Live Life Unapologetically

P74: Overcoming Discouragement: Trusting the Universe on Your Manifestation Journey

July 02, 2024 Shannon Kline Episode 74
🔒 P74: Overcoming Discouragement: Trusting the Universe on Your Manifestation Journey
Live Life Unapologetically
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Live Life Unapologetically
P74: Overcoming Discouragement: Trusting the Universe on Your Manifestation Journey
Jul 02, 2024 Episode 74
Shannon Kline

Subscriber-only episode

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Ever found yourself wondering why your manifestation efforts seem to hit a wall? Discover the hidden reasons behind those feelings of discouragement and how they can actually serve as a catalyst for growth. I promise you’ll gain practical insights into acknowledging and accepting these emotions, rather than brushing them aside. By understanding why high expectations can lead to disappointment, you'll learn how to celebrate your progress and stay open to unexpected and miraculous ways your desires can unfold.

Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance with transformative techniques in this episode. We zero in on the detrimental effects of comparing yourself to others and negative self-talk, showing you how to replace these habits with gratitude and positivity. This essential pivot helps you attract the outcomes you desire, turning moments of discouragement into stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. Learn how recognizing small wins and maintaining unwavering belief in your goals can keep you on track.

Wrapping up, we dive into powerful tools and techniques to enhance your manifestation journey. From the mental clarity of meditation, the power of positive affirmations, to the reflective practice of journaling, discover how these habits can keep you aligned with your goals. We discuss the importance of taking inspired actions and the daily practice of gratitude to shift your focus from lack to abundance. Plus, find out why a supportive community can be incredibly beneficial, yet remember, the journey is ultimately your own. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will arm you with the tools to embrace challenges and transform discouragement into triumph.

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Subscriber-only episode

Send Shannon A Message!

Ever found yourself wondering why your manifestation efforts seem to hit a wall? Discover the hidden reasons behind those feelings of discouragement and how they can actually serve as a catalyst for growth. I promise you’ll gain practical insights into acknowledging and accepting these emotions, rather than brushing them aside. By understanding why high expectations can lead to disappointment, you'll learn how to celebrate your progress and stay open to unexpected and miraculous ways your desires can unfold.

Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance with transformative techniques in this episode. We zero in on the detrimental effects of comparing yourself to others and negative self-talk, showing you how to replace these habits with gratitude and positivity. This essential pivot helps you attract the outcomes you desire, turning moments of discouragement into stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. Learn how recognizing small wins and maintaining unwavering belief in your goals can keep you on track.

Wrapping up, we dive into powerful tools and techniques to enhance your manifestation journey. From the mental clarity of meditation, the power of positive affirmations, to the reflective practice of journaling, discover how these habits can keep you aligned with your goals. We discuss the importance of taking inspired actions and the daily practice of gratitude to shift your focus from lack to abundance. Plus, find out why a supportive community can be incredibly beneficial, yet remember, the journey is ultimately your own. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will arm you with the tools to embrace challenges and transform discouragement into triumph.

Hey, fierce warriors! If the podcast has added a sprinkle of magic to your life, consider upgrading to an all-access pass. Get in-depth bonus episodes, monthly Q & A and more. Grab your pass here.

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Buy Me A Coffee. Your contribution helps keep the mic rolling, the inspiration flowing, and the magic alive.

Unleash the Power of Emotions to transform your life. Grab the FREE Masterclass Feel to Flourish



Speaker 1:

Discouragement is just a detour. Trust the process and let your dreams unfold. Hello, beautiful souls, I am so excited to have you here today. We are diving into a topic that I know many of you have faced or might be currently facing navigating discouragement through your manifestation journey. Manifestation is a powerful and life-changing practice, but let's be real, it's not always smooth sailing. There are moments when you may feel stuck, frustrated or even defeated. Trust me, I have been there too. That's exactly why I want to address this head-on today.

Speaker 1:

Discouragement is a natural part of life and it's something we all encounter from time to time, especially when we're embarking on new journeys or working to manifest new desires. Here's the good news it doesn't mean you're failing and it certainly doesn't mean you should give up. In today's episode, we're going to explore why discouragement happens, why it's completely normal, and how you can move past it to continue manifesting the abundant life you deserve. We'll talk about the importance of acknowledging your feelings instead of suppressing them, and how shifting your focus to move past discouragement is needed so that you don't get stuck. We'll also dive into the common trap of trying to control the how the universe delivers our desires and why letting go of the how can open up unexpected and wonderful ways for your manifestations to come to life. I'll share some practical tips and habits to help you navigate these challenging moments, because we need to make sure we don't get stuck in the feelings of discouragement. Even though they're natural occurrences, they don't need to become solidified into our life. We will explore what could be feeding the discouragement and how to move past it. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's dive into how you can navigate discouragement on your manifestation journey.

