Live Life Unapologetically

72 Money Manifestation: Turning Dreams into Tangible Realities

Shannon Kline Episode 72

Have you ever wondered why simply wishing for a specific amount of money never seems to bring you the financial freedom you crave? In today’s enlightening episode of Live Life Unapologetically, go beyond the numbers to uncover the true essence of manifesting financial abundance. 

By shifting your focus from dollar amounts to the tangible experiences you truly want, you unlock a powerful method for attracting prosperity. Discover how clarifying your desires and addressing your relationship with money can pave the way for creating vivid and actionable visualizations.

You'll delve into the art of sensory visualization to bring your dreams to life. Imagine not just the money, but what it will feel like to live in your dream home, drive your ideal car, or embark on a life-changing vacation. By detailing every sensory aspect—what it looks, smells, tastes, and feels like—you align your entire being with those desires. 

This episode is your guide to trusting the process and maintaining clarity, empowering you to feel the emotions of your desired reality and manifest the financial abundance and fulfillment you truly deserve. So grab your favorite drink, settle in, and let's journey together towards manifesting the financial prosperity you seek!

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Shannon K:

Shift from dollars to desires and watch the universe deliver beyond your wildest dreams. Hey there, beautiful souls, and welcome back to another empowering episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I'm your Shannon K, and I'm thrilled to have you with me today. We're diving into a different approach to manifesting money. How many times have you thought, wow, I'd love an extra 10K, 20k or maybe a reoccurring amount of money that you receive monthly or yearly? I do this often.

Shannon K:

You heard my story last week about my buildup to financial wealth. When I think about how I used to say if I could just have enough for groceries, I'd be happy and I would never ask for anything else. That's all I want. The truth is that wasn't all I wanted. I may have wanted it at the time, but once it manifested, I wanted more. Sometimes it seemed easy for me to manifest an ambiguous amount, and other times it seemed like it took forever or it never came at all. That was until I tried a new method that upped my visualizations and helped me make something that was intangible seem tangible, so I could truly bridge my desire to my subconscious and become the energetic alignment that I wanted to manifest. Once I did that, my money manifestation request had absolute clarity and it also helped me to let go of the how and let the universe bring me my request in many unexpected ways. If you're ready to up your financial life and stop the cycle of wanting and waiting, then grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's get into it, because you deserve to have all your desires fulfilled. So let's dig into the financial abundance you seek.

Shannon K:

I want to get right down to the nitty gritty, because when we talk about financial prosperity, it can cause that watering down that we discussed in episode 70. There is a ton of notions about money that have been programmed into us from society, family and maybe even personally. About money that have been programmed into us from society, family and maybe even personally. Money can be a touchy subject of what it means to be good or bad, greedy or giving, humble or arrogant. This leads to a yo-yo effect of money manifestation. Let's face an honest truth head on so we can get to the meat of the show.

Shannon K:

Today, everyone wants more money, no matter how much money you have. You want more, from billionaires to those living under the poverty line. We all want more. It doesn't matter how you feel about what you think is enough. That's not the point. The point is that we can always figure out what we want or would do if we had more money. You might feel like you could give more, buy more, travel more. The list could go on.

Shannon K:

The reasoning behind wanting more money may be different for each person, but as people we can always dream of what it would be like to have that more. That doesn't mean that you aren't grateful for what you have. You can absolutely love the money situation you're in, and you could very well be fine with that same income forever. Yet if you were going to get more money, you wouldn't be upset about it. Why? Because you always have a way that you feel you could productively use extra money. So now that we have that out of the way and we understand, it's natural to want more, so you can stop beating yourself up about it and let go of that resistance.

Shannon K:

It's time to manifest more of it. Before you can truly manifest more money, you need to look at your relationship with money. What ideas do you have about money, and do those ideas match the money you're trying to manifest? Are there any thoughts that you have about money that prohibit you from aligning to what you want to manifest, you're going to want to explore those. For any money manifestation practice you do, for it to be effective. When you're working to manifest a new desire in your life, the fastest way to bring it to you is to make sure your thoughts, emotions and actions are aligned with your desires. In this way, like we discussed in the last episode, you build a belief around that desire. Once your belief is solidified, your manifestation is sure to come your way. That's the law of attraction. To bridge the subconscious and conscious mind, it's important to allow the experience of what you are believing for to happen. Well, how do you allow your subconscious mind to experience something that you haven't experienced, and how do you do it enough times for it to take root? You do this through how you think, what you feel and the actions you take.

Shannon K:

When trying to manifest money, you need to think about having it, what it would feel like to have it and how you would act if it came With money. This can be a bit tricky, but not impossible. However, it can be vague. Remember, vague desires lead to vague results. So what if you could instead make your request for money less vague? What if you could create a better image, one that could truly have your thoughts, emotions and actions aligned to what you're trying to bring forth that abundance of wealth.

