Live Life Unapologetically

73 Overcome 4 Abundance Mindset Misconceptions That Sabotage Manifestation

June 25, 2024 Shannon Kline Episode 73
73 Overcome 4 Abundance Mindset Misconceptions That Sabotage Manifestation
Live Life Unapologetically
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Live Life Unapologetically
73 Overcome 4 Abundance Mindset Misconceptions That Sabotage Manifestation
Jun 25, 2024 Episode 73
Shannon Kline

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Does the idea of abundance immediately make you think of money? What if I told you that abundance encompasses so much more than financial wealth? 

In this episode, we bust the myths surrounding the abundance mindset holding you back from living your dream life. We'll unravel the misconception that abundance is just about money by diving into the richness of love, health, joy, and creativity. 

Get ready to discover that abundance isn’t exclusive to a select few but is available to everyone willing to shift their mindset and take action. We'll also challenge the excuse of not having enough time for your goals, helping you realize the power of your daily choices. We'll debunk the notion that being abundant means being selfish, and instead, highlight how feeling abundant can positively impact those around you. 

Experience the richness of life from your heart and soul, and learn transformative exercises to help you recognize the abundance already present in your life. Tune in to shift your perspective and watch your life flourish!

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Send Shannon A Message!

Does the idea of abundance immediately make you think of money? What if I told you that abundance encompasses so much more than financial wealth? 

In this episode, we bust the myths surrounding the abundance mindset holding you back from living your dream life. We'll unravel the misconception that abundance is just about money by diving into the richness of love, health, joy, and creativity. 

Get ready to discover that abundance isn’t exclusive to a select few but is available to everyone willing to shift their mindset and take action. We'll also challenge the excuse of not having enough time for your goals, helping you realize the power of your daily choices. We'll debunk the notion that being abundant means being selfish, and instead, highlight how feeling abundant can positively impact those around you. 

Experience the richness of life from your heart and soul, and learn transformative exercises to help you recognize the abundance already present in your life. Tune in to shift your perspective and watch your life flourish!

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Hey, fierce warriors! If the podcast has added a sprinkle of magic to your life, consider upgrading to an all-access pass. Get in-depth bonus episodes, monthly Q & A and more. Grab your pass here.

Don't forget to join the Live Life Unapologetically Community

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Buy Me A Coffee. Your contribution helps keep the mic rolling, the inspiration flowing, and the magic alive.

Unleash the Power of Emotions to transform your life. Grab the FREE Masterclass Feel to Flourish



Speaker 1:

Hey there, beautiful souls, and welcome back to another empowering episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I'm your host, shannon Kaye, here to sprinkle a little bit of magic into your life. Today, we are diving into something juicy four misconceptions about the abundance mindset that might be holding you back from living your dream life. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let's get into it, because there's a whole lot of information out there about manifesting abundance. It's no wonder so many of us feel defeated, even if we think we're doing everything quote-unquote right. Here's the tea Abundance is so much more than just money. So let's break down the misconceptions that are surrounding abundance and turn them into your superpower.

Speaker 1:

First up, the big one is abundance is all about money. If you ever thought I just need more money to be happy, you're not alone. Many of us have been there, counting every penny and thinking that financial wealth is the ultimate key to happiness. True abundance includes love, health, joy, creativity and, yes, financial prosperity too. Imagine how full your life would be if you cherished all these aspects equally, if you cultivated everything you desired in each of these areas. How your life would be. I want you to picture this. So you have a hefty bank account, but you're lonely, stressed and creatively stifled Not very abundant right Now. Imagine a life where your relationships are thriving, your health is glowing, you're bursting with joy and your creative juices are flowing alongside financial stability. That's real abundance. To flip the script, start by challenging the belief that money is the only key to happiness. Ask yourself why you think this way. Society loves to measure success in dollars, but we're here to measure it in smiles, hugs and belly laughs, too. Start recognizing and valuing the non-financial aspects of your life that contribute to your overall sense of abundance. Here's a little exercise for you Make a list of all the things in your life that bring you joy and fulfillment that aren't related to money. It could just be spending time with loved ones, engaging in a hobby or just enjoying a beautiful sunset. Reflect on this list whenever you find yourself fixating on financial concerns.