Speaker 1:

First, we have to understand discouragement. This is such an important topic because it's something that every single one of us experiences on our manifestation journey. Let's be honest, it can be really tough to deal with, frustrating and annoying. First, let's break down what discouragement really is. It's that sinking feeling you get when things aren't going as planned, when your dreams and desires seem so far out of reach and when you start to question if all the effort is even worth it. I want you to remember that feeling discouraged is completely normal. That is key. I'm going to say it a whole bunch of times today because I really want that to sink in for you. It doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong and it certainly doesn't mean you're failing at manifestation.

Speaker 1:

Discouragement is simply a part of the human experience. It's a signal from your mind and body that you need to pause and reflect. It's okay to feel this way, and it's important to acknowledge these feelings rather than suppress them. When you try to push away or ignore your feelings of discouragement, they tend to grow stronger and more persistent. It's like trying to hold a beach ball underwater the more you push, the harder it tries to pop back up. So what should you do instead? Start by acknowledging your feelings without judgment. Say to yourself I'm feeling discouraged right now and that's okay. Give yourself permission to feel what you're feeling. This simple act of self-compassion can make a world of difference. It allows you to process and release your emotions rather than letting them fester and grow.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about why discouragement happens in the first place. One of the main reasons is that we often set high expectations of how our manifestation should unfold. We have a clear vision in our minds of what we want and we expect it to happen in a specific way within a specific timeframe. When things don't go according to plan, it's easy to feel disappointment and disheartened. For example, maybe you're manifesting a new job. You've been visualizing it, affirming it and taking inspired action. But weeks go by and you haven't received any job offers. You start to doubt yourself and the process. This is where discouragement creeps in. What if, instead of focusing on the lack of job offers, you shifted your focus to the progress you've made? Maybe you updated your resume, applied for several positions and even had a few interviews? These are all steps in the right direction and they deserved to be celebrated.

Speaker 1:

Another common reason for discouragement is the tendency to compare ourselves to others. In today's world of social media, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparison. You see someone else achieving what you're working towards, and it can make you feel like you're not good enough or that you're falling behind. You may even feel like what you're working towards and it can make you feel like you're not good enough or that you're falling behind. You may even feel like what you desire is meant for them and not for you. Let's not forget about the impact of negative self-talk. When you're constantly criticizing yourself and doubting your worthiness, it's no wonder you feel discouraged. Pay attention to your inner dialogue. Are you being kind and supportive to yourself or are you tearing yourself down? If it's the latter, it's time to make a change, replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations. I'll talk more in detail on comparison and negative self-talk later on in the show. Finally, I want you to remember that discouragement is not a dead end. It's just a detour. It's an opportunity to reflect, reassess and realign. Use it as fuel to keep going, even when things get tough.

Speaker 1:

Understanding discouragement is about recognizing that it's a normal part of the journey. It's about being compassionate with yourself and allowing yourself to feel without judgment. It's about shifting your focus from what's not happening to what is happening and celebrating everything along the way. It's about letting go of comparison and negative self-talk and embracing your unique path with competence and trust. So now that we've talked about understanding discouragement, let's move on to shifting your focus. This is a powerful tool in navigating those tough moments when you feel like nothing is going your way.

Speaker 1:

One of the biggest challenges we face during our manifestation journey is getting stuck in a loop of focusing on what we don't have, what hasn't happened yet. It's so easy to fall into this trap, especially when you've been working hard and not seeing immediate results. When you're focused on what you're lacking, you're sending out a vibration of lack. We know that the universe responds to the energy we put out. If you're constantly thinking about what you don't have, that is exactly what you will continue to attract more lack. Let me interject that this is the moment when people start to try to suppress or ignore feelings of discouragement, because you have the mind to know that you're attracting what you're feeling, you're attracting what you're thinking and if you have any lapse where it's aligned and positive and you're feeling discouraged now, you might feel like you're failing at manifestation or you start to fall into the crap. I'm going to be manifesting more lack because I have this discouraged feeling and you have this inner dialogue going on. It's normal and natural. It's moving past it. Once you get stuck in it, that's when you're solidifying it.