Shannon K:

What exactly is money, anyway? Money is just a means to acquire something. Money is an avenue to your desires. What if I told you it isn't actually the money that you want? What if I told you what you truly want is what you can acquire? You just know that money is needed to acquire it. Money from someone, somewhere, needs to be exchanged for you to have what you seek. You don't want the money. You want the thing that the money can get you or do for you. You want the vacation, the car, the house, the means to give a gift, the ability to help another person, the grocery money that doesn't have you clipping coupons but rather just putting whatever you want in the cart, the new phone, the list can go on. Everyone has their own reason for wanting the money so they can exchange it for the desire that requires that exchange.

Shannon K:

When you think about wanting 10k or 20k, do you have a ton of things that you start to think about when it comes to what you would do with it. You may even think about five or six different ways that you could use that money. I have found that if we're using specific dollar amounts such as 10k in our manifestations, it sometimes throws us into a this or that scenario. If I had 10K, I could pay off debt or buy new appliances or go on vacation or get new furniture. That is one of the drawbacks to how we are taught to manifest money Ask for a dollar amount and then decide what you'll do with it and how you'll apply it when it gets to you. The this or that about how to apply the money once it comes automatically puts you into a mindset of scarcity.

Shannon K:

The process of having to choose between which desires you want to fulfill because you've boxed yourself into a limited amount of exchange After all, that is what we've been taught through society. If you're saving for a car, you need to put off the vacation for now. You can worry about saving for the vacation after you get the car. If you're saving for a house, you need to limit all other things until you can secure the house. I'm not talking about the whole not getting new debts on your credit report thing. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about I can't afford a Starbucks coffee and try to get a house at the same time, I need to delay any gratification until I secure my home. It has to be this or that.

Shannon K:

When we ask for a set amount of money, many times we're thinking in a this or that way that the universe must be limited. Because I can only get one of the five things that I want right now, I have to delay the rest. It is a societal belief that we have to delay desires, to acquire certain desires, that there has to be a trade-off. Yet in the same breath, we will say that the universe is unlimited. I can manifest anything I desire. Well, today is the day that we start to practice that sentiment when it comes to money. Today is the day that we take money from a dollar amount to a desired outcome that has clarity and isn't contingent on putting off any of your other desires, that your desires are not interlaced. That's a big problem when we're trying to manifest money. I want 20K, okay. Well, I can only do so much with 20K. But if we take any contingency off of the dollar amount and we're just focusing straight on the outcome, then we don't have to play the this or that game.

Shannon K:

Today I'm going to ask you to not set a dollar amount, but to set an experience account. You see, it's easier to visualize the experience when you aren't playing the this or that game. You can do this for any and everything you want. I use my vision diary for this Anytime. I think, gee, it would be nice to have 20 extra thousand dollars. I ask myself why do I want that? And then I do the experience account in my vision diary rather than obsessing over $20,000. Instead of asking for 12K or whatever amount of money you want.

Shannon K:

When you do your visualizations, your affirmations and meditations, switch it from dollar signs to what it is you are desiring as the experience, not the funds, changing it to an experience instead of a dollar amount that you're constantly switching in your brain. Think about it. When you think about a dollar amount in your brain, you're constantly switching that amount. Switching that amount because I could use it for this or that or the other thing. There is no clarity there. When you focus on the experience, not only is there more clarity and more detail, so you're more clear with the universe. Remember vague desires, vague results. If you're very clear, then you're going to be getting that. Then the universe is like cool, I'm going to get that to you. So this allows you to then create that experience with your subconscious. You can visualize it more. It's a lot easier to visualize an experience than it is dollars.

Shannon K:

Another great thing about this is it takes away the idea that you have to earn the money or acquire the money. We have limited thinking when it comes to how we get money. Like this is how the world says we get money. We're very limited. Once again, we're saying well, the universe is unlimited. Doing it this way helps us to open the door for the universe to be unlimited, because it isn't the money you're seeking. It's the vision of what you could do with that money. So the universe may bypass bringing that money to you and simply deliver the experience or desire you want. This is where you're opening up all possibilities.

Shannon K:

Maybe you want 5k for that dream vacation. You beseech the universe about the experience you want, instead of you manifesting $5,000 and having to book the stuff for your trip and getting the hotel and planning the flights and all that. Now the universe is like. You want this dream trip. This is the trip you imagined. I'm going to deliver you an all-expense, paid vacation that matches your desire. All you have to do is get on the plane and check into the resort. So you see, when you really think about the experience, nobody said, well, here's $5,000. Now go do what you wanted for the vacation. The universe is like you said you wanted the vacation Originally. You said I need 5K because in your brain you're like that's how much it's going to cost for me to acquire what I desire and this is what I desire. But if you take the money out of it and just let the universe work on the desire, there's so many more avenues where it can come to you. There's so much more clarity. There's so many more avenues where it can come to you. There's so much more clarity.

