify the limiting beliefs that are going to hold you back from getting what you want. The limiting beliefs that are going to hold you back from getting what you want, because it's limiting beliefs that get in our way. We manifest from what we believe, and what we believe is stored in our subconscious mind. So what is standing in your way? And this is where so many people get stuck, because you think you're doing everything right, but there's some deep-rooted belief that's sabotaging your efforts. So you're going to have to ask yourself what's keeping me from believing I can have this? What stories am I telling myself? Identify those limiting beliefs, because that's the key to moving past them.

Speaker 1:

I'm very big on making sure we're being specific. I know what my desire is. Okay, I know my desire is to have this Kia that I don't have to pay for, that's brand new. It has to be a 2024 model or above, right above, the base model. That is what I want and I don't want a car payment that I know. So what's keeping me from believing this, what's getting my way?

Speaker 1:

I had to ask myself every time I go through the process of manifesting something, I get the clarity and then I say, okay, what stories am I telling myself about what it is that I want that could hinder me? And what hinders me is wow, cars are so expensive these days. How am I going to come up with because I did test drive it and I got you know numbers how am I coming up with $50,000 to $55,000 so I don't have to have a payment? That's a lot of money. Can I get that? Would I be able to save that? Do I really need to finance? Maybe I can put down half and then just finance the rest and pay it off early. All these thoughts going through my mind.

Speaker 1:

So I had to ask myself why am I telling myself that I have to finance a car that's new? Because I also went into the story of if I want a cash car, it can't be the one that I want, because the one that I want is newer and cash cars are older cars. But why do I believe that? Well, I believe it because that's what I grew up to believe. If you want a new car, you finance it. If you want to pay cash for a car, it's an older car, so an older car, so I had to identify that. You see how this process works you get clear on what you want and then you identify specifically what stands in your way between you and that desire. If I were to just say, oh, it's hard to get money, that's not being very specific to my desire. What specific beliefs can I work through related to my desire and that I need to identify?

Speaker 1:

Now that you've identified whatever it is that's holding you back, it's time to replace it. You know what your limiting beliefs are. You have to replace it with an empowering belief, and that's where you are going to make an affirmation statement that has to be believable for you. You can't be saying, oh, I'm not good enough, I can't have it. You have to replace it. You have to replace the limiting belief and I think this is where people get tripped up and we talked about this on the podcast last week as well is many times when we are crafting our affirmations, we craft it to our desire.

Speaker 1:

I am going to get a Kia cash with no car payment. That's fine. You can add that in. You can have more than one empowering belief that you're replacing your limiting beliefs with. But in my scenario I would need to say I am capable of buying a car cash. That's new. People buy cars all the time without financing them. I have to be contradictory to the limiting belief that I actually have. People can get a car for cash that is new instead of oh all cash. Cars are older cars. You see how they counteract each other. You have to counteract the limiting belief. Once you counteract that, then you can create the new belief. The new belief is going to reinforce the desire, but it necessarily isn't directly tied to it. Now, like I said, I can have more than one. I can people get new cars with cash all the time. I can buy a car cash that is new without having a payment. I am going to buy a Kia cash with no payment. But how are you going to frame your new empowering belief to help you steer away from the one that's limiting? You Don't have to be financed to be purchased. I can purchase a new car.

Speaker 1:

I'm retraining my brain to think in a different way and that's really all. Manifesting is because if we're manifesting from our beliefs, then we have to train up new beliefs and finally you're going to align your thoughts, emotions and actions have to work together towards your desire. Now you don't have to train up new beliefs. And, finally, you're going to align your thoughts, emotions and actions have to work together towards your desire. Now you don't have to focus on this 24 hours a day, but you do need to take actions that align your thoughts emotions all together. If I'm trying to manifest this new car, what am I doing? What have I already done? While I'm changing my beliefs? I am going to go test drive this car. I'm going to make sure it's something I actually want. I'm going to go feel myself in this car when I'm driving down the road. I'm envisioning myself driving in the Kia that I want, how it feels in that car.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm not always in the car. Right now, I'm not in the car. I'm here recording this podcast. I'm not thinking about the car right now. It's not relevant right now. Alignment should be relevant. That's why you don't have to do it all day, every day. It's not relevant for me to sit here and obsess over a car that hasn't come into my 3D reality yet while I'm recording this podcast, this podcast. But if I get in my car and I drive to go get a coffee later and I'm driving. I can feel what it feels like to be driving in my Kia because I've already test drove it, so I know exactly what it feels like to be in it, and that's why it has to be a 24 model or above, because it has a certain dashboard feature that I like. I need to feel what that feels like. That's my emotions. I need to think about my affirmations and my empowering beliefs as I'm driving. People buy cash cars all the time that are new. I can buy a car new with cash. It is possible for me. I'm driving in my new Kia. Oh my gosh, I love it. How am I thinking about it? How am I feeling about it with my actions as I'm driving? And, like I said, another action was me going and test driving the car to physically be in it.

