Live Life Unapologetically

P73: Step into the Unknown: Defeating Fear to Manifest

June 25, 2024 Shannon Kline
🔒 P73: Step into the Unknown: Defeating Fear to Manifest
Live Life Unapologetically
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Live Life Unapologetically
P73: Step into the Unknown: Defeating Fear to Manifest
Jun 25, 2024
Shannon Kline

Subscriber-only episode

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Ever wondered why quick-fix manifestation rituals often fail? Discover the truth about sustainable manifestation practices that can truly shift your reality and bring lasting peace, joy, and happiness. I promise you'll learn how to navigate the complexities of manifesting your desires by mastering the unknown. From setting intentions to understanding the journey, I provide insights to help you create new, fulfilling realities.

Join me as I unpack the psychological barriers that can hold you back from achieving your goals. I share personal anecdotes and experiences. Learn how to differentiate between necessity and desire, and how our brain's need for safety can become a barrier to manifesting new opportunities. By embracing the unknown and unlearning limiting beliefs, you'll uncover strategies to overcome fear and doubt.

Embrace the journey of aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions to manifest a life filled with peace, joy, and abundance. This episode is packed with empowering content designed to help you break free from old patterns and create the life you've always dreamed of.

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Subscriber-only episode

Send Shannon A Message!

Ever wondered why quick-fix manifestation rituals often fail? Discover the truth about sustainable manifestation practices that can truly shift your reality and bring lasting peace, joy, and happiness. I promise you'll learn how to navigate the complexities of manifesting your desires by mastering the unknown. From setting intentions to understanding the journey, I provide insights to help you create new, fulfilling realities.

Join me as I unpack the psychological barriers that can hold you back from achieving your goals. I share personal anecdotes and experiences. Learn how to differentiate between necessity and desire, and how our brain's need for safety can become a barrier to manifesting new opportunities. By embracing the unknown and unlearning limiting beliefs, you'll uncover strategies to overcome fear and doubt.

Embrace the journey of aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions to manifest a life filled with peace, joy, and abundance. This episode is packed with empowering content designed to help you break free from old patterns and create the life you've always dreamed of.

Hey, fierce warriors! If the podcast has added a sprinkle of magic to your life, consider upgrading to an all-access pass. Get in-depth bonus episodes, monthly Q & A and more. Grab your pass here.

Don't forget to join the Live Life Unapologetically Community

Want to support the podcast? You can
Buy Me A Coffee. Your contribution helps keep the mic rolling, the inspiration flowing, and the magic alive.

Unleash the Power of Emotions to transform your life. Grab the FREE Masterclass Feel to Flourish



Speaker 1:

Embrace the unknown, for it's the gateway to manifesting the life you truly desire. Hey there, beautiful souls, welcome to the first All Access Pass episode on how to manifest your dream life. Today, we are diving headfirst into the unknown, the place you're trying to go. When you set any new intention of something you want to manifest and attract into your life, you are seeking the unknown. If you were currently experiencing it, you wouldn't be looking to attract it. Setting forth the desire is the easy part. It's everything that comes after which is going to take your self-awareness, being consistent and understanding so you can navigate it effectively. The great thing is, once you understand the process, go through it a few times and get to the unknown. Then doing it again and again is a piece of cake.

Speaker 1:

I just got done watching a video of someone on social media, a manifesting coach, saying if you need 10K, do this ritual and you're going to have it in 48 hours. Then she went on to talk about how, if you're watching, you might think that you're destined to be broke or not live a good life. But just do what she's telling you to do for the next 48 hours and you can have 10K. But you need to save her video to come back later anytime that you need money again. Honestly, that's when I left the video and I didn't finish. I am certain that anyone that watched that and did whatever she said to do could manifest 10K if they believed enough in what she said. I'm also certain that the people she was addressing would have to come back over and over again because they wouldn't have sustainable finances. Why? Because those quick rituals are just a band-aid on a severed leg. It is not going to do much, guys. That shit won't bring you lasting results. You are going to live in the same reality If you're into getting something as a one-time thing and then going back to the reality that you're currently in more power to you. But around here we work on life-changing manifestation practices that allow you to truly shift your reality. That brings me to today's topic of the unknown, the adventure of the life that you are seeking. When you can truly understand the unknown, how your current self is going to try to play tug of war with you and stop you from getting there, then you can win by pulling the rope to the new side you are seeking, and then you can change your reality and truly step into doing, being and having anything you desire and truly step into doing, being and having anything you desire. If you're ready to manifest your desires and truly change your life, then grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's get into it, because you deserve to have a life that brings you peace, joy and happiness each day.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about the unknown in relation to manifesting. The textbook definition is not known or familiar, an unknown person or thing, that which is probably unknown, and an unknown quantity or variable. I know you're probably saying, shannon, I'm not an idiot, I know what unknown means and I know you do, but I just want to focus your brain for a second and really hone in on what the unknown is In essence. When you're telling the universe that you want a certain desire, you are asking for something that is not known to you, or I love the mathematical part of the definition you are asking for an unknown quantity or variable emphasis on the word variable. Many times we are seeking an unknown variable of what we want, what we see others might have, or some type of lived experience that we believe we want to bring into our life. Yet you aren't truly sure of the complete ins and outs of your request. Here's an example of one I'm working on right now.