Speaker 1:

Next, we're going to go into the belief that abundance is reserved for a select few. You know the special people with all the luck. Spoiler alert abundance is available to everybody. Yes, even you, if you're listening in your PJs right now. This belief often stems from seeing those picture-perfect Instagram lives and thinking that they've got some secret sauce. And guess what the secret sauce isn't so secret. It's a mindset ingredient. We tend to idolize people who seem to have it all, thinking they possess some unique quality that we lack. But abundance isn't about luck or special talents. It's about mindset and actions. Challenge this belief by reorganizing your own successes, no matter how small. Start by manifesting joy or creativity in your life and then build from there. It's all about celebrating the small wins and realizing they accumulate into something much larger. This is the manifesting snowball effect, but way more fun and a lot less cold. Y'all know how I feel about the cold.

Speaker 1:

Remember, abundance is a mindset that anyone can cultivate. It's not about the cards you were dealt, but how you play them. In life. We have a choice. We get to choose.

Speaker 1:

I know it's hard sometimes because a lot of times I've been there. I get it where your 3D circumstances are just pushing on you. There's so much pressure, there's so much going on and you feel like you can't breathe. But there's a choice in there that you get to make, and sometimes we make a good choice. Sometimes we make a not so good choice, but we can learn and keep moving forward. How are we gonna play our hand? Focus on expanding your perspective and embracing the abundance that's already present in your life.

Speaker 1:

Here's something you can try for this misconception. Each night, before you go to bed, I want you to think about one thing that you achieved that day, no matter how minor it is. Maybe you took 10 minutes for yourself, for self-care, instead of being busy and available to everybody and being burnt out and overwhelmed. You said you know what I'm going to give myself this 10 minutes. Maybe you needed more than that 10 minutes, but you know what you gave it to yourself when you haven't given it to yourself in years. That is an achievement. Over time, you'll start to see a pattern of success and growth that will reinforce your belief in your ability to manifest.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the classic one oh, I don't have time. We're all busy bees buzzing around with a million things on our to-do list, but saying you don't have time is really saying it's not a priority. I know it's harsh, but it's true. Once again, I've been there, done that before too. If you want to manifest abundance, you have to make it a priority. I remember when I was working 70 plus hours a week and doing all the things with my kids and I thought to myself if I just had more time. Surely I could meditate and exercise and do all the things. Yes, I am going to be more active. That was a big one. If I had more time, I would be more active. Well, I ended up getting the more time that I was trying to manifest. I manifested the time, but once I had manifested the time, I still wasn't active. Because it was an excuse. It was a choice. I used time. I don't have time to be active, but when I did have the time I wasn't active either.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we need to take responsibility and say you know what, I am making an excuse and I'm going to make this a priority. One thing I didn't have a problem with making a priority was when I wanted that more time, when I wanted to manifest it. I was carving out five minutes a day, then 10 minutes a day, then 20 minutes a day and eventually I had all day. I do what I want all day, every day. Whatever Shannon wants to do, that's what Shannon gets to do. My time is my own. Now I have manifested and grown it that way. But I didn't make an excuse because I knew that was such a priority. Time was a priority, being active not so much I was making excuses. So when I say, look harsh, but true, it's okay to sit down and be real with yourself and be honest with yourself. We talked about honesty a couple episodes back. Just be honest Like dude, I'm just making an excuse, but now I'm going to make it a priority. Be honest, like dude, I'm just making an excuse, but now I'm going to make it a priority. And here's how. Here's how to get there.

Speaker 1:

Set a daily mini routine. Spend a few minutes each morning establishing a routine that sets the tone for your day. It does not have to be elaborate stretch, meditate, journal, whatever floats your boat Throughout the day. Take moments to breathe and refocus. It's about giving yourself those tiny breaks to rest and maintain a positive mindset At night. Jot down three things you're grateful for. This practice shifts your focus to the positive aspects of your life, reinforcing the feeling of living abundantly. These small steps create big changes. It is planting seeds. Each small action is a seed that will grow and flourish into the garden of abundance if you nurture it consistently.

Speaker 1:

Consistency is key. So I don't want to hear I don't have time excuses from you. I love you, but I don't want to hear that anymore. I want you to make a daily practice that works for you. And remember I told you when I first started I was like I'm going to manifest time. I was sick of my time always being spoken for and I didn't have a say in what happened with my time. I wanted to say what happened with my day, each day.

Speaker 1:

But it didn't start out by me having all of the time in the world. I had to make a choice and I had to be consistent, and I was consistent with my five minutes. Y'all when I say I was working from the time I woke up until I went to bed and squeezing family things in the middle, that was my life, seven days a week. There was no time until I decided there was going to be time. I made that choice. So I was consistent with that five minutes. Nothing else changed, everything was the same. But I was like I'm consistent with this five minutes. And then it was seven, and then it was 10, and I grew it in increments. Then, all of a sudden, it just exploded. It went from 30 minutes to an hour, to all the time in the world, because I was nurturing that seed consistently.