Speaker 1:

A few episodes ago, we talked about belief. If you believe something can happen for you, even if you have a moment of discouragement, the belief is still there. As long as you don't replace the belief that you can have it with the discouraged belief of it's never going to come. You're okay, you're good to go. We get so stressed out when we start to think about oops, if I have a bad thought, then I'm going to have that thought come to me. Oh, I don't want that thought to come to me. Change the thought, change the thought. And then you're trying to force the thought to change and it just stays with you, like that beach ball I talked about earlier is trying to pop back up and it's like this inner tug of war.

Speaker 1:

Having moments that are part of the human experience are not going to completely derail your manifestation journey at all. It's only when you get stuck and stay in that discouragement that then you form a belief about that discouragement. And once that belief is formed and it's solidified, now you're aligned to that belief. If you're feeling discouraged for a moment and let me tell you, a moment can be a couple days, a few weeks as long as you're not changing your belief, you're like I'm just discouraged. Right now your belief isn't changing. You're still moving towards that belief that you can have whatever it is you desire. That's okay. You're not completely aligned with it, but you're also not aligned with the discouragement. I hope that makes sense. So just remember it's okay to feel the feels. Don't suppress them. It doesn't mean I used to think like shit. Now I have to start manifesting all over again Like I used to think that. No, you don't. You get to have normal human experiences. That is okay.

Speaker 1:

So how do you shift your focus so that you don't get stuck in the discouragement but that you can move past it? How do you move on from a state of lack to a state of abundance? It starts with gratitude, and I know it sounds simple and I probably sound like a broken record because I say it so much, but gratitude is one of the most powerful tools you have. When you practice gratitude now, you're focusing on what you have and that shifts your energy to a higher vibration. You start to attract more of the good things that you are grateful for. I'm so grateful. I'm attracting more things to be grateful for.

Speaker 1:

Let's imagine that you're manifesting financial abundance. You've set your intentions. You visualize your bank account growing, but your financial situation hasn't changed yet. It hasn't changed as quickly as you hoped. It's easy to start fixating on the fact that it's not growing the way you want it to, or that bills are coming in and you may have missed opportunities. But this is where gratitude comes in. Instead of focusing on the lack, take a moment to acknowledge what you do have. You have the ability to pay your phone bill. You have the ability to buy groceries. You have the ability to see a movie, whatever it is. Acknowledge it, write those things down. Feel the gratitude in your heart. When you do this, you're telling the universe I appreciate what I have and I'm open to receiving more.

Speaker 1:

I used to practice this. I do this in a different way now, but when I first started really practicing gratitude every single day, I would grab a post-it note and I would jot down I am grateful for blank, because Every single day, as many things as I could think of and I would post it all over the wall. Okay, so this really helped me to focus on that and I felt so good. Better I felt, the less discouraged I was and the more I attracted things. It's okay, we feel discouraged and when I started that, I felt very discouraged. It felt very inauthentic. I was like I'm grateful for being able to pay my water bill. It felt very inauthentic to me at first because I was discouraged, right, and I was like, okay, I'm just gonna write it and see what happens. And the more I started to do it, the more I was like I don't want this to feel inauthentic. What am I really grateful for today? Oh my gosh, I was so grateful to see the beautiful sunrise this morning, like I truly was grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

So throughout the day, instead of waiting until the end of the day, throughout the day, I would make these mental notes of things that made me smile or made me feel good, that really put me in a mode of gratitude. I'd make the mental notes so then, when I write them down in the evening, they really felt great. They really truly felt like gratitude and it had zero to do with what I was trying to manifest. Zero to do with it. If you're trying to manifest financial abundance, you can write down yes, please do acknowledge the abundance you have in finance now, but also show gratitude in other areas of your life so that you can have those good feeling feelings because it's so important. Another powerful way that you shift your focus is by celebrating small wins. We get so caught up in waiting for big manifestations that we overlook the small things that are already here in our lives that we have manifested.