Speaker 1:

I have always bought cars that worked for my family life or fit a particular need at one time or another From a van to tote around all my kids when they were young, to Joe's dream car as a birthday gift for him, to a small gas-efficient car for commuting During this time. I never got a car. That was everything I wanted. Of course, we always financed our cars, begrudged having to make those monthly payments on them because, duh, they depreciate in value and we're paying interest. We've always paid off our vehicles. We have never done a trade-in. We just pay them off and drive them until there's a need to get another car.

Speaker 1:

I have come to a place where I do not need a new car. I want a new car. There is a very specific car I want, for no other reason than that is the car I want. I want the car and I want to pay for it cash or obtain it in some way that does not include car payments, because I don't like making car payments. I don't want to trade in either of the cars that are sitting in my driveway, I just want the car I want.

Speaker 1:

Is this an unknown, a different reality, absolutely. While I know how to get a new car, there is an unknown variable that I have thrown in with this request, which is that I want it just because, without a payment, most of our requests have a variable unknown. I think this is where it gets harder to manifest, versus working with complete unknowns. This is because my old self is going to try to make it work the way it has always worked before, instead of allowing for me to do it in a different way. This all goes back to how we are biologically created. We touched on this in episode 71 about belief.

Speaker 1:

Our brains store information to keep us safe. Anything unknown is not safe because your brain can't guarantee that whatever action, place thing that you want in your life is going to be a safe option. It just doesn't know. It is important to honor that part of yourself. The more you begin to honor that, the less you fight against it, which just delays manifestation.

Speaker 1:

Life is simply more complex than it was millions of years ago, but the rigidness of the system in our biology hasn't evolved that much. We need it. Without it, we could see a burning forest, think the color of the flames are beautiful and walk right into it, to our detriment. We could climb a tree and think sure, let me see if I can jump 10 feet, that seems fun. I know these are extreme examples, but that is what our brain is keeping us from doing. It hampers the impulses that would cause us bodily harm. Some of these impulses are innate, like when we hear a strange noise, but most of them are taught to us by our loving caregivers when they tell us not to go near the hot stove. We learn how to have impulse control over things in our environment and we teach it to the rest of the human race to keep our species from going extinct.

Speaker 1:

In our modern world we are faced with so many things that feel unsafe, that are not relevant to our survival. We just find they're known, we know what to expect and we're programmed to go with the expected to make sure we have the safety, security and stability. There is nothing our brains love more than stability, because that feels safe. Yet in the world of manifesting, that safety net that the brain always launches is what stops you from attracting your desires. That is the barrier between you and what you want. That safety net that the brain always launches is what stops you from attracting your desires. That is the barrier between you and what you want. That safety net is woven with fear to get you into doubt, to reconsider and to run away from anything new. This is not a healthy fear. This is not a healthy fear. This is the fear that will stop your dreams mid-flight and have you crashing down to life as you know it, which isn't what you're going for.