Speaker 1:

And so when you're thinking about abundance in your life, in the areas of your life that you want it to be in. What abundance practices can you put into place? Even if you're only giving it five minutes a day? What can you do? And gratitude saying, saying three things you're grateful for every night. Y'all that takes less than two minutes. If you do that every night consistently, watch your abundance grow.

Speaker 1:

Here's a practical tip for those of us who are always on the go, like I was when I first started use your smartphone to set reminders for those small moments of mindfulness or gratitude throughout the day to help hold yourself accountable. Accountability makes such a difference and if you don't have a person that you can be accountable with, be accountable with yourself. We have great technology. All you need to do is set a timer on your phone to remind yourself and let that alarm go off and tell yourself I am going to commit to this, I'm not going to break this commitment and I'm going to take this three minutes or five minutes or 10 minutes or whatever time fits for you. Technology can really be an ally in helping us establish and stick to new routines that we want to develop in our life.

Speaker 1:

And, last but not least, there is a belief that you need to be selfish to be abundant. Many of us think that focusing on our own abundance means that we have to neglect others. Here's the truth. The better you feel, the better you are for those around you. It's the classic put on your own oxygen mask first scenario. I want you to think about it. When you're drained, stressed, running on empty, how effective are you at helping others, at being there for others? Not very right. When you're full of energy and joy and positivity, you have so much more to give.

Speaker 1:

Setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing self-care is not selfish, it's essential. I know we've grown up in a society that says put yourself last, that to be a good person you must put others before yourself, that you're arrogant, conceited or self-absorbed if you put yourself first. It's all about balance. Take care of you so that you can give to those you love, to the passion projects you want to do, help those you want to help. But you're showing up as the best you, not the rundown version of you. It ensures that you have the energy and the resources to support yourself and those around you. As you put self-care into practice. Recognize the ripple effect. Your positive energy will inspire and uplift others. When you thrive, everyone around you benefits, embrace self-care and understand that it's a crucial part of living abundantly.

Speaker 1:

Let's do a quick mental exercise. Imagine a day where you've set boundaries, taken the time for self-care and feel genuinely happy. Now think about your interactions with others. What would they be like on that day, compared to a day when you're stressed and exhausted? I really want you to go through and think about it and look at it from both perspectives. Maybe you can even recall a time where this happened recently. There's a big difference, right.

Speaker 1:

So now let's talk about how these misconceptions impact manifesting. Manifestation is all about aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions with your desires. When you're bogged down by limiting beliefs, you're out of alignment. You're essentially blocking the flow of abundance in your life. By transforming these misconceptions into empowering beliefs, you open yourself up to receive all forms of abundance. You start to see the opportunities where you once saw obstacles. Your energy shifts from scarcity to abundance. This shift makes manifestation work. It's not just about thinking positively. It's about believing deeply and taking inspired action that aligns with your new empowering beliefs. Here's the big picture. Manifestation isn't magic. It's mindset. It's about constantly aligning your thoughts, feelings and actions with the abundance you want to create. When you do this, the universe responds in kind, bringing your desires into reality. Clear out the limiting beliefs and misconceptions, replace them with empowering ones and watch your life transform.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to take the four misconceptions we talked about today, which are limiting beliefs, and we're going to adjust to them. Let's look at the first one. This is the limiting belief Abundance is all about money. The empowering belief is abundance includes love, health, joy, creativity and financial prosperity. The second one, the limiting belief abundance is reserved for a select few.

Speaker 1:

Shifting to the empowering belief abundance is available to everyone, including me. The third one I don't have time to focus on abundance. The empowering belief is I can prioritize abundance with small daily actions. And the fourth and last one you need to be selfish to be abundant. Let's shift that to an empowering belief of the better I feel, the better I am for those around me. Remember abundance isn't just about the money in your bank account. It's about the richness in your heart and soul. Transform these misconceptions into empowering beliefs and watch your life bloom. Before we wrap up today, don't forget to download the free Feel to Flourish Masterclass to kickstart your journey to emotional awareness and holistic abundance. For those that want to dive deeper into manifestation, check out the all-access pass to the premium podcast. You'll get extended episodes with more insights and advanced strategies, monthly Q&A sessions where I answer your burning questions, and exclusive first dibs on special discounts and new offerings. It's a fantastic way to get more personalized guidance and support on your manifestation journey.

Manifesting Abundance Mindset Myths
Expanding Abundance Beyond Money