Live Life Unapologetically

74: 3 Underestimated and Powerful Manifestation Habits to Implement Now

July 02, 2024 Shannon Kline Episode 74
74: 3 Underestimated and Powerful Manifestation Habits to Implement Now
Live Life Unapologetically
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Live Life Unapologetically
74: 3 Underestimated and Powerful Manifestation Habits to Implement Now
Jul 02, 2024 Episode 74
Shannon Kline

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Ever wondered how to effortlessly bring your dreams into reality? Today, I’ll reveal three simple yet powerful daily manifestation habits that can transform your life. 

From my personal journey with gratitude and the ingenious hamburger method to the art of creating vivid mental pictures and physical vision boards, I’ll share practical tips and heartfelt stories that will inspire you to start your manifestation journey today.

But that’s not all—this episode also emphasizes the indispensable role of taking action alongside affirmations to manifest abundance effectively. We’ll dive into the importance of maintaining a routine, dedicating time, and embracing failure as part of the process. 

You’ll learn about three essential daily habits that can turn your dreams into reality and receive encouragement to persist through setbacks. Don’t miss this chance to harness the power of manifestation and create the life you’ve always desired. Tune in now and start living unapologetically!

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Send Shannon A Message!

Ever wondered how to effortlessly bring your dreams into reality? Today, I’ll reveal three simple yet powerful daily manifestation habits that can transform your life. 

From my personal journey with gratitude and the ingenious hamburger method to the art of creating vivid mental pictures and physical vision boards, I’ll share practical tips and heartfelt stories that will inspire you to start your manifestation journey today.

But that’s not all—this episode also emphasizes the indispensable role of taking action alongside affirmations to manifest abundance effectively. We’ll dive into the importance of maintaining a routine, dedicating time, and embracing failure as part of the process. 

You’ll learn about three essential daily habits that can turn your dreams into reality and receive encouragement to persist through setbacks. Don’t miss this chance to harness the power of manifestation and create the life you’ve always desired. Tune in now and start living unapologetically!

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Hey, fierce warriors! If the podcast has added a sprinkle of magic to your life, consider upgrading to an all-access pass. Get in-depth bonus episodes, monthly Q & A and more. Grab your pass here.

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Unleash the Power of Emotions to transform your life. Grab the FREE Masterclass Feel to Flourish



Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast, where we dive deep into practical manifesting for everyday women. I'm your host, shannon Kaye, and today we're talking about something super important daily manifestation habits. Have you ever seen other women who seem to effortlessly manifest their desires and wonder how they do it? Well, spoiler alert there is no secret sauce, just simple everyday habits. Yeah, you heard me right Daily manifestation habits are key. Now, if the word habits makes you wince a little, I get it. It sounds like a lot of work, right. But trust me, if you stick with a new habit long enough, you'll forget it's a habit, it just becomes life. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's dive into three easy habits to help you manifest consistently and effortlessly. The first habit is to practice daily gratitude.

Speaker 1:

If you've been around here for a while, you know I talk about gratitude all the time. I'm so obsessed with gratitude I have a charm on one of my necklaces that says gratitude. I'm just obsessed and I'm not talking about some grand over-the-top. I'm grateful for the universe type deal. I mean the simple stuff. Honestly, at first it was hard for me to conceptualize this when I went on the journey, because I was looking for miracles, when I just needed to understand that gratefulness is so much more than that.

Speaker 1:

Practicing daily gratitude is critical for maintaining your positive state of mind. You can't manifest abundance without recognizing the abundance you already have. Here's the good news you don't have to spend hours on it. This is a great habit to start off with if you don't have any manifestation habits, because it is so simple. You only need a few minutes a day to do this. Start by committing to writing down three things you're grateful for every single day, and I'm not talking about I was grateful 10 years ago when such and such happened to me. I'm talking about three things that day, in the present moment, that you're grateful for. Trust me, once you make this a part of your routine, it becomes a regular habit that you're no longer dreading or fear doing. Daily gratitude can improve your mood, increase your emotional resilience and help you to maintain a positive outlook. The key is consistency. Just a few minutes every day. Seriously, it probably takes less than three minutes to ramble off something that you're grateful for. A couple things you're grateful for. It becomes second nature and it profoundly impacts your life.

Speaker 1:

Let me share a little bit about my own journey with gratitude. When I first started, I struggled to find things to be grateful for because my mind was so focused on what was not working in my life that I overlooked the small, beautiful moments. Once I made it to daily practice, that's when I noticed the shift. I started appreciating little things like my morning coffee, a sunny day, a kind word from a friend. These moments began to accumulate. It created a ripple effect of positivity throughout my day and my life.

Speaker 1:

If you're feeling like three things are a stretch, because maybe you feel like my life is falling apart right now, then give yourself grace, and I want you to start to look for at least one thing every single day to be grateful for and then gradually increase the number. The more gratitude you look for, the more you will start to see yourself naturally doing it. When I first started, coming up with three things was actually pretty difficult for me. Now I've been doing this for so long. I think of gratitude all day long. I'm thinking of things I'm grateful for constantly. It's like this swirling gratitude within me at all times. I'm finding gratefulness in everything that I do, and it's just this unconscious habit, because I created it as a habit. A habit is really something that you practice so much. It just becomes an unconscious way of being in your life. If you wanna take this daily manifestation habit to the next level, then try this.