Speaker 1:

A running manifestation that I have with my coach is that I always get front row parking and I never have to wait for a spot. So one day she and I were talking about going to the store and she was saying how I'm all about efficiency, because she's like, no, no, I'll wait for a parking spot to open up. I'm like I'm not going to, I'm going to park wherever and walk, because I can get to the store faster walking from a farther parking spot than if I'm sitting there waiting for somebody. And she's like, absolutely. She said you are about efficiency. I said I am. I said, but you know what? If it's open, I'm going to take it. And then I was like you know what? What if I manifested not having to wait for a parking spot and I get within the first three parking spots every time I go to the store? Well, yes, that was a manifestation. Every time I go to the store I get within the first three parking spots and I don't have to wait for somebody to back out to get in. When I went to Ikea this Saturday, it was extremely busy. There was no parking, yet I still got an upfront spot and every single time I pull into that spot. Anytime I'm going anywhere and I have that parking, I celebrate it.

Speaker 1:

Many times we're so focused on waiting for those big things that we neglect these smaller things, and that feeds the discouragement because it makes you feel like nothing is going the way you want, but it is Acknowledging and celebrating all your manifestation victories, reinforces a positive mindset and staying in alignment with your desires. Now, beautiful souls, it's time to dive into letting go of the how, which is easier said than done. We have all these incredible dreams and desires and we naturally want to know exactly how they're going to come to fruition. Here's the thing the universe has its own timeline and methods and they're often far more magical and unexpected than anything we could plan ourselves. One of the biggest sources of discouragement comes from our need to control the process. We set detailed expectations for how our manifestations should happen and when they should happen. Things then don't go according to our plan and we feel frustrated and defeated. According to our plan, and we feel frustrated and defeated.

Speaker 1:

The key to successful manifestation is to trust Trusting the universe to deliver your desires in the perfect way and timing. You tell the universe the what and let it figure out the how and when. Imagine you're manifesting a romantic relationship. Right, you want to have a partner. You have a clear picture in your mind of your ideal partner and how you want to meet them. You might think I'll meet them at a friend's party, we'll hit it off immediately and start dating within a month. But as time goes on and you don't meet anyone at parties, you start to feel discouraged. You begin to doubt whether it's going to happen at all. Here's where the letting go of the how comes into play. Going to happen at all? Here's where the letting go of the how comes into play. Instead of fixating on a specific scenario, open yourself up to all the possibilities. Maybe you're going to meet your ideal partner at a coffee shop, through a work connection or even online. The universe has infinite ways to bring your desires to you, ways that you may not even be able to imagine. By letting go of your rigid expectations, you allow the universe to surprise you with something even better than you had envisioned.

Speaker 1:

A powerful technique to practice the letting go of the how is to focus on the feeling of your desired outcome rather than the specific details. So, for instance, if you're manifesting a new job, instead of visualizing the exact company or position, focus on how you want to feel at that job. Do you want to feel fulfilled, excited and appreciated? Hold on to those feelings and trust that the universe will bring you an opportunity that aligns with them. So be clear on what you want. Let the universe do the how. How is this going to happen? I don't know how it's going to happen. I just believe it's going to happen. I'm going to put myself out there, I'm going to show up and, however it happens, it happens. That's letting go of the how. You know what you want. You're clear on what you want. You're just going to let the universe bring it to you.

Speaker 1:

Another common reason that we struggle with letting go of the how is fear Fear of the unknown and fear of failure. We think that if we don't control every aspect, things may not work out the way we want. Here's the truth the universe is always working for your highest good. Sometimes the path to your desires involve detours and lessons that you need to learn along the way. Maybe there's some limiting beliefs that come up that you need to address before you can move on to your desire.

Speaker 1:

I talked about that in a couple episodes where I had limiting beliefs about money and once I got to a certain point, I had to let go of some limiting beliefs so that I could actually go where I was trying to go. They were revealed to me once I got there, and that's okay. I dealt with them, I moved on and, bam, desire happened. I just needed to address that. Instead of being discouraged, I just needed to be like okay, where is my resistance? And I needed to be open to that in a nonjudgmental way. Trust that every step, even the ones that feel like setbacks, because, I tell you, trying to deal with that limiting belief kind of felt like a setback because I was like no, no, no, I've released all my financial limiting beliefs and it felt like a setback to know I had another one, but it was okay. Once I was just like it's okay, it's just guiding me towards my ultimate goal. Then I didn't feel discouraged.