Shannon K:

The first thing you have to do is ask yourself why do you want the 5K? What am I going to do with this money? Change your request by asking for the item the desire, instead of the amount of cash. So here's an example of what I mean. I want a new car and I only want to spend $30,000 on a car. Universe. I need to manifest $30,000 for my new car.

Shannon K:

Instead, knowing you want a new car, why don't you just write down the desire of the new car you want? What does it make? What is the model, what is the year, what is the interior, what is the color, and be very specific. So when you start to take money out of it and you start to put into, it also allows you to put yourself in that position to make the intangible tangible. You can go test drive the car and then you can replay in your mind what it smells like, what it feels like, really tapping into your senses. So the simple trick to manifesting what you want is to simply stop putting a dollar amount on it. I really could use 10K. Now be specific. If five things come to mind, write down your desire for all five things and focus on those, so that you're not playing this or that Because guess what? The universe could bring you all five things. Why wouldn't it be able to? As long as you believe it can, you can get all five things simultaneously.

Shannon K:

That costs $10,000 or $5,000 or $1,000 or even $20, whatever that is for you. You're saying, okay, shannon, but I want savings, I want to save some money. So how do I turn that into a desire? That's not about money. What I do for this is I say, okay, I want money in my bank account that's readily available to me. I never put a dollar amount on, like what I want in savings because I want savings for a specific reason. We want savings for a specific reason. So you can say I want six months worth of savings so I could pay six months of my bills if I wanted to. Whatever that six months is, it doesn't have to be a dollar amount, because your bills can fluctuate. I want money available for new tires. I want money available for last minute gifts. I want money available to give to my kids. I want money available for fill in the blank With this savings account, what is it for?

Shannon K:

What is its purpose? Then, focus on the purpose, not the dollar amount. This week, I want us to put this idea into practice, that I'm no longer going to be like I'm manifesting $5,000. I'm manifesting $5,000. That's my focus. Is this vague $5,000. Instead, I am manifesting this very specific desire and even though you know that money is the exchange, you're not focused on that. You're just focused on the desire. So your affirmation is I know the universe has limitless possibilities to bring all my desires to me. I trust the universe to respond to the clarity I provide about what I want to manifest.

Shannon K:

So grab your journal to get started. Ask yourself how much money do I want to manifest? Okay, well, I want to manifest $10,000. Then go deeper and ask yourself why do you want that amount? What will you do with it?

Shannon K:

Now, this is where your imagination comes in. This is where the experience comes in. What will it look like when it comes to you? Tap into all your senses. What is happening? Where are you? What does your hair look like? What do you see? What do you smell? Do you taste anything? Maybe you taste the salt in the sea air because you're at the beach. Whatever senses apply, write about it in vivid detail. This is the scripting we chatted about a few episodes ago.

Shannon K:

Do this for any and every request or desire you have that needs a money exchange. You can do this from now on for how it feels to grocery shop. Fill up your car with gas, any and everything, big or small, instead of saying I want X dollars, I desire and list out that experience. If you're like, the first thing that pops in my mind is I want $5,000, and then I think of six things that I could do with that $5,000, then you're going to journal, you're going to script about each of those things, because the universe can fulfill each of those desires.

Shannon K:

Start to be more aware about how you think about money. If you have a thought about wanting a certain amount, remember to go through this process, because many times we find ourselves saying or even reverting I want to go on a vacation, I need $10,000 for the vacation. I'm trying to manifest $10,000. No, just stick with the desire. Or, if a money amount comes with you, then break it down into really. What is that desire? What are you going to do? Put clarity, put detail, make it vivid and then live it in your imagination, in your scripting. Feel the emotions. What does that feel like to you, so that you can elicit the thoughts, emotions and actions. What are you going to be doing?

Shannon K:

As we wrap up today's episode, remember that manifesting money is about aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions with the experiences you truly desire. By focusing on what you want to experience rather than the money itself, you open the door for limitless possibilities. Start visualizing the details of your dreams and let the universe handle the rest. Trust in the process, be clear about your desires and watch how the universe brings them to life in unexpected and abundant ways. Imagine yourself living in the abundance you've always dreamed of.

Shannon K:

Feel the joy of when your desires manifest in this 3D reality, the peace that comes with them, the exhilaration of those new opportunities. Know that the universe is always listening, ready to bring your vivid dreams to reality. By shifting your focus from the amount of money to the experiences you crave, you align yourself with the energy of abundance. Embrace the practice of scripting your dreams and desires, immersing yourself in the sensory details of all that you want. Picture the sights, sounds and smells and the feelings of your manifested reality. This deep connection with your desires will strengthen your belief and magnetize your manifestations. You are capable of creating a life filled with financial prosperity, joy and fulfillment. Each step you take towards clarity and alignment brings you closer to your dreams. Keep journaling, keep visualizing and keep believing in your power to manifest. Your desires are valid and the universe is ready to support you in achieving them.