Speaker 1:

Once the three things a day becomes rather simple, start doing what I like to call the hamburger method. That is, when you start and end your day with a gratitude habit. You say three things in the morning when you first wake up and three things right before you go to bed that you're grateful for. Why a hamburger? Well, I want you to think of the morning like the bottom of the bun and the evening like the top. It doesn't really matter what mess comes during the day, as long as you hold it together with gratitude, like a hamburger that might have mustard and pickles falling off your hands. Have a grip on the top and the bottom bun. That is what gratitude can do. If your emotions are all over the place and you feel like it's difficult to feel the actual feeling of gratitude, even if you're saying what you're grateful for, then grab the free Feel to Flourish Masterclass where we dive into all things emotions and how to move from feeling negative to positive so you can really feel the gratitude.

Speaker 1:

As On to habit number two visualizing your intentions daily. I underestimated the power of this one when I first started, but it is a game changer. Visualization helps you to create a mental picture of what you want to achieve, making it more tangible and obtainable. Spend at least five minutes each day picturing your desires as if they're already achieved. You've already manifested them. It's like having a mental vision board. If you're having a hard time getting started, I want you to try these tips. Create a physical vision board. It's like arts and crafts, but with life-changing benefits. Find images that represent your desires and put them somewhere you can see it every day. You can also use guided visualization exercises. There's plenty of resources out there to help you. These exercises can provide structure and guidance, making it easier to focus your mind.

Speaker 1:

Meditate Seriously. Spend a few minutes a day of meditation so you can clear your mind and help yourself focus. It doesn't have to be complicated Just sit quietly, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Let me tell you a story about visualization. When I started my manifestation journey, I created a vision board with images of the life I wanted to manifest. Every morning, I spent a few minutes looking at those images and imagining myself living that life. Over time, those visualizations became more vivid and real. I started noticing opportunities and taking actions that aligned with the vision. It was like my mind was being trained to recognize and seize those opportunities that matched my desires. Mind was being trained to recognize and seize those opportunities that matched my desires. Visualization keeps you focused and motivated, making your manifestation practice so much more effective. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes and let your imagination run wild. Picture every detail of your dream life, how it looks, feels and sounds. The more vivid your visualization, the stronger impact on your subconscious mind. If you're still feeling stuck when it comes to visualization, check out episode 67 of the podcast to dive deeper into the practice Now.

Speaker 1:

Last but definitely not least, habit number three affirm your desires. This one can be tricky, especially if you're used to negative self-talk. I used to doubt my ability to manifest my desires which, let's be honest, really detracted from my energy and my confidence. Affirming your desires reinforces your commitment and alignment with your intentions. Even if you start by affirming one thing a day, it'll start to shift your mindset towards success. Here's how to do it Write your affirmations down. It makes them more concrete. Keep a notebook by your bed and write a few affirmations each morning or evening.

Speaker 1:

Now for me, when I'm on the go, a lot and something comes to me or I really want to repeat it. I use the Post-it app, like Post-it Notes, but there's an app Post-it and I have my affirmations there so I can pull them up whenever I need. Then you're going to want to say them out loud. Hearing your own voice can really be powerful. Stand in front of a mirror and speak your affirmation with confidence. Repeat them regularly, because consistency is key For anything manifestation. Consistency is key. The more you repeat your affirmation, the more they will become ingrained in your subconscious mind. Let me give you an example of this.

Speaker 1:

One of my favorite affirmations is I'm inherently worthy simply because I exist. At first it felt strange to say this out loud, but over time it became a powerful mantra for me. That boosted my confidence and openness to receive all the goodness the universe has to offer. I started believing in my ability to manifest my desires, and that belief translated into actions and results. I am worthy simply because I exist.

Speaker 1:

Now, action is very important when you're doing affirmations. You don't want to just say them and forget them right? You don't want to have empty words. I talk about this a lot, where actions speak louder than words, and simply what I want you to do is to just encompass or embody your affirmation. The example that I like to use for this is if somebody like, if you hurt somebody, if you did somebody wrong, and you say I'm sorry, but you continue the same action that hurt them, then you're not really sorry, right, those are just empty words. It doesn't feel very good. Well, your affirmations can be empty words as well. It is important to repeat them, it's important to hear them, it's important to see yourself do it, but you need to embody it.

Speaker 1:

So when I embody that I am worthy simply because I exist, I embody that in what I say, what I do simply because I exist. I embody that in what I say, what I do, how I show up, in all aspects of my life I am worthy and I remind myself of that so it can become ingrained in me. But I show up in that way. What does it look like, what does it feel like? What is the person I am, knowing that I'm worthy simply because I exist, because there are certain things that I don't do anymore, because I believe I'm worthy simply because I exist. I don't try to seek approval. I don't need anybody's permission. I don't put any kind of condition on receiving anything that the universe wants to bring me. I don't have to do X, y, z to be able to deserve it. I don't do any of that anymore because I embody that affirmation.

Speaker 1:

So action is really important when you're talking about affirmations as well. I have a whole book on that. You can get it. It's linked down in the show description. You can grab it. It's called Action Before Affirmations. It goes through the whole journey of manifestation, but it's really important and I always want to be very clear that I believe in affirmations, but I also believe that we need to embody those affirmations so that they're not hollow promises or empty words that we're telling to ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So there you have it three simple daily habits to help you manifest abundance consistently. So habit number one was gratitude. Habit number two was visualizing your desires daily. Habit number three is affirming your desires. It's all about sticking to routine. Remember it takes time and dedication and, yes, failure is part of the process. So remember, if you get off track at any point, that's normal Don't beat yourself up, just get right back to it. I know that you've got this. If you have any questions or want to share how you are implementing these powerful habits, send me a message and let me know. There is a link in the show description to send me a direct message. You can also DM me on social media. I would love to hear from.

Daily Manifestation Habits for Success
Manifestation Habits for Success