Speaker 1:

If you want a practical exercise, a tangible exercise to help you let go of the how, try a surrender box. Write down your desires on a piece of paper and place them in a box or a jar. This symbolizes releasing your control over the outcome and trusting the universe to handle the details. Whenever you start to feel anxious or doubtful, remind yourself that your desires are in the hands of the universe and you've already taken care of the necessary steps. It's important to cultivate a mindset of openness and curiosity Instead of thinking this isn't happening the way I want. Try shifting to. I wonder how the universe will surprise me this time. This simple shift can transform your energy from one of frustration to one of excitement and anticipation. Letting go of the how is about trusting the universe and being open to the infinite possibilities available to you. It's about focusing on the feelings and essence of your desires rather than the specific details. By releasing control and embracing the unknown, you allow the universe to work its magic and bring you to your manifestations in the most perfect and unexpected ways.

Speaker 1:

Now, to make sure you're not self-sabotaging, let's address some habits that feed discouragement. We all have habits. Some serve us well and others not so much when it comes to manifesting. Certain habits can actually feed into the feelings of discouragement and hold us back from achieving our desires. One of the biggest habits that can lead to discouragement is comparison.

Speaker 1:

We live in an age where social media makes it incredibly easy to see the highlight reels of everyone's lives. You scroll through your feed and you see friends getting promotions, buying homes, starting families. It can feel like you're stuck in place while everyone else is moving forward. It's easy to compare your behind the scenes to someone else's highlight reels, but remember, you're only seeing a curated snapshot, not the full picture. Think about the last time you felt a pang of jealousy or inadequacy while scrolling through social media. Maybe you saw someone post about their dream vacation while you were just trying to save up for a weekend getaway. Instead of letting this comparison discourage, you use it as inspiration. Celebrate the success of others and remind yourself that there's enough abundance for everyone. I always tell myself if they can have it and it matches the desire I have, so let's talk about that first. It's not about looking at other people's highlight reels and wanting something just because they have it. If you have a similar desire, then let it encourage you. I always say to myself if they can have it, I can have it too. The universe works for everyone. Your journey is unique and your timing is perfect for you. One practical way to break the habit of comparison is to limit your social media use or follow accounts that inspire and uplift you, instead of those that trigger feelings of inadequacy. It's okay not to look, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

Another habit that feeds discouragement is negative self-talk. Your inner dialogue plays a huge role in how you perceive yourself. If you're constantly telling yourself you're not good enough, smart enough or deserving enough, it is going to be very hard to manifest your desires. This kind of negative self-talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, where you start to believe and act according to those internal statements. So if you're trying to manifest a new job, but every time you apply to a position you think to yourself I'll never get this job. There are so many more qualified candidates. That kind of thinking not only affects your energy, but can also influence your actions, making you less confident in interviews or less proactive in your job search. To counteract negative self-talk, start by practicing positive affirmations. Whenever a negative thought pops in your head, replace it with a positive one Instead of I'll never get this job, try, I have valuable skills and experiences that make me a great candidate.

Speaker 1:

Perfectionism is another habit that can be discouragement. When you set impossibly high standards for yourself and expect everything to be perfect, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Perfectionism often leads to procrastination because the fear of not being perfect can be paralyzing. This can stop you from taking the necessary steps towards your desires, leading to a cycle of inaction and discouragement. Let's say, for instance, you want to start a blog about something that you really are passionate about, but you keep delaying it because you're waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect web design or the perfect first post. The truth is, there's no such thing as perfect, and waiting for everything to be flawless can prevent you from even starting. Instead, embrace the idea of progress over perfection. Take small, imperfect steps towards your desires. Each step forward, no matter how small, is progress. Celebrate the effort and the learning that comes with it.

Speaker 1:

Then there's lack of self-care, which is another significant habit that can feed discouragement. When you're not taking care of your physical, emotional and mental well-being, it's much harder to stay positive and motivated. Self-care isn't just about bubble baths and spa days. It's about ensuring you're getting enough rest, eating nourishing foods, moving your body and taking time to relax and recharge. Self-care is a holistic practice. Imagine that you're working tirelessly right, you're burning the candle at both ends, you're not sleeping well, you're skipping meals and you're constantly stressed. It's only a matter of time before you feel burnt out and discouraged. Prioritizing your self-care by setting aside time each day for activities that nourish you is the antidote. Guys. This could be a morning walk, a few minutes of meditation, reading a good book or spending time with loved ones. When you take care of yourself, you are in a better position to tackle any challenges. So the challenge of discouragement guess what? You can tackle it more when you're taking care of yourself. It helps you to be resilient. It helps you to stop discouragement from coming in. If you're so burnt out, if you're so down, it's real easy for discouragement to creep in. But when you start putting in self-care now, you can start pushing it out.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about the last one I want to cover, which is inauthenticity. Trying to fit into the status quo or doing things that aren't truly who you are is not authentic, and when you're not living in alignment with your authentic self, it's easy to feel frustrated and discouraged. This can happen when you're pursuing things that society expects of you rather than what you truly desire. Society expects of you rather than what you truly desire. Think about a time when you're pursuing something because you thought you should rather than because you wanted to. Maybe you took a job because it seemed prestigious, but it didn't align with your passions or values. It's no surprise that that leads to discouragement. Take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you.

Speaker 1:

We really went in detail about being honest with your manifestations. Right, that was episode 70. Went into detail about being brutally honest with the universe. How the hell does this relate to discouragement? Well, if I'm not being authentic and I ask for something I don't truly desire, I automatically have resistance. Once I have that resistance, even if I'm trying to manifest something I really don't want, but I think I should want, there have resistance. Once I have that resistance, even if I'm trying to manifest something I really don't want but I think I should want, there's resistance. It's not coming. Wow, my manifestation is not coming. Now I feel discouraged. So the inauthenticity led to the resistance, which leads to the discouragement. So make sure that you are aligned with the desires of your heart, being authentic.

Speaker 1:

Overcoming habits that feed discouragement, like comparison, negative self-talk, perfectionism, the lack of self-care and inauthenticity is crucial. By shifting those habits into more supportive practices, you will create a more positive and encouraging environment for your manifestation journey. We've covered a lot of ground so far. I know you're probably like wow, shannon, this is a long episode, absolutely. I told you your premium content was going to go really down deep and in detail. So I am here for it and I'm glad you are here for it too. So we're almost to the end. Now we're going to talk about some practical steps and techniques that can help you navigate and overcome discouragement on your manifestation journey. This is where we're going to get hands-on with tools and practices that we can incorporate daily to keep our vibration high and our mindset positive.

Speaker 1:

First and foremost, it's important to acknowledge your feelings of discouragement. I want you to remember I can't stress this enough it's okay to feel this way. It doesn't make you any less capable or any less worthy of manifesting your desires. So start by giving yourself permission to feel what you're feeling without judgment. Feeling without judgment takes practice, but I just want you to say to yourself I'm not judging myself. I love myself. Oh, I love you. That's what I do. I'm just telling you what I do. When I have feelings of judgment, come in I say oh, shannon, I love you. Oh, shannon, I show you compassion. Shannon, it's okay, we're working on it, and I just talk to myself in the most loving way that I can. There's not one person that never feels discouraged. So take the judgment off yourself that there's something wrong with you or that you failed because you feel discouraged. You have not failed, not in the slightest.

Speaker 1:

Write down what's been bothering you, how it makes you feel and what you're afraid of. Often, just getting the thoughts out of your head and onto paper can really bring a sense of relief and clarity. One of the first and most powerful techniques you can use is visualization. Now remember, visualization is all about creating a vivid mental image of your desire. It's not just about seeing it in your mind's eye, but feeling it in your heart. Let's say you're manifesting a new home. Close your eyes, picture yourself walking through the door. What do you see? How does it smell? What's the atmosphere? Engage all your senses. Maybe you can hear the laughter of your family in the background or feel the warmth of the sun streaming through the windows. The key is to immerse yourself fully in the vision, as if it's happening right now. Doing this regularly helps to align your energy with your desires, making them feel more real and obtainable.

Speaker 1:

Another invaluable technique is meditation. Meditation helps calm the mind, reduce stress and connect you with your inner self. When you're feeling discouraged, your mind can be cluttered with negative thoughts and doubts. Take a few minutes each day to meditate and clear out this mental clutter and bring yourself back to a place of peace and clarity. There are many types of meditation, so find one that works best for you. You may enjoy guided meditations that focus on manifestation, or you might prefer silent meditation, where you simply focus on your breath. Five to ten minutes a day can make a significant difference in your mindset and energy levels with the practice of meditation.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about affirmations. Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself to help you shift your mindset and beliefs. They can counteract negative self-talk and reinforce a positive self-image. Create a list of affirmations that resonate with you and speak to your desires. For example, if you want to manifest more abundance, you might say I'm worthy of all the abundance life has to offer, or I'm open to receiving financial prosperity. Repeat these affirmations daily, especially when you're feeling discouraged. Say them with conviction and believe in their truth. Over time, these affirmations can help you to reprogram your subconscious mind and align you with the energy of your desires.