Speaker 1:

Let me elaborate on why I think a variable unknown is worse than a true unknown. In all things, when we are learning, we start somewhere. We seek out knowledge from a source that will get us where we're trying to go. If you are seeking a new profession because the one you had straight out of college isn't aligned with your passion and purpose, then you're going to seek information on how to pursue your new life from a place of complete openness, without any perceived programming to hold you back Blank slate. That is the true unknown. It is easier to learn something initially, with a bit less resistance and often more excitement. But what if you're working in a career field that is your passion and purpose, but you want to make a change, maybe go to a new company within that field or move to a different position within that field. Well, that's going to be the variable part of unknown. You may have preconceived notions about what it takes to move up or around. You may think that only those that overwork to the bone have a chance, in this instance, to be promoted, because that's the climate you're used to in the profession. So not only do you have to fight your way through the fear net of your brain about the unknown of the new position or place, but you also have to fight through the limiting beliefs that you already have stored in your mind about this whole situation. You have to unlearn old things that don't serve you and learn new things that do all at the same time.

Speaker 1:

Let's go back to the car thing. For me, I'm working through the limitations that the only way to get a new car is to finance it and the only cash cars are ones that are used and old. I have to get through that wall and also learn what it means to walk into a dealership and get a price with cash to negotiate right. It's a different way to negotiate than paying for it with financing. It's a two-step process.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to manifesting something that has a variable of an unknown, I was taught one way. The brain said, yep, this is safe. And now it's going to keep trying to get me to do it the way it knows how to do it. It does this by telling all the things that could go wrong in the unknown. Things like, if you buy a car with cash, what happens if there's an emergency but you just spent all this money on a big purchase? You better just finance it and hold back extra just in case. Even if I have an emergency fund, like my brain is telling me, you can never have too much of an emergency fund, so don't use too much at one time. Always store more than you need.

Speaker 1:

My brain's also telling me that you know what, shannon. You may not have full out cash for this exact car you want, but you can get something similar. You've had cars that weren't exactly what you wanted before, but you still liked them and they worked for you. Your mind is going to start to question you and breed fear to keep you in the known. This example of what I'm going through with my car is how your mind will start to question you and breed fear to keep you in the known. But you are a badass that's trying to create a completely new reality and once you can recognize the mechanics of what your brain is doing, you can navigate it. You can continue to align your thoughts, emotions and actions to the unknown that you want, rather than the known that is keeping you in the same spot.

Speaker 1:

If you're ready to stop playing games with your brain, then let's start to make a shift. The first thing is to be aware of your fear as a barrier between you and the life you desire. When you feel scared, then, baby, you are on to something. That means you are challenging old beliefs that don't serve you. Remember, your reality is simply a mirror of your beliefs. Your brain holds these beliefs to keep you safe, even if they don't serve you.

Speaker 1:

The safety of the known is more important to your brain than how what you're doing actually benefits you or doesn't benefit you. That is why you see people with all the talent in the world at jobs that make them miserable and unfulfilled. It is safer to stay in the stability than to take the risk on something new that might not work out. You know what that is the program your brain is used to, because that is what we're taught. We are fundamentally taught not to take risk, and our brain lovingly agrees because it is safer.

Speaker 1:

That way Fear can be subtle y'all. It isn't always glaring. Fear can look as sweet as well. That promotion would be nice, but I know my current job and I'm good at it, so I can do without the promotion. Besides, trying to learn a new position at my age is a lot of work. I don't want to do that. No, that is fear in disguise. You won't have to learn a ton because you are already fully capable of stepping into that promotion and rocking it from day one. Fear is just being fear.

Speaker 1:

So whether fear is subtle or glaring and screaming at you, the first step is to recognize it. It can show up in the form of self-doubt, indecisiveness, comparison, negative self-talk or perfectionism. Once you have become acquainted with the telltale signs of your fear, the next step is to embrace it. Give it a big old hug, y'all. I talk to my fear. I say thank you, fear, for trying to protect me, but we're going where it's safe. I know you can't see it yet, but I promise it's going to be okay. The other side is so much better for us. I appreciate you for what you're trying to do, but I'm going to do it anyway. I know that if you are here, that means we're on the verge of breaking through to something new. I am so glad you showed up to let me know to keep going new. I am so glad you showed up to let me know to keep going. Now, this little pep talk isn't all it takes, but it helps me to address limiting beliefs and to show up despite my fear. The more I do it, the easier it is. The more I embrace it, the quicker my limiting beliefs are revealed, so I can deal with them and move on to the greatness.