Speaker 1:

So what are you doing to align to your beliefs? Are you applying for positions? Are you networking with people in your field? What are you doing? But you're doing it when it's relevant. I hope that makes sense. It doesn't have to be all the time when it's relevant. That's the alignment, because if not, you're really just focusing on the lack, and that's where we get into it. When I'm obsessing over it, then I start to focus on the lack of it. Now, if I sit here and think about this Kia that I want all day long, when it's not really relevant, I'm just obsessing over the fact that it's not in my driveway, and that's the lack, instead of embodying what it's like, and that's that delusional we talk about, or that delusional that you see on social media. You have to be delusional in your ideal version of yourself that when I'm driving down the road, I'm delusionally thinking that I'm driving in my Kia already because it's relevant at that time.

Speaker 1:

That's the systematic approach to manifesting. You're getting clarity. You're identifying the limiting beliefs that are going to get in the way of what you're trying to manifest. You're going to replace those beliefs, not with your desire, but with something contrary to the belief that's getting in your way. You have to create a new belief to get what you desire, because there's a belief in your way of that desire, and then you're going to find moments throughout your day to align. This really gives you a clear process to follow, rather than feeling like you have to be in manifestation mode all day.

Speaker 1:

So I want to talk about how can you use this approach without taking up your whole day, because the key is efficiency here. You don't have to spend hours journaling or meditating or visualizing what you need to get. Just be intentional with your time and energy. So I have a series on a gratitude anchor on socials that you can look at for how you can align. That's like checkpoints throughout the day. You can have a morning intention, you can have an evening reflection. You can use these practices. I use these practices journaling and meditating and visualizing and they are important. What I really want you to get is, if I don't want to do this all day, every day, how can I do it? Craft your alignment to where it's relevant when you're driving your car or when you are at a networking event embodying that person who's going to have that career or that job opportunity, aligning when it makes sense and you integrate that alignment into your routine and into your day. You can integrate the meditating on it, the visualizing of it, the journaling of it.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I do those things. I have a routine for those things in my life in general, when I'm really honing in on something like the car, when is this relevant? When I'm out running errands, and that's when I do it, and I just trust the universe to do the rest. You know, that's what we got to do. We have to trust the universe If we're constantly journaling and meditating, and meditating and journaling and visualizing all the time, because it's just not here yet. So I need to do more, focusing once again on the lack instead of trusting the universe. When I do script journaling, I script one time. I don't script over and over again. Whatever it is, I script it once and I just surrender it to the universe. There's no need for me to do it over and over again. The universe has heard me. Now I just need to be open to receiving and letting come to me and making sure I'm in alignment.

Speaker 1:

You may be wondering why systematic approaching works so well, and the thing is the universe doesn't respond to frantic energy. It responds to calm, clear, intentional energy. When you're using this systematic approach, you're taking the pressure off yourself to do everything all the time. You're focusing on doing the right things in a manageable way, aligning once again when it's relevant, and the more aligned you are, the more the universe is going to meet you. It's not about how much time you spend manifesting. It's about the quality of your alignment. When you're aligned, you can trust that the universe is working behind the scenes, even when you're not actively thinking about it.

Speaker 1:

Let me give you a real life example About this time last year not quite, but about this time last year I was going through some things. It was definitely a pattern. So funny, my daughter pointed out the pattern. She pointed out the time frame. I said, okay, I have to finally let go, because what I realized what the pattern was. I used a specific situation and something that happened quite frequently in my life so that I could control the situation and I could fix it. I was like okay, universe, this time I don't want to fix it, I'm just going to give it to you. This is exactly what I want, this is what I need from you, and I'm going to sit back and I'm going to trust you.

Speaker 1:

I got into alignment. I got very clear about what I wanted. Really. It was I want money that I don't have to work for. That's what I want. I want money that I don't have to work for, and within four weeks, money that I didn't have to work for just starts showing up constantly, and it hasn't stopped. So not only that, I said I don't want a miracle, I don't want something that's one-off. I want consistent money that I don't have to work for, because I've gotten one-offs in the past. I've gotten awards for $10,000 and all kinds of stuff, money that was owed to me that I didn't know was owed to me in the tune of $15,000. I didn't want a one-off. I wanted five figures a month to show up in my mailbox that I didn't have to work for or show up somewhere in an account in a mailbox somewhere. I got that and it happened consistently.

Speaker 1:

But it's when I learned to let go, align, be clear with that desire. I aligned, I did the limiting beliefs, I did it all. I worked on that alignment. And here's the thing Old beliefs are going to try to creep back in. There was a moment when old beliefs tried to creep back in. I was like no, because that isn't my life anymore. I had to give myself a pep talk, and that's okay. I want you to know like people go through that and that's okay, it's normal. I have just kept solidifying it, solidifying it and solidifying it the more that belief Okay.

Speaker 1:

So here's your challenge for this week. I want you to start using a systematic approach to manifestation. I want you to get clear on what you want, identify and replace your limiting beliefs and align your actions with your desires. Now I go deep into this. In the Manifesting Made Simple Masterclass. You can grab it in the show description or you can go to liblifeunapologeticallycom forward slash manifest. You get your free masterclass and guide because it goes through some things to look out for and to do in each part of this process and it sets the foundation for systematic manifestation so that not only can you manifest endless time, but you can repeat the process and get consistent results. I want you to let go of the pressure of trying to manifest all day long. I want you to trust that, when you're aligned with the universe, that the universe is doing its part even when you're not thinking about it. Thank you so much for tuning into the Live Life Unapologetically podcast today, and I will chat with you next Wednesday.