Speaker 1:

Journaling is another powerful way to navigate discouragement. When you journal, you get to express your thoughts and emotions. That helps you to gain clarity and to reflect on your journey. You can start a manifestation journal where you write down your desires, your progress, your feelings. When you're feeling discouraged, use your journal as a tool to process the emotion. Write down what is bothering you, and why Then? Shift your focus to what you're grateful for and the progress you've made. You can also use your journal to script your future, writing about your desires as if they've already happened.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about the importance of taking inspired action, because manifestation, as we know, is not just about thinking positive, happy thoughts and visualizing your desires, but also taking those actions towards your goals. When you feel inspired to do something, even if it's small, just take the step. Inspired actions are those that feel aligned and exciting, rather than forced or like you're obligated to do it. They move you closer to your desires and keep your momentum going. So you're trying to manifest a new career. Inspired action could be updating your resume, networking with people in your desired field or taking a course to improve your skills. Each step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to your manifestation, and I'm just going to say it again because can I not say it enough?

Speaker 1:

Gratitude is a cornerstone of successful manifestation. We discuss it all the time. It shifts you from lack to abundance. Make a daily gratitude practice, however you want to do this in your day. That feels good to you. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. That's all I'm going to say Gratitude. Now I also want to discuss the power of community, because surrounding yourself with like-minded, positive people can make a huge difference in your manifestation. Join groups, go to workshops, connect with others who are also on the path of self-growth and manifestation. Having a support system can provide encouragement, inspiration and accountability. When you're feeling discouraged, reach out to someone who understands, who can provide a fresh perspective and remind you look, you're not alone. But also that accountability piece. Now let's move forward.

Speaker 1:

I do believe that we have to do everything from within. Okay, I believe that you can't have other people do it for you. There's a big distinction. There's a distinction between a supportive community and wanting people to do it for you. That community provides the accountability for you to keep walking your journey, right, they're not doing it for you.

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Think about, like if you're climbing up the mountain right, I'm climbing up the mountain, I'm really tired, I'm so discouraged I don't think I'm going to get to the top. I'm out of breath. You need to take a moment. You need to take a moment, you need to pause. And then you have a friend come by and your friend's, like you know what I see? That you're out of water and that you need some refreshment. They're going to give you a little refreshment, but you have to keep walking right. Your friend can't move your feet for you, but they can provide you with the water. Or they can say you know, here's a stick I found that you can use to help you walk. They can provide you with that. That's the support. They're not moving your feet for you, they're not going behind you and just pushing you up and you're just there as dead weight. No, but they're your support system. They're the person that says look, babe, you've sat on that rock long enough, you've had some water, you've caught your breath. Get your rock. Long enough, you've had some water, you've caught your breath, get your ass back up. That's support. Sometimes you need people to be like get your ass back up. So when you're feeling discouraged, make sure you have those people around you who can lovingly tell you and inspire you and encourage you, but say get back up, use these practical steps and techniques regularly. It allows you to trust the process and believe in your ability to create the life you dream of.

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Now. I want to take a moment to reflect on everything we've discussed today about navigating discouragement on your journey. It's important to remember that feeling discouraged is a natural part of the process. It does not mean you're failing and it certainly does not mean you should give up. Every great manifestation journey has its ups and its downs. Each challenge you face is an opportunity to grow and to deeper align to your desires. Remember, discouragement is just a detour, not a dead end. It is part of your journey that helps you to become more aligned with your true self, trust in the process, trust in the universe and, more importantly, trust in yourself. You have everything you need within you to manifest the life you dream of. If you have any questions or there's something you wanna share, I'd love to hear from you. You can message me directly in the show description there's a link at the top for easy access or feel free to DM me on social media. Your journey is important to me and I am here to

Navigating Discouragement in Manifestation Journey
Shifting Focus and Gratitude in Manifestation
Overcoming Discouragement and Embracing Self-Care
Empowering Tools for Manifestation Journey
Embracing Challenges in Manifestation Journey