Speaker 1:

At first, this took me forever. Plus, I also had a friend that would always get in my ass, but I don't need that anymore. Y'all want to know a secret. I started my business four different times. This is cycle five. My fear indicator was perfectionism. I would do all the things start the website, promote brand, shoots, the works, everything would be ready to go go and I would call my friend and I would be like fuck this, I don't want to do this, I quit. She would be like what do you mean? You just did everything and now you're just going to stop. I would then go back to the drawing board and start all over again the second time I did this, she's like why are you always doing this? The third time, she's like no, you're not going to do this again. So I played along and I just restarted a little bit later. The fourth time I went a bit further but ultimately shrunk back again. However, this fifth go-round, I haven't and won't stop. I will push past fear. Now it is easy, but when I tell you in the beginning, I would literally have crying meltdowns, crying like a baby.

Speaker 1:

Just like your fear is a learned skill, so is your ability to face it and move forward. You do have the ability to learn and unlearn. Once you embrace the process and understand it, keep moving forward and then it becomes easier. So now, with things like the car I want, I can easily shift my thoughts, emotions and actions to stay in alignment with what I want to manifest. Each area of life is going to be different because we have more limits in some areas than others, but the process is the same. That just means you're going to get really good at cutting through the net of fear and walking into the unknown in some areas faster You're going to learn to apply these principles to other areas of your life, the more confident you become in forging ahead.

Speaker 1:

Fear is nothing more than a limiting belief being revealed, so that you can face it, release it and allow the universe to deliver. Once you cut the net of fear, all the things that you want to manifest will flow to you. It's time for you to start forging ahead so fear can reveal itself and you can walk confidently into the unknown. Your affirmation is I embrace fear as a guide on my path to greatness, showing me that I am on the verge of manifesting all I desire. Let's say that together again I embrace fear as a guide on my path to greatness, showing me that I am on the verge of manifesting all I desire.

Speaker 1:

Let's dive into powerful questions to face fear head on. Grab a journal and get ready for some deep introspection. These questions are designed to uncover the root of your fear and help you to navigate getting into the unknown. Number one what is the one thing you truly desire but fear to pursue? Take a moment to think about the one thing you want the most but haven't pursued because of fear. Write it down. This could be a dream job, a relationship, a personal goal, anything that feels out of reach. Number two why do you want this desire? Reflect on why this particular desire is important to you. What will it bring to your life? How will it change your current reality? Write down all the positive impacts it would have on your life.

Speaker 1:

Number three what is the fear holding you back? Identify the specific fears that stop you from allowing the universe to truly bring forth what you are trying to manifest. Is it fear of failure, rejection or judgment? Be honest with yourself and write down each fear. Number four how is this fear keeping you safe? Understand how these fears are trying to protect you. Remember fear stems from a place of wanting to keep you safe and secure. What are the underlying messages your fear is sending? Acknowledge them.

Speaker 1:

Number five what are you sacrificing by not pursuing this desire? Consider what you might be giving up by allowing fear to dictate your actions. What opportunities, experiences and personal growth are you missing out on? How does staying in your comfort zone impact your overall happiness and fulfillment? Write down the ways in which settling for less affects your life. Number six how would your life change if you overcame this fear? Visualize your life if you were to overcome this fear and pursue your desire. What would be different? How would you feel? What new opportunities and experiences would open up for you. Paint a vivid picture of this new reality.

Speaker 1:

Number seven what is the first step you can take to face this fear? Identify a small, manageable step you can take to confront this fear. It doesn't have to be a grand action, just something that moves you closer to your desire. Write it down and commit to doing it this week. Number eight who can support you on this journey? Think about who in your life can offer support, encouragement and accountability as you face this fear. Reach out to them and share your goal and the steps you're taking. Having someone in your corner can make a big difference. You can send me a direct message straight from the top of the show description. Just click the link where it says send Shannon a message. I'm here to support you if you need that support. So, beautiful souls. That is a wrap for today.

Speaker 1:

We've delved deep into the unknown and explored how fear, while a natural response, doesn't have to hold you back. Remember, manifesting your desires means stepping into the unknown and challenging those fear-based beliefs that try to keep you in the safe and familiar. I'm currently re-watching Outlander. In the show, a woman named Claire touches a damn stone and moves through time. This week. I need you to be Claire. Walk right up to that stone that is buzzing with possibilities, put your hands on it and fall into the unknown. Thank you for joining me today on this first All Access Pass episode. Don't forget to share with friends. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes and remember you are capable of manifesting a life filled with peace, joy and abundance.

Mastering Manifestation
Navigating the Unknown Variables of Manifestation
Breaking Through Fear to Manifestation
Embracing the Unknown for Manifestation